Shortcut Panel

The Shortcut panel provides shortcuts for some frequently used commands.

  1. Save Project As ( Ctrl+Shift+S) - Acts like Save As command in File menu.
  2. Open Project ( Ctrl+O) - Acts like Open command in File menu.
  3. Save Project ( Ctrl+S) - Acts like Save command in File menu.
  4. Export to Wave File ( Ctrl+R) - Acts like Export Wave command in File menu.
  5. Playlist ( F5) - Shows/hides the Playlist window.
  6. Step Sequencer ( F6) - Shows/hides the Step Sequencer window.
  7. Piano Roll ( F7) - Shows/hides the Piano Roll window.
  8. Browser ( F8) - Shows/hides the Browser window.
  9. Mixer Window ( F9) - Shows/hides the Mixer window.