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Entries through February 17
Where will this technology take us in the 21st century?? Mike LaBarbera (labarberam@titans.s716.ips.k12.in.us)
Pretty cool Tresi Arvizo (tarvizo@ossm.edu)
!!Happy new year!!
What a good place!I hope you love it.
ADA TSAI(╜▓⌐[╣F) (wolfgan@ksts.seed.ne.tw)
Very very nice ! A world in my computer, Thank's a lot. Joseph Mulyadi Lukman (jns@indo.net.id)
FΘlicitations pour Expo 96 Internet.
Salutations spΘciales α tous les internautes
de langue francaise du monde
Bye ! Michel Poulin (mpoulin@oricom.ca)
nice setup,I like the idea. Taran O'Doherty
COOL Graphics!!!!!!!!!!!
Happy Lunar New Year to all celebrating it!!! &
Selemat Hari Raya Puasa!!!!!
Victor Yeo (victory@singnet.com.sg)
HELLO.- This is my historic inscrption, and a salutation to all the people I know over the world.
Quizßs alguno de vosotros me encuentre, se acuerde de mφ, y me remita un E-Mail.
Thanks to the Fair for this oportunity.
Rafa. Rafael Fernßndez del Castillo, (RAFA) (rfc@tinet.fut.es)
May God bless us all on our travels on the Internet ! Henri del Mar (8delmar8@msn.com)
Good! But graph take times. Rick Liu (ethicon@ms1.hinet.net)
Hi everybody around the World.
It's nice to say this, I really feel like a "Netizen".
Hola a tothom areu del mon.
Realment es una cosa molt gran el poder comunicar amb
el mon. Ja hem sento un "Ciutadα del mon".
L'exposicio es sorprenent.
Pere Juanola (juanola@ima.udg.es)
Ik denk dat dit een zeer gave en ook vooral een buitengewoon
interesante manier is om de wereldburgers te bereiken.
Martijn Jacobs (4923512@et.fnt.hvu.nl)
It's nice to be home. Hubert Yang (hubert@ntumc1.mc.ntu.edu.tw)
This is the first step of our next million steps toward the global cooperative of humankind.
Let's committed ourselves to continue this work! Kemal Taruc Mertohadidjojo (kemal@rad.net.id)
GOOD!! CHEN MENG-CHENG(│»╣┌╝²í^ (cmc@ms1.hinet.net)
Palau a merael daichob
Palau rules!! Eric Ksau Whipps (whiper@wwc.edu)
Some people predict that the internet society will collapse in 1996 because of the withdrawal of major sponsors due to insecurity on internet.
I hope this situation can be improved from contributions to this Expo.
Happy Chinese New Year to everybody!
Tsung-Wen Shiao (weho@neosoft.net)
I liked the program you are setting up for the internet . Albert C. Lin (Ber-Ber-Tow)
good idea
Lawrence M. Quinn (Q6822@aol.com)
I play in jungle now!!!
teiji tanaka (JAD03065@niftyserve.or.jp)
Taiwan's pavilion is the best among all Asian countries' pavilions. I'll introduce this site to friends. Alvin Lin (ylin3@students.wisc.edu)
Excellent opportunity to make the world to understand each other much more easily. Kuo-tai Hu (mhhkt@ccvax.sinica.edu.tw)
An occasional W3-surfer
Lin, Kung-kai
Happy Chinese New Year! ╖sª~º╓╝╓ Nelson Cheng-╛G┐│ññ (tlaosiri@magnus.acs.ohio-state.edu)
Great site--will be back to visit again. Faith Thompson (faith1@ix.netcom.com)
Happy Chinese New Year!╖sª~º╓╝╓! Nelson Cheng-╛G┐│ññ (tlaosiri@magnus.acs.ohio-state.edu)
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Very impressive. Greeting from Prambodo
Happy Lebaran and Happy Chinese New Year. L. Prambodo (tmpr@indo.net.id)
Agree it's a Great Idea and Great Presentation http://www.cnsii.com Sharon FurFuro (sharon@cnsii.com)
Greetings from the Rockies!! Dennis D Brungardt (denbrung@fortnet.org)
Best Regards From Iceland! Einar Bragason (webmaster@smart.is)
Great idea Bjarne Hσkonsson (haakon@pip.dknet.dk)
A real class site Ken Grier (grierka@aa.wpafb.af.mil)
Wow!!! Billy Josefsson (Billy.Josefsson@LFV.postnet.se)
one small set. ROBERT A. CROWLEY (crobert@e-tex.com)
To all the members of DNRC - It's great to have joined.
