Visual Options


Resplendent Registrar allows you to customize the visual appearance of the registry editing windows. To open the Visual Options dialog, choose Tools -> Options...  from the main menu and select Visuals.


options.jpg (16772 bytes)


Display abbreviated rootkey names  
This option will make rootkeys appear as abbreviations (HKLM, HKCU, HKLM, HKU etc.) rather than their full names. Note that when typing a registry pathname, abbreviated rootkeys will always be accepted throughout the program regardless of this setting.

Display default values that are not set 
Setting this option will make appear the default value in each registry key, even if it is not set.

Display registry keys in view
Enabling this option will make appear registry keys in the righter pane as well as values. This may be very convenient since file folders are also displayed like this in Windows Explorer. However it makes the program operate slightly slower, especially when operating on keys with many subkeys like HKEY_CLASSES_ROOT.

Pressing this button will make appear the font selection box which will allow you to select a font that will be used in all views throughout the program.

Select items automatically 
makes registry keys, values and other items in the views automatically become selected when you move the cursor over them.

Underline items when moving cursor over them (hottrack style) 
makes registry keys, values and other items become underlined (but not selected) when you move the cursor over them. This is called hot track style.

Show grid lines in view
will make appear thin gridlines to divide all rows into columns. These will only become visible when small icons are being displayed.