Entries through July 29

To whome this may concern: I would like to be a member and this page seems like it will be easy to learn.

Renee M. Zelickson (reneez@hiwaay.net)
Huntsville, Alabama US
Monday, July 29, 1996 at 22:03:24 (EDT)


Monday, July 29, 1996 at 21:29:21 (EDT)

hello.. very interesting site. visit Panopticon and maybe we'll give you a free prize..
(disclaimer : we wont)

BeLiAL (belial@metrix.net)
Seattle, Wa USA
Monday, July 29, 1996 at 20:55:53 (EDT)

A very enjoyable visit. Thank you.

Philip Martin (pmartin5@aol.com)
Heald Green Cheshire
Monday, July 29, 1996 at 13:50:52 (EDT)

Thank you for let me visit you. I am a new internet-user with my IBM Aptiva 5x86c-100. Nils-Olof Nilsson

Nils-Olof Nilsson (monil@algonet.se)
LAHOLM, Halland/Skσneland Sweden
Monday, July 29, 1996 at 12:52:30 (EDT)


ATUL RAMAIYA (aramaiya@giasbm01.vsnl.net.in)
Monday, July 29, 1996 at 07:18:31 (EDT)

Your Web Site is Cool !!! Nice Job

Andy (???)
Bellevue, WA USA
Monday, July 29, 1996 at 03:27:40 (EDT)


Monday, July 29, 1996 at 00:15:30 (EDT)


bayley & mandry (ggonza@une.edu.ve.)
caracas, d.f. venezuela
Sunday, July 28, 1996 at 22:23:02 (EDT)

Wonderful contribution to the www!

Cathleen Rehfeld (leftcoast@gorge.net)
Hood River, Oregon USA
Sunday, July 28, 1996 at 18:40:20 (EDT)

I like this Project Great Virtual World on internet Cool~

hosung son (koaspro@soback.kornet.nm.kr)
seoul, South_korea korea
Sunday, July 28, 1996 at 11:40:45 (EDT)

the world fair is looking extremely retro sofar. please have a look at our URL to see what we mean. especially check the paraSITE project which starts september 19th 1996! have fun!

kas oosterhuis (attila@xs4all)
rotterdam, netherlands
Sunday, July 28, 1996 at 08:56:40 (EDT)

I've just can't help it, I still enjoy the possibilities offered by the Internet Fair. I've met so many people, visited so many sites, and profited from such an array of offerings. It's unbelievable. Ecologically interested, visit my home page. Regards, Jorge

Jorge Lopez S. (jorlopez@mafalda.univalle.edu.co)
Cali, Valle del Cauca Colombia
Sunday, July 28, 1996 at 00:00:57 (EDT)

Great graphics looking forward to surfin this web site for many hours to come!

Dave Ravlin (engineer@internet95.net)
Savannah, Ga USA
Saturday, July 27, 1996 at 18:34:09 (EDT)

╕┌└╓┤┬ ▒╫╖í╟╚░· ┬Ñ└╙╗⌡└╓┤┬ ┴ñ║╕┴ª░°.... ░ⁿ░Φ└┌ ┐⌐╖»║╨▓▓ ░¿╗τ╡σ╕│┤╧┤┘...

Lee Teak Hyun (etlars@etri.re.kr)

Friday, July 26, 1996 at 22:48:58 (EDT)

Thank You!!!

Teak Hyun Lee (dahyun01@chol.dacom.co.kr)
Taejon, korea
Friday, July 26, 1996 at 22:44:38 (EDT)

Excellent graphics! Very eye catching! Much success. Ciao!

Mike & Mary Ann Jablonski (jablonski@interhop.net)
Newmarket, Ontario Canada
Friday, July 26, 1996 at 22:40:44 (EDT)

This is really cool. I've never in all my ventures seen anything like it. It's a good idea, I hope it stays and expands as I come back often.

Cole England (englands4@netins.net)
Carroll, Iowa USA
Friday, July 26, 1996 at 16:51:37 (EDT)

When I went to your Roberts Genealogy page and clicked on Roberts Family History...It sent me to a homepage belonging to some kid from Singapore...What's going on??

Wanda Martin (wanda@alq-ros.com)
Tijeras, NM USA
Friday, July 26, 1996 at 15:51:08 (EDT)

hope to spend more time later at your site

Sally MacFarlane Neal (sneal@traverse.com)
Glen Arbor, MI usa
Friday, July 26, 1996 at 06:57:03 (EDT)

Well... I will have new sight about world in this chance. I'm very glad to vist here. very exciting.... After more exploring, more comment can be...