It's a nice web-site with usefull info. Thomas Sollok Petersen (sollok@dk-online.dk)
OK, I┤m impressed by the graphics, but my transferrate
makes it a loooong experience.
Why am i writing this, when no one will ever see it?
If you do, drop me a line... Jorgen "Bowe" Bevonius (jorgen.bevonius@mailbox.swipnet.se)
I enjoyed reading your pages about the world's fairs
of yesteryear. Any chance you'll be adding more info about
these and other fairs? Justin Fielding (jfielding@vermeer.com)
Nice setup. Mike Couvillion (mike@misoft.com)
As a Director of a small Internet Access service company, you can make me the happiest man in the world by, regarding my company with a free stand-place and access to the most great Expo. Martin Moreyra (moreyram@interprov.com)
Well, I'm sure it can be done something nicer, but I've not
seen everything yet,
Marco. Marco Marchioro (Marco@jhu.edu)
I am impressed by this homepage. Fu-Ren Lin (f-lin3@uiuc.edu)
An excellent presentation on the web. Thomas Cheng (tiffany@crown.net)
What can I say that hasn't been said already? Oh wait,
See y'all on the 'net. Karl Rosander (rosander@ix.netcom.com)
if this is the future of web pages..,i am glad i am a part of it! GREAT JOB! Bryan Jager (jagerb@cw-f1.umd.umich.edu)
Pretty Cool Place! Tim Crow (Bhodi@cei.net)
Congratulations on your endeavors in putting together this excellent program.
Thanks for the effort.
Kyu Y. Chang
Associate Professor of Advertising
Pepperdine University
Kyu Yeol Chang, PhD (kchang@pepperdine.edu)
Wow, nice graphics !! Henrik Groth-Andersen (hga@dk-online.dk)
Just Shrink It! Very impressive stuff. Check out this page
come March '96: http://strategis.ic.gc.ca Made in Canada! Kevin Tsui (tsui.kevin@ic.gc.ca)
Your site is wonderful! Full of great information and incredible graphics. Lana Gooby (lgooby@shandwick.com)
Like to see the internet is accessible by everyone in Taiwan by the year 2000. Peter Pan (sp16@cornell.edu)
The first time I visit this exposition,
The first time I fall in love with it!
It's very nice and meaningful! Felix Lam (flam@glink.net.hk)
I'm hoping that this Expo would not only be an excuse for taking advantage of the commercial potentials of the Internet. Romeo L. Villarta Jr. (villarta@mnl.sequel.net)
The first time I visit this exposition,
The first time I fall in love with it!
It's very nice and meaningful! Felix Lam (flam@glink.net.hk)
I'm hoping that this Expo would not only an excuse for taking advantage of the commercial potentials of the Internet. Romeo L. Villarta Jr. (villarta@mnl.sequel.net)
Internet Exposition should showcase the best that Internet
has to offer. Interactive Video Conferencing and Voice
Communications are some of the more powerful uses that the
Net can make available to us Netizens. Please feature more
of this particular applications as booths in your fair.
Congratulations to the organizers of the 1996 World Net Fair
and to us all participants. Edwin L. Yap (ely@mnl.sequel.net)
Ñ|«ⁿñºñ║¼╥ CyberSpace ñºñ═ Jose Chao (jose3428@tpts1.seed.net.tw) |
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Hello World!
This is a very cool site! I'll visit it again!
If you like RPGs send me a e-mail!
I'll fight for peace, freedom and...internet independance Jordi Orte del Molino (ei39718863@est.fib.upc.es)
Hi! I'm Jihwan from Korea. This place is really wonderful.
