Renzo Piano


He has lectured at the Architectural Association, London; at the MusÄe d'Art DÄco, Paris; at the Milan Triennale. In 1982 at the INARCH, Rome the Tre-Oci Venice; in 1983 at the Palazzo dei Congressi, Bologna; in 1984 the Rice University, Houston; in 1985 the MIT, Boston; in 1986 the University of New South Wales, Sydney, The Palladio's Basilica, Vincenza; in 1987 at ILAUD, Siena, the INDESEM, Delft; in 1988 Delphi Research Institute, Tokyo; in 1989 at RIBA, London and UCLA, Los Angeles; in 1990 in Tokyo and in 1991 in Pomona, Turin, and Ravenna; in 1992 in Tokyo and in New York at Columbia University; in 1993 in Basel; in December '93 at the Escuela de Arquitettura of Madrid.

Publications: Books

  • M. Dini: Renzo Piano, Progetti e architetture 1964 -1983 Electa 1983
  • M. Dini: Renzo Piano, Projects and buildings 1964 -1983 Arch. Press. 1983
  • M. Dini & Renzo Piano, Projets et architectures 1964 -1983 E. Moniteur 1983
  • G. Donin: Renzo Piano, Pezzo per pezzo Casa del Libro 1982
  • R. Piano: Chantier ouvert au public Arthaud 1985
  • R. Piano: Dialoghi di Cantiere Laterza 1986
  • R. Piano: Progetti e Architetture 1984 -1986 Electa 1986
  • R. Piano: Editions du Centre Pompidou 1987
  • R. Piano: A+U Special Issue Marzo 1989
  • R. Piano: Rizoli International 1989
  • R. Piano: Process Architecture ní 100, 1992
  • C. Gerbato M. Mastropietro: Exhibit &Design Lybra Ed. 1992
  • P. Buchanan: Renzo Piano Building Workshop Phaidon Press 1993

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