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Welcome To Paul Overaa's ARexx Site

Amongst other things, the site provides a (hopefully) novel example of how ARexx, the Amiga's equivalent of the REXX programming language, can be used to automate the development and maintenance of a Web site. Much of the site is therefore likely to be of interest only to Amiga users. That said the general ideas may be of interest to coders on other platforms . Please don't waste time here however if you do not at least fall into one of the above categories!

BE WARNED - this site is new and, in several areas, still in preparation. To avoid wasting time on dead end trails please do NOT follow subsequent menu options that either contain references in the form..."INSERT LINK TEXT TO PAGE LxPy.htm", or where the page itself explicitly indicates that there will be no further content at lower levels. Thanks for your cooperation in this matter!

By the way... if you are looking for fancy displays then forget it. Such things may come later but this is essentially just a testing and information site. What's more, despite all the current Web hype on graphics, pictures still slow things down for many users. This being so I've simply chosen to play down the graphics side of things and concentrate purely on site structure issues - so enjoy or leave!

Page last updated