L02P02.htmTEXT€>®öÅû®ÞÿÅ Level 2 Page 2

What's so special about this site!

Not only has this site's structure been created automatically using the ARexx programming language but the script being used is able to rebuild the site (taking into account any current menu and page content changes) automatically. As it does this indexes are prepared showing both subject headings in alphabetical order and in order of the date on which a page was last changed!

The flexibility that this provides means of course that I am able to, and frequently WILL, change both site contents and overall menu structure. Don't let this worry you though because finding your way around via the menus will never be difficult. Who knows - it could even make the site more interesting since you'll never know quite what you're gonna find!

BUT there's a snag. In the main I'm primarily interested in technical things (coding and so on) so you ain't ever gonna find boobs (not that I've got anything against them of course), conventional humour, a desire to please, an insatiable desire to create brilliant graphics pages, or anything else that modern day 'Webbers' revel in. What you might get however, for the little it's worth, is some insight into issues that, for any number of reasons, I choose to take an interest in.

If incidentally you want a quick run down on available topics - go back to the main index page and use the direct subject index!

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