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While surfing on the net, I noticed your impressive set of homepages and interesting links. I'm planning to visit this magnificent country during the spring/early summer 1998. Until then I will keep a close eye on these pages. many regards, E.Goergens MR. E.M.E. Goergens (EdGoergens@GWW.NL)
Good event! Eiji KUREHA (kureha@x.age.or.jp)
Nice web page. Mark L. Howe (mhowe@unlgrad1.unl.edu)
Good exhibit. Wish there were more access to e-mail in Taipei Kathleen Leitgeb, Director UAF Elderhostel (fyelder@Aurora.Alaska.edu)
It's nice to see that Pakistan is working on the new technology. shami khokhar (shami.khokhar@mci.com)
This is not only a wonderful, useful page or site, it is a whole new concept and an old one: orientation, and making the cyberworld as like as possible to the known human space
Esto no es solo una pagina maravillosa, sino un nuevo concepto que revaloriza uno "viejo": orientacion y hacer al cyberespacio lo mas semejante posible al ya conocido entorno humano.
Orel (http://www.davila@bellsouth.net)
the web page is beautifully designed, haven't seen anything that talks about chinese culture as good as this before.
Keep up the good work. Vema Ho (ho18@server.uwindsor.ca)
"If Masses of unstoppable querries multiplied by more growing questions, then the answer must be ... INTERNET, for more answers to answers! Rick B. Santos (vulcan@skyinet.net)
One of the most interesting sites I have found on the
Internet in a long time. Excellent work. Asagiri Kendai (kendai@geocities.com)
I am studying Nepal for a project for class and came across your site in teh process. Great site, keep it up!!! R. Bryan Ellison (relliso@linfield.edu) ? (?)
$B%F%9%HCf$G$9!*(J Micheal Jordan (ugusu@singnet.com.sg)
Julia, Sveta, Lyudmila, Alexandra, Sergey and more ... Anton, Hung
It's nice to know that there are other McGrath's on the net!!! Stephanie McGrath (irish@ipa.net)
I Think this expo is great. If you want to contribute to another
exposition, visit the diary. It is an exposition of thoughts, personal
events, ideas and movements. You can take part in any language,
there are no limits. You will get a free homepage and you can tell
us how it should look like, if you don't send us a html-file.
See you
Christiane cyber diary (jukuwe@t-online.de)
I found this WEB site while looking for info on PERU.
I was selected to travel there as a student of Franklin College, Indiana.
Our group arrives in Peru January 18, 1997.
This WEB site is a great idea, but I could not contact
the Peru host. Perhaps, it needs some help.
Speaking of help. If anyone wants to help sponsor this
exploration trip, please e-mail me at:
or write to 384 North Madison Avenue, Greenwood, Indiana 46142
I anticipate co-writing a travel essay/book about the trip. Sponsors
will be listed.
THANK YOU! Sonya Baker-Hallett (sos@indy.net)
Greetings from the Netherlands.
Please, visit our homepage! Michiel Steendam (m.e.steendam@st.hanze.nl)
I am glad to see this page. makiko
Russian Submarines Cheryl Wistrom (cherylw@saintjoe.edu)
I am going to visit Nepal in January. Any tips? Ewa Graves (etgraves@msn.com)
I am going to visit Nepal in January. Any tips? Ewa Graves (etgraves@msn.com)
Feels like shit emailing to guestbooks, but inspite of that
this site is rather cool. pierre (pieter.vanwambeke.kubrussel.ac.be)
Hola amigos:
Quisiera tener contacto con alguien que este interesado
en aprender espa±ol atraves de e-mail ya que yo estoy muy interesado en aprender portuguΘs.
Me despido esperando tener una pronta respuesta.
Adi≤s amigos.
Carlos Morales Carlos Morales (carmo@hem.passagen.se)
I love Kazakhstan Christine Dittrich (lobsta@clinic.net)
Congratulations Expo Staff.A GREAT year
If you missed it in the ART PAVILION and you LOVE
CONTEMPORARY ART do click on my name and you will be
transported to my Studio in the northwest of Canada.
I REALLY want to hear your comments so please E-Mail
me. Ron George (art@saltspring.com)
Is there anyone from Nepal that wants an E-pal from USA? Angie (atea9254@stu.oru.edu)
I found this site in 'worldwidemart.com/scpripts/' ...
