Exciting Experience Report Series
"If You Had 1,000 Yen What Would You Buy!?"
Build the Most Powerful Mini 4-Wheel Drive!
The reporter who took up this challenge was Atsushi Saito.
Click here to see Atsushi's article.
This what Atsushi bought!!
üÜHigh speed gear300 yen
üÜStyling mesh100 yen
üÜLight weight high-mount roller200 yen
üÜHyper-dash motor280 yen
Altogether only 880 yen

t was really difficult to pick the parts with a budget of 1,000 yen.
(The photograph is Atsushi's pride and joy "Black Saber")
Mini 4 Wheel-Drive Power Up Report

With a budget of 1,000 yen I decided to modify the "Black Saber" I bought the other day. In order to make it a faster mini 4-wheel drive I thought about three key points and tried it out.
üÜMake the body weight lighter Cut out unnecessary body parts by using a precision pin vice and nippers. Apply a black styling mesh to make it look cool.
üÜMake the unresponsive front roller better Try replacing the stock roller with a light weight high mount roller
üÜChoosing an engine I really wanted to use the ultra-dash motor but, because of the budget, I decided to use the hyper-dash motor with a high speed gear attachment.

It's still not the power vehicle that I really wanted to build but I learned that in a course with lots of curves the front roller and engine are equally important components.
Atsushi was convinced that lots of effort and ideas were necessary to rebuild a mini 4-wheel drive. It's a great feeling when the ideas you thought up makes it run faster. If you have information about powering up your mini 4-wheel drive send it by e-mail.

Send your comments, impressions, questions, or mini 4-wheel drive tips by e-mail to:snd002@tth.expo96.ad.jp

Mini 4-Wheel Drive
The mini 4-wheel drive craze is booming in Japan. The secret to its popularity lies in the fact that you can build your own special machine with parts you choose and buy. There are even national competitions going on right now.

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