Entries through July 14

All for the BEST !!!

Kimheedong (4666514@hitel.kol.co.kr)
Jungkok-dong, Seoul Korea
Sunday, July 14, 1996 at 23:58:22 (EDT)

Nice to see everyone who surf on the net!

Derek Tung (94905661@plink.cityu.edu.hk)
Sunday, July 14, 1996 at 22:38:41 (EDT)

ola, pessoal! Tem alguam pagina dessas falando portugues??? FALEEEEEEEEE!!!!

Yury Nascimento (cremilde@svn.com.br)
Salvador, Bahia Brasil
Sunday, July 14, 1996 at 22:07:19 (EDT)

Nice to see, that so many people are interessted in this country (kingdom)!!

Philipp C. Wild (wild@cyberlink.ch)
Zurich, Switzerland
Sunday, July 14, 1996 at 10:36:28 (EDT)

Surfed in from GENSERV

Tom Bowerman (bowerman@quicklink.net)
Anniston, Alabama USA
Saturday, July 13, 1996 at 21:15:02 (EDT)

Huray! I'am on the WAY!

Yahiya J. Tuleshov (yahiya@oscart.almaty.kz)
Almaty, Almaty Kazakstan
Saturday, July 13, 1996 at 20:14:25 (EDT)

Very nice.

Surachai Namsap-anan (surachai@infonews.co.th)
Bangkok, Thailand
Saturday, July 13, 1996 at 05:25:56 (EDT)

This is really fantastic! I think the idea of organising a World Expo is great: it is a way for those who are already in the net to learn more about it, and it's a great invitation for those who haven't joined it yet!

Alejandro Turjanski (jorgtio@internet.siscotel.com)
Lomas de Zamora, Buenos Aires Argentina
Saturday, July 13, 1996 at 00:59:47 (EDT)

Excellent site. Good to see people from around the world enjoying it.

Mitsuhiro Iwasaki (hiro555@mxd.meshnet.or.jp)
Kotoku, Tokyo Japan
Saturday, July 13, 1996 at 00:31:11 (EDT)

A very interesting site and very motivating to explore.

Evert Friberg (efr@dr.dk)
Copenhagen, Denmark
Friday, July 12, 1996 at 09:30:12 (EDT)

In der Hoffnung einer eigenen Anbindung ans WWW. Bis bald

Kreis Mettmann (XXX)
Kreis Mettmann, Germany
Friday, July 12, 1996 at 04:42:08 (EDT)

Internet World Expo is great!! and cool! i think to www page is very beautiful and powerful. sorry,,,i'm a little ENGLISH. but,i think by this Expo is very great.

hide.h (hide@keen-head-mars.com)
Osaka, Osaka Japan
Friday, July 12, 1996 at 03:49:57 (EDT)

What a buzz. The information age. Finally god has been synthesized and pseudo reborn with organic uncontrollable omnipresence. Is the new god free or do we have to still pay for pseudo-spiritual guidance? The dilemma of the millennium.

Terry Johnson (artchrom@iprolink.co.nz)
Auckland, New Zealand
Friday, July 12, 1996 at 03:08:55 (EDT)

This looks great. I am planniing on using its resources this year in my classroom.

Nick Ragusano (nragusa@srvusd.k12.ca.us)
San Ramon, CA USA
Friday, July 12, 1996 at 00:53:34 (EDT)

Great Place!

Sam Harrison (sharriso@mont.mindspring.com)
Montgomery, AL
Thursday, July 11, 1996 at 21:32:46 (EDT)

Great Exhibition! The World is getting smaller!

David R. Edes (asaph@dcn.davis.ca.us)
Davis, CA USA`
Thursday, July 11, 1996 at 21:03:34 (EDT)


Ageev Ilya (())
Montreal Canada
Thursday, July 11, 1996 at 19:11:43 (EDT)

This a a great resource for educators and community activist involved in their community

St. Louis, MO
Thursday, July 11, 1996 at 17:40:48 (EDT)

It┤s a great place!