╛╚│τ╟╧╝╝┐Σ! └·┤┬ ├╓┴÷╚»└╘┤╧┤┘. ┐⌐▒Γ ┬ⁿ ┴┴│╫┐Σ.
p.s. 2002 Worldcup =======> In Korea!!!!!
Jihwan Choi(├╓┴÷╚») (jihwan@star.elim.net)
I am five years old, and I am proud to be a member of the internet family. ⌐P¼PÑα, Rocky (uffs0002@ms4.hinet.net)
Hello from Taiwan ELG company ! Annie Yang (uffs0002@ms4.hinet.net)
As a children's reference librarian at the Tuscarawas County
Public Library, this is a wonderful resource! I'll be checking
your Exposition often throughout the year!
Lorrie Lorrie Wheeler (jaws@tusco.net)
This is a wonderful place to visit. Wang, Shih-Chieh (scwang@via.com.tw)
It's incredible exposition. Yuankai Lee (Taiwanplus@msn.com)
I love this way to make an exposition & I really love it ! :-o
For: Jimmy, Budi, Ivan, Bobby, Wayan, Tony, Yuna, Ade, & all of TNCC members, I think U have to see it ! :-)
Thank's for all people who made this exposition happend. CUL ;-) Oktavia W. (budi@telimek.lipi.go.id)
Just Great !!!
Moim najukochanszym, Ewie i Michalowi wpisal sie Wasz
Tata 02.15.96.(polish). George I. Kiezik (georgek@dorsai.org)
It is very impressed. Frank (f-lin3@uiuc.edu)
Happy Chinese New Year!!
(»¼╣A╛Σª~¼K╕`º╓╝╓!!) Shieh Jia-shing(┴┬«a┐│) (u103081@cmce.cmc.edu.tw)
Happyt Valentine's Day to everyone from God's Country in Wisconsin. Visited the World's Fair in New York City in 1964 or '65. This is so much better. If my sister in New York State reads this please e-mail me.
Nancy Nix (tjnan@pcii.net)
Wanghs (chenyc@baijuyi.math.ncu.edu.tw)
Taiwan's pavillion was really awesome! Yu-Hua Walker (rwwalker@burgoyne.com)
A wonderful idea, I hope that many of the world's people
will be able to visit and learn about each other, and the
things that are of value. Tony & Marleen O'Donovan (tonyo@us.ibm.com)
I love my country, Taiwan.R.O.C. Mei-Chuan Chen (chenm@cougarnet.byu.edu)
Looks great.It will be fun to visit during 1966. John Tepe (johntepe@aol.com)
Wonderful Site Dennis E. Karcher (dkarcher@3lefties.com)
Congratulations on the nice site. Hope your expo turns out
better than The New York World's Fair !!!! Keep taking us
all beyond 2000 and shrinking the globe........
Paul Hartmann (speedbump@ichange.com)
Love and kissis for all the world from the most beautiful island of the Mediterranean sea. Anφbal Guirado Campos (anibal@mail.ddnet.es)
Hoping this event will be a great one! J. Roberto Hernaiz (jrhernaiz@redestb.es)
Gooooooooooooooo Deeeeeeeeeeep Bluuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuue! Norman L. "Larry" Williams (LarryWilliams@SWS.e-mail.com)
excellent page
Philippe Lebeuf (plebeuf@andrew.sca.usherb.ca)
This is a great kind of Exposition, hope to visit furtue
Exposition of this type. Hi to all and Happy Valentines! Elvin Florian A. Surtida (rsurtida@cas.uap.edu.ph)
Very good. Are we planning for 1997 yet? Guy R Cook (guyrcook@kendaco.telebyte.com)
Job well done! I will tell all my Taiwanese friends about this. Hsien te Tseng (htseng@direct.ca)
the theme behind central park seems cool. i can't wait to see more. Damaria (damaria@friends.wilmington.de.us)
This is my first time to the worlds fair and i'm very new to
this internet and to all this that out here for all to enjoy!!! Ron Wise (rosebud1@iquest.net)
I would like to thank the sponsors of this event for giving some one up in the deep freeze something to look at. Larry D. Schwab (lschwab@ndsu.vm1)
Hi everybody on Earth!
