Scary School Stories
(7 mysteries)
Reporters: Nana Fukuchi and Kaori Inoue
Click here for Nana and Kaori's article.

üúWho will try playing this organ!?
Everyone, what's the first thing that comes to your mind when we mention summer? The beach, swimming pools, and festivals are some of the things but in Japan summer is also the time for scary stories. In this report we investigated some of the scary stories about our own elementary school.

The Seven Mysteries of Miyagi Education College Affiliated Elementary School
éP.Even when the blackboard of the 1st grade 2nd class is cleaned thoroughly, without anyone noticing, blood starts dripping from the middle of the board.
éQ.At night a blood covered girl has been seen playing the organ in the 1st grade 4th class's room.
éR.The number of stairs of a certain staircase is different when you climb and when you go down.
éS.At night the little urinating boy statue on top of the water fountain turns around and faces south.
éT.Footsteps can be heard in the 5th grader's hallway but no one is there.
éU. When you call Hanako's name in the third toilet of the 3rd grader's bathroom she answers "Yes?" but Hanako is nowhere to be seen.

Now for the seventh mystery! On second thought we shouldn't mention the last one because anyone who knows about it will be cursed!
Finally a word of caution to everyone. If you talk about these supernatural happenings with your friends you must never do it during twilight hours. The reason is the ghosts will hear it and you will be carried away to the world of the dead. As long as you do not break this rule then it can be a lot of fun. How about gathering scary stories from your own school?

üúTo those of you who told us about
the seven mysteries, let's meet in
front of that blackboard.
Wow! It's all pretty scary. I wonder what the seventh mystery is?? Wouldn't you like to find out? Scary things are always happening in schools. If there are scary stories about your own school let us know.

Send your comments, impressions, questions, or scary stories about your school by e-mail to:

"Ghost Story" by Yagumo Koizumi
This is the title of a book with a collection of scary stories such as "The Story of Hoichi-A Man Without Ears" and "The Long Necked Monster." It is also appears in collections of literary works. Yagumo Koizumi is the Japanese name of Lafcadio Hearn who was born in Greece but spent much of his life in Japan.

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