Oliver Tessloff (oliver.tessloff@hamburg.netsurf.de)
Hamburg, - Germany
Thursday, July 11, 1996 at 13:47:00 (EDT)

What a great way to showcase the most exciting tool of the 20th century!

Beverly Molyneux ()
Tulsa, Oklahoma USA
Thursday, July 11, 1996 at 13:05:59 (EDT)

I am very exiting this expo. God bless our world!!!

Hyung-Mee Kim (cj1004@iworld.co.kr)
seoul, korea
Thursday, July 11, 1996 at 09:31:57 (EDT)

└╠╖╕░╘ ╢µ▒φ└║ ╟α╗τ┐í ┬ⁿ░í╟╧░╘╡╟╛ε ▒Γ╗▌┤╧┤┘. └╠╖»╟╤ ╟α╗τ╕ª ┼δ╟╧┐⌐ └ⁿ ╝╝░Φ░í ╟╧│¬░í ╡╟░φ ╕≡╡╬░í ╣▌▒Γ╕τ ╗∞╛╞░í┤┬ ╝╝╗≤└╠ ╕╕╡Θ╛ε ┴÷╕Θ ┴┴░┌╜└┤╧┤┘. ▒╫╖▒╡Ñ ┐∞╕«│¬╢≤ ╗τ╢≈╡Θ└╟ ╕≡╜└└╠ ║░╖╬ ║╕└╠┴÷░í ╛╩╛╞╝¡ ╝¡┐ε╟╧│╫┐Σ. ┐⌐╖»║╨ ╕≡╡╬╡Θ ╝╝░Φ╕ª ╟Γ╟╧┐⌐ We are the World!!!

└╠├╢╡Ñ (cj1004@iworld.net)
seoul, korea
Thursday, July 11, 1996 at 09:27:57 (EDT)

Very interesting still to learn so much about my own country

Storm van Leeuwen, R.P.H.
Amsterdam, The Netherlands
Thursday, July 11, 1996 at 08:12:18 (EDT)

I am the student of the university. Though I am poor at the network, this is very interesting for me.

Hyun-Hee Koo (Exciting! But if it has the index it will be exciting)
Kwang-Ju, Korea
Thursday, July 11, 1996 at 00:03:29 (EDT)

Just cruising, stoped, paused - checked out the unique design and I like what I have seen. There could be hope for mankind. keep on going, thanks.

George Lindsey (zulu4@ix.netcom.com)
Indianapolis, IN USA
Thursday, July 11, 1996 at 00:00:18 (EDT)

Excellent site. Good to see people from around the world enjoying it.

Mark Butler (mbutler@mars.execulink.com.ca)
St. Thomas, Ontario Canada
Wednesday, July 10, 1996 at 21:12:46 (EDT)

Cool site! Stop by Vertical Online and sign my Guestbook!

Logan Kelsey (logan@verticalonline.com)
Corte Madera, Ca US
Wednesday, July 10, 1996 at 19:28:54 (EDT)

I did not expect something like this two years ago when I really started to get into Internet. Your page just shows how the Internet world and world in general are moving so fast!

Tomomi Kano (espresso@kaiwan.com)
Torrance, CA USA
Wednesday, July 10, 1996 at 17:54:24 (EDT)

just visiting by accident, I still have to look around see what's happening

naaldwijk, holland europe
Wednesday, July 10, 1996 at 14:04:47 (EDT)

Internet has brought us closer, one nation.

Ron & Bev Clark (bevron@connect.reach.net)
Trenton, Ontario Canada
Wednesday, July 10, 1996 at 07:55:38 (EDT)

This site is awsome. It is amazing how high the quality of the site is. Truely great work, guys.

Michael Jenkins (michael@recall.com)
Adelaide, SA Australia
Wednesday, July 10, 1996 at 04:35:37 (EDT)

The computers in our home will be no more dummy box... Share the information!

