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Entries through March 10
COOL! I saw my home-country(Taiwan) here! Soon or later I think everyone is going to fall in love with this internet! Maggie Liu (JL5998@CMSUVMB.CMSU.EDU)
Extremely Interesting Site for a new NET user to visit!!! Its jam packed full of good ino! Grant Frazer (glf@deakin.edu.au)
Seems a true cyber-village here.
May take the entire year to experience it all! M.D. Frankonis (cwyln@world.std.com)
I have just learned about your Expo last night, reading
the wonderful TIME magazine. I haven't got into it yet;
however, I have found the people's comments about the Expo
extremely interesting. Why has it taken so long for the NZ
media to "cover" the event of the decade? (actually, it was
the US media, selling the mag in this country).
We feel "cheated" in NZ, because we have to pay a lot for
Internet traffic and our academic institutions are
very slow jumping on the superhighway (I guess we
would say 'supermotorway' in NZ). But we are trying and
feel priviliged being a part of it.
Good luck to you all and may your efforts bring
our countries closer together and promote peace,
well being and harmony among all peoples.
God Bless!!!
=);>) Dr. Jiri Rada (jirirada@wnmeds.ac.nz)
Thanks to TIME magazines excellent coverage of the Net, I found your imaginative site. I plan to spend quite some time exploring its wonders. Micha Stockheim (michadan@netvision.net.il)
I read about you in Time Magazine, otherwise I would not have known. John F. Stapleton (jstapes@mriinc.com)
Great idea! You can now travel and see the best of the
world without leaving your home! Tom Casar (tcasar@hookup.net)
I'm a home-based business owner and new to the Net. I was
surfing and came across The Fair. Fascinating. LAURA GOLDMAN (gold@ionet.net)
very interesting material.goodluck to all frank lyonnais (accw58@glen-net.ca)
This looks very interesting, coming from a fresh user.
I just wonder how all this information in here can be
organized in the future, or is it even today anymore.
Should it be? Jorma Kajaste (jorma.kajaste@kajaste.pp.fi)
This is the neatest web site ever! Eric Fung (funga@cadvision.com)
This is the only start for the entire human race, to get together and speak a common term and common understanding, sharing a common etiquetes, breaking the boundary of cultures, nation and space.
May the cyberspace be the future. Roy Jao (rjao@tpts1.seed.net.tw)
Very interesting! Sten-Inge Larsson (sten-inge.larsson@mailbox.swipnet.se)
One big little world! Joseph Tomi Lapid (100274.544@compuserve.com)
GREAT PLACE! Michael Ashburn (michael@glen-net.ca)
It's a good place.I like this place.
And I'm very excited to see this from beijing.
Good luck to everyone. TongTianYu (cjfh@hns.cjfh.ac.cn)
This is the essence of the potential we have as human beings to share beauty without commercial or political agendas. Jimmy Williams (jimmy.williams@internetmci.com)
difficult to get graph. from your homepage ( many graph. prob. ) but also my. modem maybe...anyway i proud to see your homepage...bye
Yuyus bekoming k (yuyusbk@idola.net.id)
Great Page,
Will visit again soon.
lotsa html cypo Peter Polycarpou (cypo@cix.compulink.co.uk)
10 days on the internet. saw article in time mag.
excellent concept! looking forward to increased user
friendliness bob steeg (bsteeg@microage-//.awinc.com)
Great page Gayton Osgood (gayton@world.std.com)
Interested bacause the articel in Time-magazine.
Have not been able to see the lot, just passed by this guestbook.
Regards bjorn c wallin (bjorn.wallin@mailbox.swipnet.se)
It is probably true quite generally that in the history of human thinking the most fruitful developments frequently take place at those points where two different lines of thought meet. These lines may have their roots in quite different parts of human culture, in different times or different cultural environments or different religious traditions: hence if they actually meet, that is, if they are at least so much related to each other that a real interaction can take place, then one may hope that new and interesting developements may follow. (Werner Heisenburg) Don Rawlyk (drawlyk@wincom.net)
Esta muy bien! Felicidades! Catalina Espino (al750156campus.chi.itesm.mx)
It hurts when I click!! Impressive! John Markin (john.markin@sasknet.sk.ca) |
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Hello from the "Land of the Long White Cloud". Ron (rceddy@ibm.net)
Very Nice! Jorma Hannikainen (jhannika@siba.fi)
Looks great! I will be back when I have more time. Carol LeGray (CBLegray@aol.com)
It┤s great! So many people getting together for all the right purposes. We should go one step further into achieving global peace and well-being! Luis Miguel Fresnedo (luism@imparnet.com.mx)
It┤s minddazzling fun in cyberwordl Expo !!! Gerard van Dorsten (woody@pop.pi.net)
Interesting place. It's been a fun day at the fair! C. alpers (calpers@telis.org)
"Brillant" Guy Martin (marti@odyssee.net)
glad to have a tour to the fair.
