Yoshiharu Sekino

Born in Tokyo

Descended the full length of the Amazon River as the Leader of a Hitotsubashi University Amazon Basin Exploration Expedition.

During that journey, Mr. Sekino learned the need of the jungle tribes for medical care, and he decided to become a doctor. In the next 24 years, he visited this region 31 times, for a cumulative total of more than 10 years, hiking extensively in the Central Andes, the Amazon headwaters region, Patagonia, the Atacama Plateau, the Guiana Plateau and the Rio Orinoco region.

Graduated from the (undergraduate) Law Department of Hitotsubashi University Law School

Graduated from Yokohama City University Medical School

During his medical studies, Mr. Sekino explored much of South America, particularly the central Andes, the tributaries of the Amazon, Patagonia, and the highlands of Guyana. In exploring the Amazon tributaries, he found traces of the lost French expedtion. He lead an expedition to investigate Inca ruins discovered by NASA satellite photography. His expedition into the highlands of Guyana was reported by Asahi TV's News Station, and attracted worldwide attention.

Photographic Volumes (in Japanese only)
"The Guiana Plateau" Kodansha
"Q'ERO, the far away Inca village" Asahi Shimbun Sha
"The Amazon Headwaters, Inca Valleys and unkown streams" Nihon Television
"The Orinoco" Kodansha

Books (in Japanese only)
"A Lazy Trip into Prehistory" Yama ato Keikoku Sha
"The Vanished Inca" Rippu Shobo
"Robinson Crusoe's Survival Techniques" Yama to Keikoku Sha
"My Amazon; 13 Years with the Machigenga Family" Yama to Keikoku Sha

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