Chanyoung Jeong (eugene@cinenet.net)
ShermanOaks, CA U.S.A
Wednesday, July 10, 1996 at 02:09:18 (EDT)

What a fabulous idea! Educational and fun. I am a teacher and know that technology training is essential to survival in the work force. Thank You!!!!

Elisabeth Bickham (Invictus@Communique.net)

Tuesday, July 09, 1996 at 18:50:36 (EDT)

I am a writer in a business journal and looking for interesting stories on entrepreneurs from around the world. If anyone has a good story to tell about how you got into business, contact me on my e-mail. Thanks. PS my column: The Global Marketplace

Marilyn McCall Wiles (ALERT96@AOL.com)
Albany, New York USA
Tuesday, July 09, 1996 at 15:39:38 (EDT)

We sell Martha's Vineyard Athletic Tee shirts on our Web Page and run a Sports Trivia Contest there just for fun (you could win some Free stuff,too) Come say Hi! :)

Martha's Vineyard Team Shop (swetshop@vineyard.net)
Edgartown, MA USA
Tuesday, July 09, 1996 at 14:08:40 (EDT)

╝╝░Φ┤┬ ╟╧│¬!!!! It's mean?

sangkuen Park (mymt@unitel.co.kr)
wonju, korea
Tuesday, July 09, 1996 at 12:30:04 (EDT)

Hi, I'm interested in astronomy and spaceflight.

Ralf G H Makowski (RMakow9378@aol.com)
Cologne, NRW Germany
Tuesday, July 09, 1996 at 10:17:10 (EDT)

Hi to everyone living in Seoul / Korea. I've lived in Namsan,Seoul / Korea for 2.5 years and attended seoul american elementary school in 1974. please e-mail me for the remembrance of that lovely 2.5 years I had there.

Erhan ilter (misoglu@ibm.net)
istanbul, Turkey
Tuesday, July 09, 1996 at 10:03:43 (EDT)

Hi to everyone living in Seoul / Korea. I've lived in Namsan,Seoul / Korea for 2.5 years and attended seoul american elementary school in 1974. please e-mail me for the remembrance of that lovely 2.5 I had there.

Erhan ilter (misoglu@ibm.net)
istanbul, Turkey
Tuesday, July 09, 1996 at 10:03:10 (EDT)

Nice place!

Paer Hansson (d92parha@isy.liu.se)
Linkoeping, Sweden
Tuesday, July 09, 1996 at 09:56:23 (EDT)

All we are saying is give peace a chance

Massimo Zucchetti (zucchetti@polito.it)
Torino Italy
Tuesday, July 09, 1996 at 05:24:15 (EDT)

Yeah.. I really am punk, you know that?

Alex from Finland

Tuesday, July 09, 1996 at 03:35:12 (EDT)

Congrats, Guys!! This is sweeeeet! I already put it in my Book- marks!! What about you, uh? Hey, I'd like to exchange Information about anything, however, mainly about Travelling. It's the best thing we can do during our Life-Time, isn't it?! So, please, e-mail me anytime! My house has a Guest-room... I'm not kidding, you know! We Brazilians like to meet other people from all over our Big House, The World!! Talk to you's...!

Christian Schneider (schneidr@svn.com.br)
Salvador, Bahia Brazil
Tuesday, July 09, 1996 at 01:36:08 (EDT)

Congrats, Guys!! This is sweeeeet! I already put it in my Book- marks!! What about you, uh? Hey, I'd like to exchange Information about anything, however, mainly about Travelling. It's the best thing we can do during our Life-Time, isn't it?! So, please, e-mail me anytime! My house has a Guest-room... I'm not kidding, you know! We Brazilians like to meet other people from all over our Big House, The World!! Talk to you's...!

Christian Schneider (schneidr@svn.com.br)
Salvador, Bahia Brazil
Tuesday, July 09, 1996 at 01:35:14 (EDT)

Hey, I'd like to exchange Information about anything, however, mainly about Travelling. It's the best thing we can do during our Life-Time, isn't it?! So, please, e-mail me anytime! My house has a Guest-room... I'm not kidding, you know! We Brazilians like to meet other people from all over our Big House, The World!! Talk to you's...!