kenneth (keatsai@ms1.hinet.net)
The Internet must be free from everything ! YOSUKE ISHITANI (BYX00543@niftyserve.or.jp)
It's exciting to be here! Vittorio Vitolo (vittorio@ilr.interbusiness.it)
FANTASTIC !!!! The world at your fingertip !!!! What a
concept !!!! Thank you !! Ed Borza (ejborza@cyberus.ca)
Picked your site out of April issue Pop Science. looks good C.E.(TED)OLDHAM (oldted@kwic.com)
Nice site!! (that's all I wanna say...;-) Robin Vley (viper@worldaccess.nl)
This is a nice site ! Hoong-Kun FUN (hkfun@pop.jaring.my)
wow!we are thrilled.although we are on the outskirts,the global village is already here.
this exhibition is a fantastic concept and like the organisers we believe that it will countinue long after december1996. sanjiv maliah,premendra maliah,b.p.jena (searsole@giasc101.vsnl.net.in)
Unbelievable. Fantastic. Thank you. Ivo Rohan (ivo@L2.lonet.ca)
Peace Be With You! Bruce Eric Montgomery (montra@ix.netcom.com)
Hello, from Belgium. Nice to see an expo through a computer. You don't get tired looking around.
Congratulations ! Visit us too in InterAsia.com Tessa Gatchalian Verrees (starbel@unicall.be)
Merhba. Alexander Bugeja (bugeja@eecs.harvard.edu)
Very well done. Jonathan Karras (karrask@xmission.com)
'Bout time an `Aussie' dropped by and threw a `shrimp on the barbie' for you guys. I look forward to exploring this site some more. I found the address in Time. Martin Johnson (Martin_Johnson@msn.com)
Bonne annee a tous les internautes. Sinceres felicitations. Andre Caron (acaron@mlink.net)
I will enjoy good time at this Park,thank you very match Takeshi Matsuhira (JAB02046@niftyserve.or.jp)
Not bad. Worthy to take a look. John Lin (lin2wang@ms3.hinet.net)
What a great concept. This is probably the only world's fair I'll ever get to visit. Beth (caporali@nb.net)
Great! Lassi Valve (lassi@ruben.pp.fi)
It looks nice ! Cheng-Chi Tai (ctai@cnde.iastate.edu)
Looks interesting, I think it should be done again next year. Michael Glover (michael.glover@onlinesys.com)
I believe its original Fred Davilmar (davilm@accent.net)
I believe its original Fred Davilmar (davilm@accent.net)
Hello to all of you! Michelle Baker (baker@infomart.mhs.compuserv.com)
hi Lisa Tomita (lisat@vnet.ibm.com)
CONGRATULATIONS Juan M. Campos (jmcampos@seker.es)
Greetings from Finland to all!! Tero Mensalo (TERO.MENSALO@mensalo.pp.fi) |
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I'll put my homepage soon! Jackson Kuo (jackson@mbc1.scu.edu.tw)
great idea. will keep on coming back for more! ashit mehta (ashit@giasbm01.vsnl.net.in)
Great!! Joshua Tai (m8402023@mail.tmc.edu.tw)
Greetings! (Found out about you by reading Time magazine. Kurt Heinrich (heinrich@mail.island.net)
Greetings from Columbus, Indiana. I hope this exhibition
spawns something as memorable as ice cream cones, or
hot dogs. Stay out of the Sun. Gary Romine (gromi00@mail.cpbx.net)
I have visited your amazing country, and am amazed at your site. Bravo. I will certainly come back to it, and hopefully to visit your country in person again. Thank You Hassan Mandour (hwztn@quebectel.com)
Fantastic, the future is here !! Jean Drolet (ltjxd01@nt.com)
╗τ╢√╟╪┐Σ │¬└╟ ─ú▒╕ ┐⌐╖»║╨╡Θ!
