On occasion, you may want to insert a viseme or replace a group of visemes. The majority of the time, inserting would not be needed if you have successfully recognized your voice clip (refer to the Generating Visemes). However, if you are proficient and experienced with these techniques, you may insert your own visemes.
Click and then drag anywhere within the rows. The area will be highlighted.
Note: Unlike the previous Editing Visemes section, you would not have to select the entire viseme and may replace partial visemes. If the selected area includes partial visemes, the Edit Selected Viseme selection in the menu will not be available for selection.
There are a few methods here for inserting. One is to access the Visemes tab in the Accessories window by clicking on the tab and dragging a specific viseme into the selected area and releasing. The cursor will transform into a mouth when it is dragged into this area.
You may also right click in the selected viseme area and a menu will appear.
Choose Insert Viseme... to insert or replace existing visemes. You may also choose the Delete or Remove commands. If you choose the Insert command, a dialog box will appear for viseme selection.
Modify the intensity if you wish and click OK after selecting.
You may also go through the menu HAP > Insert > Viseme. Click OK after selecting.