Piano Roll Arpeggiator
The Piano Roll Arpeggiator tool allows you to apply arpeggio effect to your scores based on fully customizable arpeggio scores and a set of additional options. Unlike the the arpeggiator available in the Time Channel Settings, this is not a real-time effect, however it allows much higher level of customization and control over the results.
- Pattern (Browse) - Allows you to load an FL Studio Score files (*.FSC) file to be used as arpeggiatro pattern. See guides for creating such scores below.
- Pattern - You will see the following options. Normal: uses the pattern as defined; Flip vertical: reverses the order of the notes in the pattern; Alternate: alternates between normal and flipped mode with each repetition.
- Time Multiplication - Stretches the time of the pattern score by integer amounts (1x, 2x, 3x, 4x slower when turned right and 1x, 2x, 4x, 8x faster when turned left).
- Range- The pattern range in octaves. This will basically switch the pattern to a higher octave on each repetition until the range allows. Then the cycle repeats.
- Range Pattern - The combo box on right of the Range property sets the octaves order similar to the Pattern property, however it applies for entire octaves.
- Sync - Lets you select what kind of event is considered the end of the loop in the loaded pattern. Time: this selection will disable repetitions; Block: end of loop is considered the time all notes are turned off; Chord: end of loop is considered the time when one of the notes from the chord turns off;
- Gate - Shortens the length of the arpeggiated notes by the specified amount to create a gating effect.
- Levels - Allows you to mix the per-note levels (pan, volume, pitch etc.) of the current score with those of the loaded pattern turn to right to mix more of the levels in the pattern).
Guides for making Arpeggiator patterns
The Apeggiator pattern are regular Piano Roll scores, however they are interpreted in a special way to fit the purposes of the Arpeggiator tool.
- The notes in the pattern are considered relative to the note being arpeggiated. C5 means the arpeggiated note, C#5 is the note above it etc.
- A note that covers the whole pattern is considered a "sustained note" - a note that won't be arpeggiated and left intact.
- A yellow note is ignored, it can be used to define the length of the pattern, which is useful to fine-tune the length of looped patterns.
- Purple notes are not affected by the octaves range set in the dialog. This is useful for providing some more complex behaviour in your patterns.