Christian Schneider (schneidr@svn.com.br)
Salvador, Bahia Brazil
Tuesday, July 09, 1996 at 01:20:41 (EDT)

wonderful to visit here. thank you

James Francis Fleming jr (ntbr@mail.rpa.net)
Rochester, NY USA
Monday, July 08, 1996 at 21:40:41 (EDT)

Hello, and good luck in the exposition!

Justin Rossetti (webmaster@angelswings.com)
Newnan, GA 30265
Monday, July 08, 1996 at 21:03:51 (EDT)

Best of luck to you in this beautiful project. As a boy, I was greatly inspired by Expo'74 in Spokane, WA, and look forward to your tribute to this event. Kindly let me know when it's completed. Your work is very much appreciated by myself and my fair-loving friends.

Dean W. Estes (Zephirus1@aol.com)
San Francisco, California USA
Monday, July 08, 1996 at 18:09:20 (EDT)


Eric Bijvoet (ericb@worldaccess.nl)
Amsterdam, The Netherlands
Monday, July 08, 1996 at 12:05:18 (EDT)

I would like to find our when the Next Seminar will be held and where it will be located. Thanks

Gerald Knight (knightgera@russellcopr.com)
Alexander City, AL USA
Monday, July 08, 1996 at 11:00:06 (EDT)

I'm interested in Univwrsity of Future. It's very good.

Tatsuya YAGI (t-yagi@mbox.inet-osaka.or.jp)
Osaka, Japan
Monday, July 08, 1996 at 08:18:46 (EDT)

The quality of this site is superb. It is definitely something to aspire to.

Jason McIntyre (jasonm@acay.com.au)
Sydney, New South Wales Australia
Monday, July 08, 1996 at 07:17:52 (EDT)

Cool links,Crescendo muzik and more...

Roman Pihel (roman@online.ee)
Tallinn, Estonia Estonia
Sunday, July 07, 1996 at 22:48:28 (EDT)

See you at the Internet World Expo!!!!!

Ram S. Mohan

Sunday, July 07, 1996 at 20:52:28 (EDT)

I have the chance to work a lot with Slovenian people operating in the Banking Industry. All the people I have met so far are GREAT !!

Bernard Ferran (BFE@EUROPAY.COM)
Waterloo Belgium
Sunday, July 07, 1996 at 16:27:48 (EDT)

Outstanding presentation

Carlos W. Moran, Jr. (cwmjr@ix.netcom.com)
Dallas, Texas USA
Sunday, July 07, 1996 at 00:02:31 (EDT)

Great Site. Congrats from the UK.....

Derek J Williams (DelboyUK@AOL.COM)
Hook, Hampshire UK
Saturday, July 06, 1996 at 14:24:51 (EDT)

It's nice to know that while the rest of the world is coming to Atlanta ( only 60 miles from here) for the 96 Olympic games, I can go out to the rest of the world.

Steve Evans (stkjoc101@aol.com)
Rome, Ga USA
Saturday, July 06, 1996 at 11:29:41 (EDT)


Megan (pointegrl@aol.com)
Council Bluffs, Iowa USA
Friday, July 05, 1996 at 22:54:33 (EDT)


Friday, July 05, 1996 at 22:39:43 (EDT)

Well done on a great presentation. Let us speed up your site with our graphic accelerator system.

Internet Plus (internetplus@tacbbs.dircon.co.uk)
Liverpool , Merseyside UK
Friday, July 05, 1996 at 20:31:14 (EDT)

Big Event & Nice Page!

Yutaka Ito (ngoro@eis.or.jp)
Higashimurayama, Tokyo Japan
Friday, July 05, 1996 at 18:05:21 (EDT)

GOOD WORK ... I enjoyed the visit.

