Renzo Piano
Projects in Progress
Rehabilitation of the Fiat Lingotto factories, Turin, Italy
Sports Complex, Ravenna, Italy
Rehabilitation of Palladio's Basilica and town hall, Vincenza, Italy
Rehabilitation of the old Fair Quarter, Lyon, France
Development of a tourist resort, Sistiana, Italy
Kansai international airport, Osaka, Japan
Commercial and Office center, Lecco, Italy
Main Quarter Harbour Authorities, Genoa, Italy
Bridge, Ushibuka, Japan
New Church for Padre Pio, Foggia, Italy
Cultural Center Jean Marie Tjibaou, Noumea, New Caledonia
Rehabilitation of the old Renault district, Boulogne, Billancourt, France
Cy Twombly Pavilion, Houston, USA
Brancusi Atelier, Paris, France
Museum Beyeler, Basel, Switzerland
Banca Popolare di Lodi- Head quarters, Lodi, Italy
Potsdamer Platz area, Berlin, Germany
Museum of Science and Technology, Amsterdam, the Netherlands
Mercedes Benz Design Center, Stuttgart, Germany
Renault Factories Rehabilitation lle SÄguin, Paris, France
Margherita Theater rehabilitation, Bari, Italy
Railway Stations "FS" in Turin, Venice, Mestre, Bari, Italy
Urban Rehabilitation, Venice, Italy
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