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Re: Proposition...
- To: pemon@club-internet.fr
- Subject: Re: Proposition...
- From: "Carl Malamud [IMS]" <carl@radio.com>
- Date: Sun, 3 Dec 1995 20:04:22 -0500 (EST)
- Cc: webmaster@town.hall.org
- In-Reply-To: <199512032225.RAA10942@town.hall.org> from "uid no body" at Dec 3, 95 05:25:36 pm
- Organization: Internet Multicasting Service
Hi -
How putting the weekly on-line as part of our world's fair?
Http://park.org/ has more details and we'd be very happy to
make this a pavilion.
Carl Malamud
According to uid no body:
> pemon@club-internet.fr (Pemon) sent the following
> comment about http://town.hall.org/index.html:
> ------------------------------------------------------------
> J can help your coop, if I understand what can I do. (Explanation if
> possible in french...)
> I live in France. I'm journalist aind novelist.
> With a friend, we found a weekly sold by and for homeless people in Paris.
> Rodolphe (Pemon)
> Phone : (1) 42 22 44 18
> ------------------------------------------------------------
> Server protocol: HTTP/1.0
> Remote host: pt48.club-internet.fr
> Remote IP address:
> User Agent: Mozilla/1.12(Macintosh; I; 68K)

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