Richard T. Jufer (RichardJ87@aol.com)
Linthicum, Maryland Anne Arundel
Friday, July 05, 1996 at 17:00:40 (EDT)

Exceptional pages, good layouts...keep up the imagination and hard work :-))

Friday, July 05, 1996 at 15:45:13 (EDT)

Congratulations and keep going in that direction

Marc Bergeron (Bergero@IBM.Net)
QuΘbec Canada
Friday, July 05, 1996 at 15:32:46 (EDT)

I love the exposition! It's great!

Alex White (Alex@wonder.jetbbs.com)
Oakboro, NC USA
Friday, July 05, 1996 at 11:40:23 (EDT)

Interesting site, fantastic graphics

Robert Leaman (rleaman@worldnet.att.net)
Charlotte, NC USA
Friday, July 05, 1996 at 10:30:13 (EDT)

This new feature looks very interesting, also it looks as it will be very informative

Eugene J Juniak (GeneJJ@juno.com)
St. Clair Shores, Michigan USA
Friday, July 05, 1996 at 09:35:24 (EDT)

Wow! i think this pages are great! But... bob: don't make the pictures so big.. with a 9600 it takes a very l o n g time!!!! I will ask everybody: visit our homepage: http://www.nooky.nl/pcplein... it's a digital magazine!

Robin Schuil (pcplein@nooky.nl)
Leiden, Zuid-holland Netherlands
Friday, July 05, 1996 at 08:53:21 (EDT)


Friday, July 05, 1996 at 08:48:19 (EDT)

╛╚│τ╟╧╝╝┐Σ...? ┐⌐╖»║╨ └╠╖╕░╘ ╕╕│¬░╘ ╡╟╛ε╝¡┐Σ.. ╣½├┤└╠│¬ ╣▌░⌐╜└┤╧┤τ.~~~ └╠╖╕░╘ ╕╕│¬░╘ ╡╔┴┘ ┤⌐░í ╛╞╢·░┌╜└┤╧▒ε> ┴ñ╕╗╖╬ ╝╝╗≤└╠ ┴┴╛╞┴÷░φ └╓┤┘┤┬ ░═└╗ ╜╟░¿└╗ ╟╧░φ └╓╛ε┐Σ... ▒╫╕«░φ. └╠╣°▒Γ╚╕╕ª ┼╨╛ε╝¡ ┴┴└║ ╟α╗τ░í ┤⌡┐φ ║√│¬▒µ ▒Γ┐° ╟╒┤╧┤τ..~~

└σ░µ╜─ (s9300757@bong.kumoh.ac.kr)
kumi, kyungbok korea
Friday, July 05, 1996 at 07:06:33 (EDT)

In one word : GREAT..... It's great to have this information on the Net.

Franklin J.H. Nanuwasa (frank@upandang.wasantara.net.id)
Ujung Pandang, South Sulawesi Indonesia
Friday, July 05, 1996 at 06:45:20 (EDT)

All sites speak to me directly. Nothing seems indifferent or redundant. Despite the high intensity with which these sites for me, I still have a residual sensation that they are illusions.

Ho keun, Park (dongza@ktnet.co.kr)
Seoul, Korea
Friday, July 05, 1996 at 02:15:15 (EDT)

I think that very, very interesting magic web site. we will get the nice the information. ~~~~~ ^$^ ,,`$` ~~~~~~~~ Thanks a very great web site. ******* Thank you very much ! *******

Kim jin goo (dangu206@www.untel.co.kr)
won ju, kwang won south korea
Thursday, July 04, 1996 at 22:38:41 (EDT)

Cool!! ... :)

Joaquin Almandoz (elnono@lsa.lsa.com.uy)
montevideo, Montevideo Uruguay
Thursday, July 04, 1996 at 17:51:14 (EDT)

The Web, as complex, interesting and alluring as a spider's web, dangerous and beautiful at the same time.

Charles Huff (Oakkleaf@earthlink.com)
Van Nuys, Ca USA
Thursday, July 04, 1996 at 15:49:27 (EDT)

What a "interesting" site!!!!!!!!!!

