Editing Registry Values


Creating new registry values

You can create new keys by selecting the key under which you want to create a new key and then select New key from the Edit menu. Alternatively, you can select the registry key in the tree or in the view and choose Create subkey from the popup menu that will appear when you right click. Also, using the button on the toolbar can be used for this purpose.

Deleting registry values

To delete a registry key or value, select the item you want to delete and select Delete from the main menu or from the popup menu that appears when you right click on the key.
Note that when deleting keys, all subkeys and values under the key will also be deleted.

Renaming registry values

Select the item you want to be renamed and choose Rename from the Edit menu or the popup menu. You will be prompted for a new name.

Properties for registry values

Resplendent Registrar allows you to view registry keys and values in detail. Select the item for which you would like to see the property page, and choose Properties from the Edit menu or the popup menu.

Refer to Key Properties or Editing registry values for more details.

Customizing the display

The View option from the main menu offers several options to visually customize the program. You can choose whether the registry tree should be displayed, hide and make visible any of  the toolbars, choose between large and small icons, and details  to be displayed in the registry view (on the right).

Even many more options can be found in the Advanced Options dialog.