Kufu (sakran@nownuri.nowcom.co.kr)
Seoul, Korea
Friday, July 26, 1996 at 02:00:21 (EDT)

Felicitaciones por su Expo 96 y mucho exito en el futuro

Cesar Medina (cmedinap@entelchile.net)
Curic≤, VII regi≤n Chile
Friday, July 26, 1996 at 00:22:45 (EDT)

One of the most appealing qualities of a World's Fair is its capture of a moment in history, a finite convocation of the highest quality, presenting many cultures and traditions along with the cutting edge of science and technology to the masses. I get some of that World's Fair charge here, and I hope you maintain a stringent quality filter.

Diane Bryan (dianebryan@adidam.org)
Potomac, MD USA
Thursday, July 25, 1996 at 14:29:43 (EDT)

Please visit my pavilion, too.

Kenji Saito (psyche@yk.rim.or.jp)
Yokohama, Japan
Thursday, July 25, 1996 at 12:11:03 (EDT)


Pablo Larrain (plarrain@entelchile.net)
Santiago, Chile
Thursday, July 25, 1996 at 10:51:03 (EDT)

I think this is a very good place for culture of the world. Thks for this opportunity.

Gonzalo Hernandez Goyoaga (fisecocl@netup.cl)
Santiago, Chile
Thursday, July 25, 1996 at 10:17:40 (EDT)

I love this place. Wish I could come here more often. I'd like to hear from people around the world. Write me.

David Kirk (ruffian@interserv.com)
Little Rock, Arkansas USA
Thursday, July 25, 1996 at 09:24:58 (EDT)

Great fair. I wish I could get here more often. I'd like to hear from people around the world.

David Kirk (ruffian@interserv.com)
Little Rock, Arkansas USA
Thursday, July 25, 1996 at 09:21:48 (EDT)

Great site!

Tatsuya Tsuji (tsuji@kentauros.com)
Yokohama, Kanagawa Japan
Thursday, July 25, 1996 at 01:17:42 (EDT)

Great idea! I always wanted to visit a World Fair!

Betsy King (elizabethking@ichange.com)

Thursday, July 25, 1996 at 00:15:59 (EDT)

I place I shall visit many times

Jan Willem Derksen (jderksen@worldonline.nl)
Oegstgeest, Zuid Holland Netherland
Wednesday, July 24, 1996 at 21:36:03 (EDT)

Great Fair...One of the best I've ever attended!

Carlos Alejandro Benardos (benardo@ibm.net)
Miami, Florida USA
Wednesday, July 24, 1996 at 21:09:19 (EDT)

Great site!

Steven McKenna (steven@tlic.com)
Boston, MA USA
Wednesday, July 24, 1996 at 11:49:07 (EDT)

I'm very happy to see a wonderful world!

Heekyeong Lee (lhk@chol.dacom.co.kr)
Taejon, Korea
Wednesday, July 24, 1996 at 04:35:24 (EDT)

Cool...Wonderful Cyber world!!

Jinho Jeon (jjho@kang.dacom.co.kr)
Taejon, Korea
Wednesday, July 24, 1996 at 04:08:03 (EDT)

It sure creates a good feeling seeing such a nicely built home page. Congratulations!

Jaime Gallardo (mcstern1@mcstern.com.ec)
Quito, Pichincha Ecuador
Wednesday, July 24, 1996 at 00:39:44 (EDT)

just starting out on my journey

Ed McNish (emcnish@direct.ca)
Vancouver, British Columbia Canada
Tuesday, July 23, 1996 at 20:06:30 (EDT)

Enfin quelque chose a visiter sans se fatiguer...

Laurent Bucher (lbucher@iismail.unil.ch)
Lausanne, Switzerland
Tuesday, July 23, 1996 at 11:20:41 (EDT)

Is there anybody out there?!

Jan de Swart (rjb@xs4all.nl)
Rotterdam, NL
Tuesday, July 23, 1996 at 10:08:11 (EDT)

Nice Page! Please continue this event.

Hironori Takakura (kenken@cc.kyoto-su.ac.jp)
Kyoto, Japan
Tuesday, July 23, 1996 at 00:33:19 (EDT)


Monday, July 22, 1996 at 21:58:20 (EDT)


Monday, July 22, 1996 at 21:54:49 (EDT)

This site is coooooooool!

Karen Tyler (Scarlet311@gnn.com)
Lilburn, Georgia USA
Monday, July 22, 1996 at 20:22:36 (EDT)

It's fantastic!