Penny Robinson
San Antonio, Taxis USA
Thursday, July 04, 1996 at 15:13:56 (EDT)

:=O Cool!!!!

Silvia Figueiredo (rsf3355@pro.via-rs.com.br)
Porto Alegre, RS Brasil
Thursday, July 04, 1996 at 12:02:50 (EDT)

Hey , may name is Markus Schuster and im interrestet in 3D-Grafiks and 3D-Studio and Adobe Photoshop. I`m System Ingeenier

Markus Schuster (scotty@hit.handshake.de)
Saarbrⁿcken, Germany Saarland
Thursday, July 04, 1996 at 07:18:11 (EDT)

July 3, 1996 We read about the Fair in Netware Connection magazine, this is a truly amazing Exposition. Keep on sharing the Info.

Marvin & Carol Clark (fortress@digital.net)
Sebring, Florida U.S.A.
Thursday, July 04, 1996 at 01:04:26 (EDT)

Bravo! Well bloody done! Damn fine work. Keep it up! Don't let it bring you down, its only castles burning. Mares eat oats and does eat oats and little lambs eat ivy, a kid 'el eat ivy too, would'nt you. To do is to be, Socratis. To be is to do, Plato. Doo be doo be doo, Sinatra

Philip V. Szuszitzky (drszusz@primenet.com)
Santa Clara, CA US of A
Thursday, July 04, 1996 at 00:04:51 (EDT)

ReciΘn lleguΘ a InterNet en Junio'96. Estoy maravillado con este nuevo mundo. Excelente idea y realizaci ≤n la ExpoInterNet. Que se repita cada a±o. CONGRATULATIONS !!

Gabriel G≤mez Fiori (ggf@satlink.com)
Rosario, S.F. Argentina
Wednesday, July 03, 1996 at 23:32:19 (EDT)

I took Spiders pick of the day, very interesting and really informative. Look forward to visiting more often. Wonderful work!!

A. Harkness (harkness@netcom.ca)
Ottawa, Ont Canada
Wednesday, July 03, 1996 at 20:43:48 (EDT)

Just discovered your site and am exploring it. Interesting idea!

Gilbert Betts (gbetts@e-tex.com)
Trinidad, Texas USA
Wednesday, July 03, 1996 at 14:30:21 (EDT)

╟╤▒╣└╟ ┐ó╜║╞≈╕┴└╗ ┐¡╜╔╚≈ ╕╕╡Θ╛ε┴╪ ┐⌐╖»║╨(speed@toody.sicc.co.kr and Friends)▓▓ ░¿╗τ╟╒┤╧┤┘. ┴ñ╕╗╖╬ ╕┌┴° ╟α╗τ░í ╡╟▒µ ╣┘╢°┤╧┤┘. Internet EXPO will be Best Exposition.

Tae-sang YOO (tsyoo@toody.sicc.co.kr)
Seoul, Korea
Wednesday, July 03, 1996 at 10:32:57 (EDT)

╛╚│τ╟╧╝╝┐Σ! ┐⌐▒Γ┤┘ ╣½╜╝ ╕╗└╗ ╛ε╢╗░╘ ╟╪╛▀╟╥┴÷... ╟╧┐⌐╞░ └·╡╡ ┐╘┤┘░φ┐Σ.

HyounJin, Ko (quartz@elim.net)
Seoul, Korea
Wednesday, July 03, 1996 at 10:05:10 (EDT)

It's very fantastic. I'd like to keep company with anyone of the world. Have a nice day!!! and Always be happy!!!

