t is said that human life began some 4 million years ago in East Africa. Hundreds of thousands of years ago, mankind made the leap from Africa to Asia. From there, the human community spread across the Bering Straits land bridge all the way to the southern tip of the Americas, in Patagonia. All this happened some ten thousand years before Columbus. A march of some 50,000 kilometers, from East Africa to Patagonia. Not until man can emigrate to another planet will a greater journey be undertaken.
1992 marked the 500 year anniversary of Columbus' landing in America. But man had discovered the Americas long, long before, and rich cultures such as those of the Aztecs and the Incas had flourished for centuries. Just what was the nature of the journey that brought these people, these mongoloids from Asia to the "New World"?
A native of the tropics, man made his way through the frozen north to an unpopulated land. The journey far outweighs that of Columbus' in grandeur and importance. In honor of this accomplishment, we have decided to retrace the route of man, starting in Patagonia, traveling north through the Americas, across the Bering Straits, through the Eurasian continent and finally to the birthplace of man 50,000 kilometers away in Africa. We will make the great journey as our ancestors did, on foot, and along the way we will seek to capture the essence of human culture.
Yoshiharu Sekino
About the major pages:
Homepage This is the main entrance to the Great Journey, which contains easy navigational links to the rest of the site.
About GREAT JOURNEY This icon leads to a page explaining why Sekino started the "GREAT JOURNEY". Sekino This icon links to a page allowing the users to get to know Sekino and to have a conversation with him. The design shows the latest location of Sekino. Pictures will be changed at least once a month. Travel Log from Mr. Sekino's staff, Matsuo
The Sekino icon also gives a comprehensive overview of the project by linking to the journal entries by Matsuo. The journal gives a day-by-day account of their travels in images and text. The Americas The powerful writing and pictures from Sekino himself, about the areas he visited. These pages will give you specific academic and anthropological information, with comments by Professer Lutkenhaus. They will also show the places where Sekino visited via three dimensional graphics, utilizing the latest technologies VRML and QTVR. Human Map This page portrays the spread of mankind from the beginning to present times using pictures, illustrations, music, and text. Game A quiz game where you will answer questions about the human race.
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