Shito Takayo (shito@mbox.kyoto-inet.or.jp)
Kyoto, Kyoto Japan
Monday, July 22, 1996 at 09:06:14 (EDT)

Nice Home page !

Jaeshin Koh (jaeshin@interpia.net)
Seoul, Korea
Monday, July 22, 1996 at 03:02:34 (EDT)

I think this is very interesting to realise that there are many places in this space which cares to our environment. I think I want to join this, and Could you help me to know more about the fair ? Thank you.

Sienny Vivi Irawati (svivi@elang.stts.ac.id)
Surabaya, East Java Indonesia
Monday, July 22, 1996 at 00:29:37 (EDT)

This is an exchalend job. Continue....

Paul Lavranos (loom@acropolis.net)
Athens, Greece
Sunday, July 21, 1996 at 23:02:47 (EDT)

You've make good use of the Guestbook script from "Matt's Script Archive." By not giving his FREE script credit where credit is due, that degrades the credibility of this site.

Prince Albert (force@lax.com)
Sunday, July 21, 1996 at 21:50:23 (EDT)

Nice, wonderful... and a lot of more...

Lucas Wang (lwani014@dv.weblinq.com)
Bacolod City, Neg. Philippines
Sunday, July 21, 1996 at 11:45:13 (EDT)

It is wonderful to see my undergrad on the internet hooray.

J.Ursula Palmer ED.D. (alumna) (upsyche@anet-dfw.com)
Dallas, Texas USA
Saturday, July 20, 1996 at 21:17:34 (EDT)


Jesse Cardenas (jcard@inreach.com)
Sacramrnto, CA USA
Saturday, July 20, 1996 at 19:57:15 (EDT)

Very nice pages, keep them up-to-date.

J. H. Koster (jhkoster@worldaccess.nl)
Abbekerk, Noord-Holland Holland
Saturday, July 20, 1996 at 08:00:55 (EDT)


ORDALIBA-BICHO (ciecha@inter.net.il)
Saturday, July 20, 1996 at 07:08:18 (EDT)

Thank you for providing this web site to the olympics. It is an excellant alternative to NBC's noisy coverage. Thank you.

Ron Aylward (aylward@aol.com)
Cincinnati, OH USA
Saturday, July 20, 1996 at 01:21:41 (EDT)

This is a really good site!I'd like to come again and bring some friends!

JENNY LIU (jl1027@ms3.hinet.net)
Taipei, Taiwan ROC
Friday, July 19, 1996 at 23:35:02 (EDT)

You are doing a good job. If you like have a look to http://www.expo2000.de

Wolfgang Malig (wolma@misburg.aball.de)
Hannover, Lower Saxony Germany
Friday, July 19, 1996 at 19:31:53 (EDT)

beautiful homepage!

Isamu Maruyama
Friday, July 19, 1996 at 19:17:29 (EDT)

Very nice guestbook

Kelly (cyberia@up.net)
Negaunee, Michigan United States
Friday, July 19, 1996 at 15:10:26 (EDT)

Lets enjoy the other side of the world. Thank you and good luck

Piotr Sierpinski (p.sierpin@madrid.idec.es.)
Madrid, CAM Spain
Friday, July 19, 1996 at 14:23:40 (EDT)

A very lovely place, I'll make another reservation soon!

HPoland798 (HPoland798@aol.com)
Detroit, Michigan America
Friday, July 19, 1996 at 03:42:03 (EDT)

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Sang Hoon Lee

Friday, July 19, 1996 at 01:23:11 (EDT)

Where is the 3D version of this? Paragraph would love to convert this.

Debarah Wilson (debarah@paragraph.com)
Campbell, CA USA
Thursday, July 18, 1996 at 19:58:09 (EDT)

Beautiful, extravaganza!

Ivo Penzar (penzar@mayo.edu)
Rochester, MN US
Thursday, July 18, 1996 at 16:03:27 (EDT)

This is the greatest page ever seen before, it's amazing. Give me more!

Claus Fischer (Claus.Fischer.@chiru.med.uni-giessen.de)
Giessen, Hessen Germany
Thursday, July 18, 1996 at 14:48:53 (EDT)

A great place to visit and the best way to travel across different countries.