I can't wait to look around- I just LOVE World's Fairs.
I'll come back later- where do I get my hand stamped?
Visit the Zizzibalooba Home Page- visi.com/~witt!
See ya- Jim Jim Wittstruck (witt@visi.com) |
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Thanks for another small footprint in the pages of cyberspace history, Press on. John K. Carpenter (apache@chelsea.ios.com)
nice graphics Nick Michael (diller@cris.com)
The World is becoming smaller they say. Now it seems there all on my desktop, thanks to all those who are helping to make this Expo 96 happen. Good luck to you all and hope that this monumental exercise will truly benefit all mankind. KANG Seung-Han (Hans) (hans@chosun.com)
"Go Kasparov" Joe Magyar (magyarj@mantech-wva.com)
I will be back! Renee Clepper (Geospin@aol.com)
Great Esposition!
Kevin Guy (kguy@feldspar.com)
By this fair all of us get together on the world.
Viva the '96 Internet World's Fair.
MAS Musfil A.Syukur (zogremas@indo.net.id)
I like Internet. Do you like? Kuang-Chih Lu (lu106tpe@ms1.hinet.net)
Internet is a mind-boggling source of enjoyment and info.
It's amazing the info you can receive. Let's face it we all
spend or are spending countless hours and days looking for
T&A sites. Looking is all right, but lets not forget to
get out in the real world.
Tom Oh (tom1@samsung.co.kr)
No Comment, I'm so impressed!! Nugraha (dadanghv@rad.net.id)
Hello!Everybody! The park is so beautiful!!
ª≤Ñ┐ªt James Hoe (jameshoe@ms4.hinet.net)
Hi! Happy New Year , Everybody Marvin Peng (m2426999@ms2.hinet.net)
HOLA A TODOS!, Esta es una de mis primeras experiencias en
la Red y me parece realmente excitante.
Felicidades a todos...
Nota: Estais todos invitados a las pr≤ximas FALLAS
(Fiesta universal) Fernando G≤mez (fgomez@copx.cop.gva.es)
It's great to have a chance to participate in the very first Internet Expo. Enjoy! Happy Valentine's Day, JC, 143! Lydia Kam-Bing Chu (stanchu@aol.com)
I am so amazed finding out this place.In my old-fashioned
idea,I have never imaged that this country is so good,though
I am a student learning ethnic groups[shame for me].
I AM SO HAPPY FINDING OUT HERE helow shu (poison2@ms2.hinet.net)
i hope there will be more expo' like this. lin fa-li
Hello everyone, from the University of Washington.
This is a very good home page and it's good to see so
many people responding to it. It would be nice to hear
comments from those who have the opportunity to attend the
fair. Ray Solis (jobe@u.washington.edu)
nice to see this expo. please keep it up.
all the best
Beppi BEPPI FORSTER-LAU (beppi@pop.jaring.my)
Hello everybody:
Here is the voice from National Ping_Tung Polytechnic
Insititute (NPPI), Dept. of Civil Engineering.
Wish you have a grate Chinese New Year Tsou I (tsou@mail.nppi.edu.tw)
This project shows the good that can come from the Internet. Jamie K. Chang (chang+@andrew.cmu.edu)
Welcome to Taiwan, R.O.C. for expo96, Happy Chinese Lunar New Year. Prudence Chen (d3701003@cc.ntu.edu.tw)
Now... even though this seems my first visit,
I am ready to navigate "Internet" without making any errors
Thanks a lot to everyone who organizes this amazing site
and good luck to all the navigators. chao!
Young Chan, Kim (rickim@samsung.co.kr)
I have just began exploring the internet and the web and
this is exciting. To have a site like the Worlds Fair on
the Internet where people from around the world can come
and visit is fantastick. Congratulations on a wonderful
web site!! Frank Soltesz (fasoltesz@www.megahits.com)
So glad to be here at the first Internet World Fair. I hope this makes history. I'm sure I shal not forget it. Debra I. Chamberlin (lanmgr@epix.net)
This is truly a unique opportunity. Kevin Bisch (kbtoy@cpcn.com)
Wonderful place to be in!!! Kenneth Gomez (umgomez0@cc.umanitoba.ca)
Internet 1996 World Exposition! Go! Go! Go!
