Opera comes with a built-in news client, with the essential functionality needed to read and post articles in news groups.
Before you start, make sure you have the Internet address of a news server you can connect to. Ask your Internet Service Provider or System Administrator.
If you want to participate in the Opera newsgroups, you can use the Opera news server, news://news.opera.no.
With an open news window, click to show all news groups on the news server.
News groups are organized hierarchally. Click on folder to show all news groups that start with the name next to the folder.
To narrow down the list of displayed news groups, type text in the input field.
Click on the icon next to a news group to subscribe to the news group (a checkmark will appear on the icon). Click again to cancel the subscription.
To show your subscribed news groups, click again. To show show all news groups again, click once more.
To navigate and select in the list of news groups, press Q and A on the keyboard.
Click to mark all articles in the selected group as read.
Click on a news group to open a new window with the latest articles.
Click an article in the list of articles to read it.
To partipate in a discussion of a topic, you can post a follow-up article to the article. You can also reply directly to the author of an article by e-mail, or forward interesting articles by e-mail to other people.
From the View menu, you can...
Click in a news window to compose an article to post in a news group.
Tip: It is generally recommended to read a few articles in a news group before you post articles yourself, so that you may absorb any possibles rules or etiquette that applies for that group.
Learn more about the News menu
Learn more about news preferences
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