OK?? this guesbook is distributed widely..I feel..
Good Luck to your page..!
Jeong-Wook, Lee (ljwook@daidun.kaist.ac.kr)
Greetings to all from CA. Great site!!! Sal Rodas (satoru007@aol.com)
Very good job. Congratulations !!!!!!!!!! Bernardo Larrea (Bernardo@kyncyb.com)
Una pagina muy interesante , realmente de lo mejor en la web !Felicitaciones! Gustavo Chourio (gustavoe@telcel.net.ve)
I am a brand new to internet. Please send me E-Mail.
Akiko Ikeda (Miss) (fwhn0354@mb.infoweb.or.jp)
Everything is good. ¼x╢╟─_ (is85088@cis.nctu.edu.tw)
How can a great county like Republic Of China need │¿│╜Ñx?
the people's ropublic of china .........???┤d½s Japanese (japan@japan.com)
Republic Of China will always be in Taiwan,you know,
the most caddish man. ª@▓ú─╥ (chuna@.xxxx)
I really enjoyed your site. I am a screenwriter who
has always been fascinated by the world's fairs of
the 19th century. I recently won the award for Best
Screenplay from the Austin Heart of Film Festival
for my original screenplay about the Chicago
Columbian Exposition: "The Columbian Expedition"
I am delighted that you are informing people about
these wonderful events in human history. Thanks!
Robert Bundy (seguraguest@chicago.avenew.com)
Interesting web-site Robert Kalinowski (robert_kalinowski@msn.com)
Fantastic page! If you like to register to win a Gateway 2000
computer, drop by my site! Liesl Adams (xstacy@usa.net)
I enjoyed such a great trip to Taiwan during the summer of
1995. My homepage contains some of my favourite pictures
taken during that trip.
Johnny Shen (jshen@ee.ubc.ca)
Realmente muy bueno.
Good and interesting job María del Carmen Ugarte (carmen@es.ibm.com)
Hello, this is the first time I found this info coz' some of
the computers in my uni don't read Chinese sometimes...Anyway,
it's nice to meet you guys! Crystal C (crystal@biad.demon.co.uk)
Hello, this is the first time I found this info coz' some of
the computers in my uni don't read Chinese sometimes...Anyway,
it's nice to meet you guys! Crystal C (crystal@biad.demon.co.uk)
Sometimes the computers in my university don't always read
Chinese, can you do anything about it? Crystal C (crystal@biad.demon.co.uk )
site is graphic congested. blue text on red backgrould is
a less than good presentation. Eleminate about 60% of the
graphics and a more contapable site should present itself.
The pc time need to change from one icon to another is
wasted time. Edward (ablackburn@worldnet.att.net)
Hi i haven't looked at these pages yet, but i look cool so far.
So keep on and the hardcore alive.
Greetz to Rob Gee and Lennt Dee from New York city hardcore scene Sub_Zero (hakkuh.gabber@xtc.speed.bom)
I,ve always been interested in the worlds fairs of the past.
I like the information you have provided very much. Katheryne Marshall (www.Nashville.orig.)
It's always nice to leave my name on a guestbook and
of course same feeling this time.
By the way, the above home page is my brother's and
it's been open only a week now; it's all Korean but you
might enjoy some picture.
So long~ Wayne Kim (waynek@uvic.ca)
Vage pagina, maar vast wel leuk.
Op verzoek in EN: Pretty vague, but probably cool. Chris Vahl (aecvahl@freemail.nl)
another great web-site.. i'll be back to visit soon! thanks
for the interesting page..
Reggie Keith (rkeith@lausd.k12.ca.us)
WHATZ NEW? Rimi Ho (kupo@pathcom.com)
I am studying Nepal for a project for class and came across your site in teh process. Great site, keep it up!!! R. Bryan Ellison (relliso@linfield.edu)
I like what I see so far! Jerry Richerson (imgkr@aol.com)
It is intresting to see sites all over the world.
I am quite new on internet. Navid Dilmaghanian (turkrad@ibm.net)
Great Idea, I look forward to exploring sites that may assist new site builders. Terry Mullinax (spidey@mail.wsu.edu)