The Sendai Kids Journal, which began in June,
has been introducing news from around the Tohoku area
of Japan. These stories have been covered by elementary
school students living in Miyagi prefecture who were
chosen as our special correspondents.
In this edition we are publishing the mid-year compilation.
Our thanks go out to our special correspondents
who traveled throughout the Tohoku area with their
cameras and gathered all kinds of interesting information.
We hope you enjoy reading their articles and learning
about the experiences of Japanese elementary school students.


This page introduces the
elementary school student
reporters who wrote
the articles for
the Sendai Kids Journal.


This page contains unique news
gathered from the Tohoku area.

If you had 1,000yen...
If you had 1,000yen what
could you do? What could
you buy? What could you make?
Read about how our reporters
challenged themselves with 1,000yen.

Everyone's favorite top 3!!

Favorite snacks, CD's, and countries
everyone wanted to visit most.
All kinds of items were polled
in questionnaires.
What were everyone╒s top 3?