File Menu
The File menu contains commands for managing files:
- New - Starts a new empty project using the
last selected drumkit as a start point. You will be prompted to save changes
to the currently opened project, if any.
- Open (
Ctrl+O) - Opens an existing project. The
Open File dialog in FL Studio is enhanced with a Favorites
- Templates - Contains a submenu with channel
presets you can use for quick start of a new project. You will be prompted
to save changes to the currently opened project, if any.
- Save (
Ctrl+S) - Updates your current project by
overwriting its last saved copy on disk. For a list of available save formats,
go to File Formats pages. If the current project
was never saved before, this command works like Save
- Save As (
Shift+Ctrl+S) - Lets you save your current
project under different name and/or format. For a list of available formats,
go to File Formats pages. The Save File dialog
in FL Studio is enhanced with a Favorites section.
- Save New Version - Saves the current project in a file with unique name (so it won't overwrite any existing file). For example, if you have a project called MyProj, this command saves a file MyProj_2, next time it will be MyProj_3 etc. Useful for quickly saving variations of the project without overwriting the original file.
- Import - Loads files that are not in FL Studio
native projects. For a complete list of file types you can import into FL Studio,
go to Open/Import File Formats pages. The
Import File dialog in FL Studio is enhanced with a Favorites
- Export - Converts the current project to various
file formats. For a complete list of file types you can export to, go to File
Formats pages. The Export File dialog in FL Studio is enhanced with
a Favorites section.
- Export / Project Data - Saves copies of all
samples, TS404 shapes and SimSynth/DrumSynth presets and other plugin data you use in the current
project into a single folder of your choice.
- Export / Project Bones - Use this command
as a shortcut to export all generator/effects settings as presets (*.FST
files) and score/automation data as score files (*.FSC
files) used in the current project. This is useful feature when you want to
merge features from one project into another. Also, a *.NFO file will be created
in the folder you selected to store the preset/score data, that is used by
the Browser.
- Exit - Closes FL Studio. You will be prompted
to save changes to your current project, if any.
- History List (
Alt+ 1-8) - Appears as a list of 8 most recently
opened projects at the bottom of the File menu, with the most recent one at
the top.