Piano Roll Menu This feature is available only in FruityLoops Edition and Producer Edition.

This menu provides many important functions for working with the Piano Roll, such as copying and pasting notes, converting color groups etc.

1. File

2. Edit

3. Tools

4. View

5. Zoom

Contains a submenu with a set of quick zooming levels: Far ( 1); Medium ( 2); Close ( 3); Best Fit ( 4); On Selection ( 5);

On Selection zooms the time line to fit the selection (the command will be disabled if no time region is selected in the timeline).

6. Chord

Shows a manu with predefined chord types. Select a chord and draw chords in the Piano Roll. Select None ( Shift+N) to draw single notes again.

7. Auto Locate Channel

When selected, the Piano Roll will automatically display the first non-empty channel when switching between patterns.

8. AutoSmooth

When checked, the drawn automation events are automatically interpolated upon mouse button release.

9. Center ( Backspace)

Scrolls the grid so the playing position marker appears in the middle. Useful when you want to see the playing position in a long sequence.