Happy Chinese New Year to All Chineses in the World!
Shyh-Ruey Yen (─YÑ@╛U) (u8311564@cc.nctu.edu.tw)
This is great! Tommy Sellers (tsellers@onramp.net)
»¼Ñ■Ñ@¼╔¬║ññ░ΩñH╖sª~º╓╝╓ philip lin(¬L╛▒╖~) (jionloen@c4.hinet.net) |
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A global change,a global clearer picture,a new lenguage,
a global peace that unites,and improves,solutions to total
communication and democracy...thanks for being there for all JOSEPH HERRERA (JOSEPH@FLOTSAM.COM)
FANTASTIC Andrea Boschi (boschi@system.abacom.it)
The World Is A Very Cool Place! The World Wide Web is a very cool place. CLEVELAND CELEBRATES ITS 200TH BIRHTDAY THROUGHOUT 1996. Dale Giesige (MGQT38A@prodigy.com)
This is wonderful! I'll be back. Chris MacIntyre (cmacintyre@aol.com)
Keep up the good work!! Fred Rogers (FWRogers@AOL.com)
HAVE A WONDERFUL TRIP Wen Fung (wen@pty.com)
It's a Fun Website! Whitney Liu (whtiney@gus.net)
A wonderful idea whose time has come! Barnard Goodman (bgoodman@accesscomm.net)
Very interesting, but the flayed horsehead was in questionable taste. Karen Pike Davis (hgdavis@enter.net)
Very cool place! Marc Albert (malbert@cam.org)
Hi! Everybody ! Hector Wang (hect0r@ms2.hinet.net)
sites are great - however - i hate arbitrary rules. jim wamsley (jim_wamsley@stortek.com)
Canada knows how to design and produce the best World's Fairs and this one is right up there Janice Kelly (Janice@mediabox.com)
Hi world! ;-) Carles Xavier Torres (c910544@alumnes.esade.es)
WAY COOL! (but it takes a while to load) Ward Procter (wprocter@lis.ab.ca)
This is a wonderful concept. Keep it up! Richard Baey (nwsing@pacific.net.sg)
Truly beautiful site, truly beautiful idea. Frank Burns (frank@tmn.com)
It's good to know every one in the VIRTUAL WORLD! Marc Su (─¼Ñ╔└s) (chinglin@ms4.hinet.net)
Hot home page guy╣s. I hope this is a reflection of the quality of things to come as the internet continues into 2000 and beyond. Rod Simmons (rods57@aol.com)
Great Pages and absolutly great idea ...KUDOS!!!! Gregory Rosales (grosales@hal-pc.org)
It's a nice Homepage.
Send me an E-mail.
GoodBye. Frank Tsai (85K058@cc.kscg.gov.tw)
I am glad to sign here.
If anyone want to contect with me?
Please send E-mail to me.
Cheng Chieh-Hung (wince@hntp2.hinet.net)
Congratulations! Internet EXPO 96 Kwak, Eun-seok (zenius@unitel.co.kr)
It's an honor to join this big party.
Hope my grand grand...children can find my name. Ronnie Tseng (┤┐º╙Ñ░) (ronnie@ms4.hinet.net)
Hi...How are you?
Wellcome to Taiwan.......:) │»¬L¼u(Lin-Chun Chen) (ligui@c39.hinet.net)
Good job guys..... Hope it will be success through the year 1996.
1996 is the Internet year for all of you..... M Indra Bangsawan (indra@indo.net.id)
Well done guys! I hope this Expo will help in development for the Internet! Wong, Hon Kwong Felix (griffon@hkabc.net)
say hello to my friends Amos Chang FUNTACH (funtach@ms3.hinet.net)
Great graphics! G. David Yaros (76703.4332@compuserve.com)
Estamos abriendo una puerta al mundo que no tiene vuelta
atrßs. Es un buen camino para que todos nos podamos entender
mejor. Roman Salva (wilkens_international@seker.es)
Very Nice. Thonas Su (u8412514@cc.nctu.edu.tw)
It's a wounderful world.
