News preferences

Setting up a default news server

You can specify a default news server for news windows opened by selecting New under News on the main menu.

Tip: If you use multiple news servers, you can create bookmarks for them in the Hotlist. A news server address is an Internet address just like a Web page address.

You can set an upper threshold for how many articles should be downloaded to your computer when you enter a news group. Lower this value if you have a slow connection.

If the news server requires a username and password, please indicate the news server as secure.

Using multiple windows

You can select, when you later click on a news groups in the list of news groups, whether the list of articles should...

  1. Open in the same window
  2. Reuse a second window
  3. Open in consecutive new windows for every group you click

You can make the same three choices for what should happen when you click articles in a news group.

How to display the list of articles

You can choose how the initial list of articles in a news group is sorted.

You can "thread" articles, that is, group articles on the same subject together.

You can an also decide whether to initially show the whole hierarchy of articles in a thread, or just the first article.