Choe ho-goong (hgchoe@mail.posec.co.kr)
Is it just me, or does everybody have to wait this long just to sign in the Guestbook?
By the way, this is a very cool site. Nice work. Prana Asmara (prasmara@yogya.wasantara.net.id)
interesting idea! Kevin Yip (kevinyip@hk.super.net)
world is big
earth is small
stay who you are
jan prins (j.prins@mdi.rws.minvenw.nl)
Surprisingly, I found this address in the Newspaper. Chien, Jen-Chieh (jchien@leland.stanford.edu)
Just came in, byt I'm sure I'll visit often,
looks just so interesting and well done. Thanks!
Marjatta Orrainen (maor@mail.espoo.fi)
I haven't looked around yet but I think this site is a great idea. I heard about the site from a Real Audio link at RA that had a Science Friday show from National Public Radio.
William S. Audette (WAudette@rmci.net)
very interesting to see, what is to bee found Ilmari HeikkilΣ (shortcut@scs.inet.fi)
I hope that I have enough time to surf all your great places
but think so.Good luck Heikki Vanhala (heikki.vanhala@icl.fi)
very good. Shyr Meau Chen (shyrmeau@earthlink.net.com)
Indiscribely humungouse Donald V. Greenbaum (Nohea1@AOL.com)
Great web site. Ken and Christina (chrisken@iaw.on.ca)
WOW!!!!! ANNE BORDELEAU (qsisys@generation.net)
Classy screen design and good usability. Michele Jacobsen (dmjacobs@acs.ucalgary.ca)
nice looking site jhonk
It`s a really little world!!!!
Sebastißn Silva Sßnchez (al177714@campus.ccm.itesm.mx)
We need some faster pipelines down here in the slow south of
Africa. Your ideas are great, but we seem to be a bit (no
pun) slow.
Thank you - c'est cool.
Alwyn M÷ller (leagle@iafrica.com)
Quite phenomenal! Bernard Lipschitz (lipp@netvision.net.il)
X-ellent! This will change the future of the net! Jun Katayama (jkat@osk.threewebnet.or.jp)
Nice Layout Matt Cross (Matt_Cross@cpqm.saic.com)
Exciting! Pentti Ahnger
That's good idea for anyone on the net Kinkei Yung (kyunt@direct.ca)
What a unique idea. Great!! Louis Handley (louis.handley@comma.se)
Great idea - I intend tospend many hours exploring its possibilities R.L. Shep (shepgibb@mcn.org) |
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Fabulous graphics!
keep building cosy sites.
Desiree Miloshevic (desiree@demon.net)
The Park is a great idea.
I'm looking forward to my next visit! Larry Miller (larry.miller@sympatico.ca)
Great step toward international village ! Greeting from Indonesia Hartono Murtiyoso (hmurt@rad.net.id)
well done. jerry Goldstein (j.goldstein@dial.pipex.com)
Very interesting web and also strong hardware supports,I take this url in my bookmark
Ciao e complimenti Vincenzo Onorati (vivis)
It's a very interesting and good idea.
Greetings from Austria !! Anton Ertl (Anton.Ertl@uibk.ac.at)
It's wonderful. I want to see the art in the WEB. Eduardo de Jesus (edujesus@brasilnet.com.br)
This is really interesting!!! Henrik Ellegaard (none)
"Outstanding Graphics!!!" Ramona Bohwongprasert (i-ramonb@microsoft.com)
It's Good! Sam Leung (Chun@direct.ca)
This is a very good idea! Teresa Tayengco Wen (ashley@vasia.com)
Love the graphics though I guess we all need more bandwidth.
I found the information extremely useful too.