│o¼Oñ@¡╙¼ⁿº«¬║Ñ@¼╔! kinkon Wang (kinkon@mail.nsysu.edu.tw) |
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In memory of Rober E. Oatman 11/3/53 - 7/21/88 Clark W. Hiestand
I think this is a excellent demostration for Taiwan internationally.
I would send out this web address to all my friend. Kai-Yuan Chiang (kchiang@lynx.neu.edu)
After seeing so much commercial home pages, the Expo '96 presentation is really refreshing for anyone using the Net.Great Job. John Oman (gmlinedog@mail.del.net)
Superb! Expect more from life... and you get more. Patrick Wisniewski (quill@copland.udel.edu)
Looks And Rus Great Keep Up The Good WOrk Eddie Kaufman (eddiek@netxpress.com)
I wish the Internet Expo succeed all over the world. Teruji Ichimaru (BXD00321@niftyserve.or.jp)
Excellecent page! The Railroad inspires me with the possibilities of what it can do. Excellent artwork as well.
Erick Thompson (ethompso@u.washington.edu)
Our PRESENT I support you to
join the present selection .
You are the best group in this
selection. Go! Go! I always
support you.
chung-meng-ju (N.T.I.T)
Internet is nothing but amazing. Yu-Li Chang (ylchang@mtu.edu)
Very artistic home page. Congratulations!
Larry E. MIller (lemiller@ccms.ntu.edu.tw)
I am very happy to visit the fair. Huang Shih Wei (ngseui@ms1.hinet.net)
Your Art Work is Truly Breathtaking. It makes me want to see the World Exposition in person. Helen Peyton Bullard (HPB01@NOFN.com)
Hello from Claremont,Illinois!
Great Home Page! Very interesting I really liked it.
Bonnie Phillips
LET INTERNET B FREE... David Abraham S (alan@indo.net.id)
very good !!!!
very informative !!!!! Henry Fok (hewfok@ihug.co.nz)
STUART COLE (scole@wcnet.org)
I hope this idea for this type of exposition stays around forever,
My children should be able to experience this adventure when they re-discover the fun of computing
Paul A. Newell (CWO47421@pinn.net)
Great site! M Smith (msmith@www.datastream.net)
It looks impressive at first glance! Kudos!! Dave Headrick (dheadri@ecf.toronto.edu)
Greetings from the homeland of the volcano Hekla. Feel free to visit us at: http://www.smart.is/rang/ ICELAND/Hella/Rangßrvallahreppur (rang@smart.is)
I would enjoy additional information about the expo Mary Graham-Buxton (mbgraham@ilstu.edu)
Terrific looking site with insightful and educational
content. I am sure you will receive many repeat visitors.
Saul Summerall (sauls@dc.infi.net)
Terrific looking site with insightful and educational
content. I am sure you will receive many repeat visitors.
Saul Summerall (sauls@dc.infi.net)
Congratulations !!! Excellent job !!! On Site Technologies (onsite@ibm.net)
Hola a todos los Internautas espa±oles.Esta exposici≤n es digna de un grandisimo elogio.Saludos.tom
P.D:Barca campeon de liga. Tom Stenberg (Tstenberg@correo.vnet.es)
Very cute design and layout. Beautiful background also.
But the server speed is way too slow. I have to wait at least
5 minutes to download the very first page. ( I have direct access to
internet) I will look around and give more feedback if I have some.
Good job. Chih-Chung Pan (charlie.pan@citicorp.com)
Just discovered your beautiful home page after reading about
the exposition in our local paper. It hints of more
wonders to come as I journey through the exhibits.
Yvonne Link (ylink@magpage.com)
Just discovered your beautiful home page after reading about
the exposition in our local paper. It hints of more
wonders to come as I journey through the exhibits.
Yvonne Link (ylink@magpage.com)
Different. Extensive. Nick Lynch (fsnl@aurora.alaska.edu) |
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The design and work of the R.O.C. Pavilion is wonderful! I especially enjoyed learning all the precious information about Taiwan. Thank you for the great work done! Huey-nah Cindy Chou (c603420@mizzou1.missouri.edu)
The design and plan of this Internet 1996 World Exposition is fantastic! I enjoyed visiting everything links of it! Thank you all for the great job done!
