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![]() ![]() 10.30 Kilnam Chon Report on International Executive Committee Meeting(95.10.26) The International Executive Committee Meeting was held in Seoul on 1995.10.26 with the following participants; Carl Malamud, International Secretariat(Secretary General) Rob Blokzijl, Netherland Toru Takahashi, Japan(for Jun Murai) Kilnam Chon, Korea We discussed on the following; 1. Updates 2. Event Schedule 3. Organizational Issues 4. Public Relations 5. Technical Issues 6. Resources for Events 7. Meeting Schedule 1. Updates See the appendix for the current participation countries. We may be getting as many as 60 countries if we work hard. Japan just had the general meeting, and the output documents including the brochure were distributed. 2. Event Schedule See the appendix for the events scheduled for 1996. 3. Organizational Issues See the appendix for the organization chart. We discussed on funding, in particular on the international secretariat support. We need between 1.5 and 3.0 million dollars for one year. US is supporting between 0.5 and 1 million dollars. Japan, Netherland and Korea are expected to support 200,000 dollars. Japan donates one million dollars or more on equipment, so is USA. We may ask other countries to contribute, too. See the appendix for the international secretariat staffing. 4. Public Relations A book on the internet exposition will be made at the end of year. The book is customizable for the limited edition for the official organizing members. Instructional materials are being prepared to be available next January. They are for how to teach the internet exposition, and how to build a pavilion A brochure is availble from Japan, and the headquarter is working on, too. In addition, the headquarter is working on T-shirt. We discussed on the logo, and the logo made in Japan is available for world-wide use. Rob and Carl will look into another logo in Amsterdam. If we don't hear from them, we will use Japanese logo. Carl and Rob is also looking into the design elements(like icons) to build parks and pavilion. 5. Technical Issues There are two committees to address technical issues; Internet Railroad(not-rr@?) Central Park(?) The Internet Railroad will be up between Japan(KDD at Tokyo) and USA(MCI at MAE-East). It would be extended to Korea in west and UK and Germany in east. Malaysia and Taiwan as well as Singapore are interested in joining the railroad. Bay Network is supporting the routers for the railroad. Japan plans to install satellites for the railroad extention; JCSAT1 for domestic and JCSAT2 for overseas railroads. Regarding Central Park, Brian is the contact point for the coordination. See the appendix for the locations of the central park. The contents for the park would be as follows; Tables and Directories Graphics and image files(CGI) Softwares Mirroring/cashing The headquarter is looking into a DNS scheme which allows http://park.org to locate the nearest central park. 6. Resources for Events The headquarter has various equipment for the event multicasting. Carl recommended the following as the basic equipment set; Sparc 20 with 17" screen, 64 MB RAM or more, and 4-8 GB fast disk (or small SGI) Mixing Board(prefer Mackie 1202) Stereo Microphone with long XLR cables Video Camera with S-Video(not RCA) Digital cameras are available in Japan as follows; Canon($5000), Casio($500), and Nikon($20,000) Sony is coming up with the tracking video camera, and plans to donate several hundred cameras. 7. Meeting Schedule Future meeting schedule is as follows; 95.12.3 Dallas International Coordination Meeting 96.1.22-24 Singapore APNG Meetings 96.1.29-31 Amsterdam RIPE Meeting 96.4.1-3 Las Vegas ? 96.6.25-28 INET ? 96.12 Washington, DC Internet Town Hall Meeting Appendix A: Participating Countries and Regions Armenia Australia Brazil Canada China Ecuador France Georgia Germany India Ireland Japan Kazakstan Korea Netherlands New Zealand Peru Russia Singapore Sweden Thailand United Kingdom United States Appendix B: Event List Appendix C: Organization Chart
Organization Chart of Internet World Exposition
International International Advisory ---- International Executive Committee ---- Secretariat Board | | | | Technical Committees Regional Railroad(not-rr) Coordination Central Park Committees Appendix D: Mailing Lists fair-event@park.org - To register a new pavilion, send mail to fair-site@park.org - To register a public viewing site, send mail to fair-discuss mailing list fair-discuss-owner@park.org - If one have administrative questions specific to the fair-discuss mailing list Majordomo@park.org. - For general questions regarding the lists maintained on this server <Fair Administration> fairmaster@park.org - Internet Multicasting Service acting as secretariat park-commission@park.org -An international Internet Park Commission, consisting of representatives from various national and international groups involved in the fair park-press@park.org - The Park Press Committee consists of representatives of corporate sponsors. The IMS staff liason for this activity is Luther Brown. park-noc@park.org - The Park Network Operations Center consists of technical personnel who are spending a significant amount of time working on the project. park-labs@park.org - Park Labs will be a coordinating group for researchers spending a significant amount of time working on fair databases. Appendix E: International Secretariat(Internet Multicasting Service) Carl Malamud Secretariat General Marty (music, web, event) Luther Brown (TV, interview, PR) Philip (event, image,..) Brad Chief Engineer(part time) Monica Secretary Chris SSTS employeee(part time) Appendix F: Central Park Washington, D.C. 250-300 GB Amsterdam 250 GB London 250 GB Japan 1000 GB Seoul 500 GB U of North Carolina Moscow (more)