Good Luck Mike Cobb (mikec@cobweb.co.uk)
Where am I? Yasunori Higaki (higaki@tsumura.co.jp)
It's sensational to visit the expo site of my homeland. Thanks much for your work! Chia-jer Tsai (ctsai@attquest.ho.att.com)
I WISH I HAD A NICE TRIP ON THE FAIR. manfred (s611165@sun2.cpu.edu.tw)
I need more bandwidth to see those wonderful graphics Teng-Kiat Lee (ltk@vlsi.ee.nus.sg)
Just arrived. Looks fantastic. I was looking at the guest
book, and this is truely a Worlds Fair! John R. Adams (jradams@one.net)
Hi! Ik-Soo Cha (AandD@hitel.kol.co.kr)
The expo was a great experience. Very user friendly! Xochitl Gomez (xochiquetzaltzin.gomez@csun.edu)
The new way of traveling in the new century will be the cyber-traveling
It is amazing the new worlds you encounter sitting in your living-room,
IT┤S UNEXPENSIVE & WORTHWHILE Carlos Gomez Andonaegui (cagomez@ibm.net)
Get wired !! Kasuo Yoshida (kazuoy@mbox.kyoto-inet.or.jp)
FREE THE NET!!!! Connor Dickie (connor@icis.on.ca)
Wish everybody have a happy spring break.
Hui-Lin Chen (Chenh3@sluvca.slu.edu)
just glad to be here! tbird (tbird@co.davis.ut.us)
I'm so glad to come here. It's great for the students studying abroad to know what happens in Taiwan. Claudia Lin (linc4@sluvca.slu.edu)
The maker off the sites is a great architect! RF Rolf Fyhr (rofy@dataphone.se)
Luv'd the Horse-flesh sausages from Kazakh cooking page.
Makes me wonder what i really ate last time i was in
Azerbaijan.. Hmmmm...???? Jay Wright (wrightjl@pweh.com)
Absolutely fantastic idea. I was born in St. Louis and love all the old 1904 St. Louis World's Fair illustrations.
This is a great way to learn more about other cultures, share information and promote cooperation.
Keep up the great work.
Steve Simons (Steve_Simons@US.Dell.Com)
I wish I had a faster modem! John Muncie (john@lochaber.demon.co.uk)
It's just beautiful ! Alexander Weis (alexw@actcom.co.il)
Ooooooooooh! What a beautiful site! C.H. Whang
What a wonderful community, what wonderful graphics! Maybe one day I could be in there with you. Brian Smith (brian@bigbear.u-net.com) |
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Just read about the fair in Time Magazine - and had to drop by. Very interesting! Ellis Shuman (ellis@shani.net)
I hope this is the first of many such events. Graham Gill (Trial of Pipex (I will have 1 soon))
I couldn't imagine that this would be possible so soon!
The little village is moving...
Congratulations! Antonio C Pinto (risco@telepac.pt)
Best in Internet
Surfing and (Snow)boarding, I love both.
Super ! Philip Haslwanter (seiler@kuehtai.co.at)
A wonderful world!! Hope we have peace! Chaucer C.H. Lin (chaucer.bbs@bach.mc.ntu.edu.tw)
Great idea! Rui Pereira (rui@is.co.za)
How great a Idea!
I love the Expo! Shih-Chang Yang ╖¿Ñ@⌐≈ (scyang95@pc2.hinet.net)
Just WONDERFUL !!!!!!!!!!!!!!! Ricky Lee (rickylee@hkstar.com)
How wonderful to be invited to tour a world exposition,
and not have to walk. Virtuality is becoming more real! HUGH BELL (hughbell@easynet.co.uk)
Thank you for a wonderful site :)) Graydon M. Rief (afsgt@ix.netxcom.com)
Just do it ! ▒Σ▓▒Ñ░ (TsaerJoe.xbbs@tiger.hcht.edu.tw)
This will be a great step for the worldjust like Armstrong,s!
*^.^* Violet Chou (u8311072@cc.nctu.edu.tw)
We Are the World.
We want PEACE! │\º╗║√ (ken.xbbs@tiger.hcht.edu.tw)
Pity your comments, dialogue overuns tothe right, but I'm just being picky here :) Trevor Aiston (trev@cims.u-net.com)
Trust me,You will love here! º║ ┤╝ ╖╜ Sung Tze-Yuan (N3805236@mbc1.scu.edu.tw)
WOW! Jason Weber (jweber@hs.hkis.edu.hk)
Looks like a great place to visit. Admitions free! Thats the cheapest thing I've seen yet. Great site Shawn Georges (georges@bcl.net)
Thank you for such a wonderful project. I think we are on the way to a true global understanding. Emile Aboumrad (entrena@rtn,net.mx)
It is wonderful to see that the Internet has grown into what it has (this site, for example).