SΘrgio Fernandes
Ponte de Lima, POrtugal
Thursday, July 18, 1996 at 08:06:08 (EDT)

Very interesting place ! Cool! Someday I┤ll return here again

SΘrgio Fernandes
Ponte de Lima, POrtugal
Thursday, July 18, 1996 at 08:04:05 (EDT)

I've always been a great fan of World's Fairs, even though I've only been to two previously: Spokane, USA '74 (Theme: Environment) and Vancouver, Canada '86 (Theme: Transport & Communications -- a GREAT Expo!) I've been waiting 10 years now for another Fair, and am very pleased to have found yours! I'm looking forward to exploring your Fair and all its Pavillions, Places and Events! I think this is a great idea, and I hope that you'll do it again in future years! Thank you! Loren Herrigstad Littlerock (20 km SW of Olympia), Washington

Loren A. Herrigstad (lbhrgstd@isomedia.com)
Littlerock, Washington USA
Thursday, July 18, 1996 at 05:23:47 (EDT)

Looks nice, keep up the good work!

Louis Dietvorst (elpeedee@worldonline.nl)
Made, NL
Thursday, July 18, 1996 at 03:41:30 (EDT)

I have an interest in India.... If you so,please contact me.

Toyofumi Todaka (toyofumi@mnet.or.jp)
Miyazaki Japan
Wednesday, July 17, 1996 at 20:02:45 (EDT)

Looks great - Keep me informed!

Gerry Bassett (gerry@his.com)
Derwood, Maryland US
Tuesday, July 16, 1996 at 20:46:09 (EDT)

Hi there! Check out the Unofficial Golfballs of the '96 Election at http://www.golfballsrus.com/ Have Fun, Melissa

Melissa (hujo@niven.imsweb.net)

Tuesday, July 16, 1996 at 09:33:44 (EDT)

I just fun. $B3Z$7$+$C$?$!(J(<- MS-KANJI CODE)

Yasuo Bato (bato@gin.or.jp)
Higashi-Osaka, Osaka-pref. JAPAN
Tuesday, July 16, 1996 at 08:29:09 (EDT)

It's Fantastic!! Nunca vi coisa igual!

Claudio Yudi Inaba (u29594@ukcc1.ube-k.ac.jp)
Ube-shi, Yamaguchi-ken Japan
Tuesday, July 16, 1996 at 05:10:57 (EDT)

This Web Page is pretty cool & stuff...

Ben Flournoy (zee1@juno.com)
Leary, Ga USA
Monday, July 15, 1996 at 22:44:39 (EDT)

Good luck in the Olympics

D. K. & Chiu-Yun Moody (Moonbeam@carbow.com)
Ocean Springs, MS 39565-7927
Monday, July 15, 1996 at 21:26:13 (EDT)

Very interesting

Preben Nielsen (Preben_Nielsen2@online.pol.dk)
L°gst°r, Denmark
Monday, July 15, 1996 at 21:00:52 (EDT)

Looks good (I will have to save up for a 28,8 modem.

Chris Fribbins (Chris@fribbins.compulink.co.uk)
Cliffe Woods, Rochester, Kent UK
Monday, July 15, 1996 at 18:09:42 (EDT)

What an amazing site. Which graphics package was used here! Take a look around, it is wonderful.

James Roxburgh (sales@pos-ltd.demon.co.uk)
Farnham, Surrey UK
Monday, July 15, 1996 at 15:27:08 (EDT)

This is the first time, i've been in Asia. Its nice.

Eugene den Boer (E.denBoer@inter.NL.net)
Amsterdam, West-Europe Netherlands
Monday, July 15, 1996 at 15:24:38 (EDT)

I first come here,the homepage is very beautiful,but it is too large.

chengyi,zheng (952435@ms.fudan.sh.cn)
shanghai, P.R.C
Monday, July 15, 1996 at 08:39:17 (EDT)

One of the greatest web sites in the internet world. Keep on expanding its coverage.

Jefferson Yang
Taipei, Taiwan R.O.C
Monday, July 15, 1996 at 07:53:06 (EDT)

I think this is a wonderful idea that will mature and prosper naturally. I am a Spanish interpreter & Translator and would like to offer assistance when needed.

Jaime Aguirre (spanlatr@ix.netcom.com)
Mount Prospect, IL U.S.A
Monday, July 15, 1996 at 01:20:05 (EDT)

Hello dear! My name is sungrae. Many men call me as a "short foot man" How about this internet EXPO? I think It's too difficult to find any item and category. I suggest that it must any map or help mannual about this EXPO. If you have any question about me, please send a mail..... 07/15/96 in Seoul City Univ.

Kang-sungrae (ksr@
Wolke-dong, Seoul Korea
Monday, July 15, 1996 at 00:21:04 (EDT)