YongWoo Kim (overtop@dsp.soongsil.ac.kr)
Wednesday, July 03, 1996 at 09:28:40 (EDT)

Too Cool

Sharyl Gulledge (msmwhq01.sgulle01@eds.com)
Dallas, Texas USA
Wednesday, July 03, 1996 at 08:46:45 (EDT)

Unglaublich!!! Gigantisch!!!! (German)

Emanuel Akala (alpha_laser@swissonline.ch)
Neuenhof, AG Switzerland
Wednesday, July 03, 1996 at 07:47:44 (EDT)

IP V6 Revolution Project:-)

Masanori Fujie (fujie@jaist.ac.jp)
Tatsunokuchi, Ishikawa Japan
Wednesday, July 03, 1996 at 05:05:47 (EDT)

┴┴└║ ╗τ└╠╞«│╫┐Σ. ┴┴└║ ╜├░ú└╗ ░í┴÷╝╝┐Σ. Previous statement means 'Nice site. Have a good time.' but you won't read it. Because it is korean character. Good Bye.

Ho-Joon Jung (kaf16@unitel.co.kr)
TAEGU, korea
Wednesday, July 03, 1996 at 02:07:15 (EDT)

It's Wonderful World!

KiHwang Kwak (ernie@dolly.diamond.co.kr)
Wednesday, July 03, 1996 at 01:19:14 (EDT)

I guess Internet world exposition is wonderful.

Eun Gee Kim (egkin@kepri.re.kr)
DaeJon, Korea
Tuesday, July 02, 1996 at 23:09:17 (EDT)

.. It's very nice chance for Future. Uhm..

Minhyun Jeong (mhjeong@samsung.co.kr)
Changwon, KyungNam KOREA
Tuesday, July 02, 1996 at 21:35:37 (EDT)

It's nice to link all together ! But, It's terrible when you think about how much It will change the world after several years later ! Because the gap will be bigger between winner and loser ! And it's lucky that all of us will be potential winners !

James Lee (JamesJSLee@acer.com.tw)
Taipei, Taiwan R.O.C.
Tuesday, July 02, 1996 at 21:15:12 (EDT)

exciting, suprime!

matsumoto_katsuhisa (winps@sakushin-jc.ac.jp)
Tuesday, July 02, 1996 at 20:50:38 (EDT)

fantastic & exciting!

michiko_oyake (michiko_oyake@sakushin-jc.ac.jp)
Tuesday, July 02, 1996 at 20:47:34 (EDT)

Hi there!

Alistair (portnic@central.co.nz)
Wellington, 064 NZ
Tuesday, July 02, 1996 at 20:42:48 (EDT)

I eat perl cereal for breakfast.

Rob Migliore (cookie@cmu.edu)
Pittsburgh, Pa USA
Tuesday, July 02, 1996 at 15:19:24 (EDT)

This site is realy beautiful, add this URL to your book marks

Fabio (Amaral)
Sπo Paulo, SP Brazil
Tuesday, July 02, 1996 at 15:02:17 (EDT)

Congratulation on Expo 96! We are looking forward visiting our Home Page. Welcom to our Home Page. http://www.kotis.net/~daekwang/index.html Sincerely,

Gue Seo Park (kot6010@kotis.net)
Seoul, Korea
Tuesday, July 02, 1996 at 02:35:41 (EDT)

I'm Graphic Design major at the University of Kansas. If you are interested knowing Kansas, I may be able to help you.

Shino Kamizono (Shino@falcon.cc.ukans.edu)
Lawrence, Kansas U.S.A.
Tuesday, July 02, 1996 at 02:27:35 (EDT)

Stop an smell the roses

Mike&Maureen Mendenhall (www.mendenha@sprynet.com)
Danville, IN US
Tuesday, July 02, 1996 at 02:25:53 (EDT)

What a fantastic !!! I hope to get more information in Internet World... Regards , everyone.

Yong Gil Lee (yglee@cdi.cheongjo.co.kr)
Seoul, Korea
Tuesday, July 02, 1996 at 02:02:57 (EDT)

The Internet Expo is a great site. It's fun, educational and thought provoking. I have been recommending to all of my Net-surfing friends. I look forward to seeing what the rest of the year will bring. Keep up the excellent job everyone.

Calvin Mayfield (Calvin.Mayfield@worldnet.att.net)
Mission, KS USA
Tuesday, July 02, 1996 at 00:30:19 (EDT)