You guys keep up the great work! Danny Baird (103135.1151@compuserve.com)
Great! Geoff Dymond (101560.3333@compuserve.com)
Peace on earth...good will to all. Laura Eckstein (leckstein@iquest.net)
I've enjoyed the FAIR! Thanks for having me. barry j. sullivan (spits@paonline.com)
I am very interested in the economics of open air markets and am currently researching the topic as a part of my studies at Salem College. I have found this network to be an invaluable resource for my studies. Thank You! Amalie O'Connor (oconnma8@salem.edu)
A true demonstartion of how the world can grow together....convergence in every sens of the word
JGL John G. Lynch (lynchj@astral.magic.ca)
************ Erik McBeth (Erik.McBeth@trw.com)
Great site!
Will there be one in '97 Richard Balding (itrcal@timeclocks.com)
Great work! How near is far away!?
What's left in store for the future? Jan Jacobs (tjjacobs@dds.nl)
Fantastic! Steven Johnson (Steve Johnson@stevenspoint.oti)
You did a very nice job! David T. Dunn (etcm64a@prodigy.com)
I am truly Impressed with this site Matthew Huegli (mhuegli@linfield.edu)
this is fun! dina desiervi (dina.l.deSiervi@csun.edu) |
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A pantload of information!!!! Nancy G. Nieves (nnieves@csun.edu)
Great getaway..great idea! cynthy.feagans-ward (cynthia.feagans-ward@huey@csun.edu)
Gee! That is a great effort you are doing by bringing
global villagers together. Sure we will enjoy the global
Jorge Jorge Lopez (pais@mafalda.univalle.edu.co)
What a fun getaway and a great idea!! cynthy.feagans-ward
I enjoyed my visit. I'll visit every week for sure.
Motoaki nakagawa (motoaki@nisiq.net)
I have enjoyed viewing this site and have book marked for future reference. Keep up the good work, see you soon. Rich... Richard McDonald (btu@eznet.net)
Looks like we need some representation from the "agricultural center of the world!" I'll see what I can do. One for all and all for one. Marc B. Blake (mbb@compugraph.com)
Been here, done this and that, but didn't get the T-Shirt :-(
Greetings to all and congratulations to the creators of this
site on such a good job! Slavek Gronski (gronski@marinet.or.jp)
Wow. Pretty impressive stuff. Joe O'Donnell (joseph.p.o'donnell@ac.com)
This is one of the best sites, what I ever see!
Good luck! Csßnyi Istvßn (csanyi@sol.cc.u-szeged.hu)
Wow ! Timo Kuisma (timo.kuisma@hut.fi)
Best Wishes and me we all prosper this year!
Cheers.... Scott R Davis (shadow@wilmington.net)
good job! God bless Taiwan! Fred Yang (cfyang@aol.com)
Fantastic!!!*** Theodore Benke (bg037@scn.org)
Beautiful sight but I am glad I am not paying for hook-up time as it takes a bit for your pages to download. Will visit again Bob Rufener (ruf@nconnect.net)
Great project! I'll visit ev'ry week for sure. Markus Arikan (markus@arikan.inka.de)
The trouble with most of us is that we would rather be ruined by praise
than saved by criticism.
Mike Klein (mikek@travsoft.com)
I found this site very interesting. It kept my attention and I will
certainly visit again soon. Joe Potts (joepotts@fay.infi.net)
Let The Games begin! Marshall McLuhan was right! T.A. Simpson (tasimpson@vir.com)
This is very wonderful & great Josiah C.P. Lam (josiahcp@singtao.com)
I enjoyed my visit. I did not get bored or lonely. Thank you.
Shahna Newton (figlet1@aol.com)
We've just begun to explore this fascinating site and look
forward to hours of fun and valuable information! Thanks
for being here - what a splendid idea! Bill and Marilyn Voorhies (lynny@downeast.net)
A perfect connection of the World! Johnson Chen (johnsona@ms3.hinet.net)
Nice setup and organized, well done. Danny Koh JK (jkkoh@abs.com.my)
What a neat concept! By the looks of the guest book, very well received as well. David R. Webb
It's good
nisc (nisc@ms1.hinet.net)
Congratulations! Best wishes. MABUHAY!
President Fidel V. Ramos (president@philippines.gov.ph)
It's a greate site ! Congradulations for international communication
is getting easier and easier.God bless us !!! Paul Lo (paul.lo@mail.chinatrust.com.tw)
Great Stuff! Joseph Gugliuzza (galactic@uniquephoto.com)
Greetings from Freiburg (Germany). I'ts a very good and interesting
idea these Internet world exposition. Gⁿnter Riede (100135.2432@compuserve.com)
This is a beautiful site.
Greetings! Paulo Ricardo Vijande Pedrozo (pedrozo@plug-in.com.br)
fine... Klaus Ramge (Ramge@T-Online.de) |
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The 3th wave is coming. Jon Cheng (joncheng@ms1.hinet.net)
Very interesting. How can I use this site for my students in sci/tech communication? Dave Schuelke (Schue001@maroon.tc.umn.edu)
Great site. Cathy Morgan (clmorgan@earthlink.net)
Great Site ! An example of what the web should be. Randy Woodward (randy@sonic.net)
Very Nice WWW Site ! I hope we are the World soon ! Piyow Chen (piyowchn@ms4.hinet.net)
Un tres beau site... A very nice site
I will come back Jean Beaudoin (bodoin@cam.org)
Great site! Bryan Cornine (bryan82@primenet.com)
on My desk,IBM PC working for me.
He said,I want to visit World Expo,so I let him as he like.
There are many PCs ,so he would feel very glad,I hope so.
I feel this place is nice.
Akio Morimoto (akio@na.rim.or.jp)
nice site, doei! erik de jong (myrik@luna.nl)
I LOVE the graphics. Simply BAGUS!
Another excellent example of our global village.
Daniel Cheng (chengtai@iscs.nus.sg)
OK. Es collonut. Marc Canals Hernandez (se03917@els.url.es)
I think this is a GOOD idea, a world fair in cyber space Walter Dijck (walter@glo.be)
Pretty good. This country is prooving again its will to do the best! Daniel Armenta (armenta@www.esi.us.es)
Terrific, I will be back soon again!!! Judy Wu (judywua@ms4.hinet.net)
It is excellent at this good time ! Jacky WU (PCNET@JACKY.CO.NZ)
Fun Times
D R Davis D R Davis (drd@humboldt1.com)
Go! Go! It's a great day! Yeh,Chinming James (cmyeh@cc10.vit.edu.tw)
Great show Warren Wheeler (dadd@oeonline.com)
Hello and see you in the expo! Garrell and Maria Malacad (garrell-mala@aix.or.jp)
Where do you buy T-shirts? Dickie & Mary Anne Davis (ddavis@mail.datasys.net)
Using Internet super highway can help us to make the earth become
on country. Jerry Liao (skliao@ms1.hinet.net)
LABOREM BONUM FACIMUS Jack Brodowski (jackbro@wt.net)
NICE Graphics! They just take a dog's age to download. . . . Sera Hill (whist@weintermute.echo-on.net)
In years to come when I tell my children
about the FIRST Expo (96) in cyberspace I will
probably recall it as quaint!
Peace Everyone. Scott J. O'Brien (scott.obrien@east.sun.com)
Keep the efforts to tell about the "Information Age". Larry Hanawalt (larryh)
A cheerfully hello form the french speaking countries. Great Web site, we wish you a successfull story.
L'exposition universelle permanente va jouer un r⌠le α sa mesure.
Pierre Fontaine (pierre@reality.be)
Spero che qulcuno conosca ancora questa bellissima lingua che e' l'italiano.
Un giorno imparero' anche l'inglese.
Baci Laura Laura Guazzaroni (laura@infobyte.it)
CIAO Marco Viscuso (marcovis@infobyte.it)
Thank you. I have a fun.
Seiji Mori (smori@utsc.s.u-tokyo.ac.jp)
Great web site! I loved it! Kris Nardello (spderwmn@cruzio.com)
Hello Dear World,
How nice to witness this historical event.
What is next? Zelma Teicher ( zizi@aplatform.com)
To Surf Or Not To Surf
That Is The Question
Peace in 1996 and Always David Noel (animalfarm@oia.net) |