Huey-nah Cindy Chou (c603420@mizzou1.missouri.edu)
finding this whole experience wonderful. Michael Trager (ca4092freenet.uchsc.edu)
b psicopedya as far as U can... risto (c920065@alumnes.esade.es)
Congratulations to Expo 96The Future is upon us!What was thought to be impossible in 1995 - may become reality in 1996 Conrad C. Riecke (criecke@shore.intercom.net)
Great idea!!! Keep up the good work!!! Jessica FOng (jessfo@uclink4.berkeley.edu)
Excellent ! Ping Li (Ping-Chung.Li@amd.com)
Hi !
The CyberSpace is a Good Idea !!!
This is a new virtual life !!!
Salud :-)) FΘlix Eroles (feroles@conexis.es)
Hi !
The CyberSpace is a Good Idea !!!
This is a new life virtual !!!
Salud :-)) FΘlix Eroles (feroles@conexis.es)
Hi. We are an Radio Amateur Club in Barcelona. We have an Internet conexion thanks to the
Universitat Poiltecnica de Catalunya.
Associaci≤ de Radioaficionats de la UPC (aru@etsetb.upc.es)
Greatlooking place, I intend to visit all the sites
in the coming weeks. Jim. J.Darlington (74532,2675@compuserve.com)
Very interesting. I'll spend some time visiting all (or most) of these places.
Thanks to those who have helped to make it happen. Raymond Hoy Sun Seow
Always looking for interesting places to go on the net! Just like any Worlds Fair this one will take many visits to see everything! Shawn Steiner (ShawnS2@aol.com)
Hello ! Everyone ! I'm a freshman in Internet ! Good bye ! Cavin (cctinfo@ms4.hinet.net)
Brilliant! WineZone (winezone@winezone.com)
It's very nice to see your home page, I believe some day when everybody use the Internet, and communicate by Internet, then the "small world" will become true! Hank Lo (stellatw@ms3.hinet.net)
We are looking forward to the evolution! Jabarin (winezone@winezone.com)
Here we are in the UPF in Catalonia (Spain).
That's all folks!
Albert Foz Pedemonte (ffoz@hades.udg.es)
We are looking forward to the evolution! Jabarin (winezone@winezon.com)
Very pleased to see the internet becomer more and more popular, I hope some day everybody can use internet and communicate by internet, then the "samll world" can become true. Hank Lo (stellatw@ms3.hinet.net)
Nice job! Sean MacGuire (sean@iti.qc.ca)
Damn good job, a good chance to let me met all the friend
arround the world too... Michael Han (tyhan@
Good Job! Mike Vai (vai@ece.neu.edu)
Good jobs! Oliver Ho (ohu@opal.tufts.edu)
I was ABSOLUTE impressed.
Let's not to "hope"
let's make it a real success altogether
not just they or you me too.
chiang chungching (chiang@magi.com)
It's a wonderful idea to unit all the people around the world. Peace but not War. May God bless all of you who do good deeds for our next generation ! TAN SECK-LEONG (sltan@mol.net.my)
Just starting. Glad for the Exposition. George Cora (chezcor@msn.com)
VERY INTERESTING STEPHAN ROSS (sross@microagewny.com) |
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Very nice, Would'nt change a thing! Ron Cassell (roncass@fmcpumps.com)
What a great idea, congratulations Jorge Fernandes
nicley done. Jim Boles (jim.boles@anixter.com)
Great idea & events S. Lee Elliott
Make sure this won't be just a show, but an Expo that's never ending. Jerry Huang (jkh@c4.hinet.net)
"Another step for man and another giant leap for mankind". Phat Phan (phan@erols.com)
Nice pages! Jelle Niemantsverdriet (jelle_n@dds.nl)
Have a nice day Gunawan Sumantri (gsumant@ibm.net.id)
I thought the Internet World Fair was going to be a VRML
world or Alphaworld environt? James Young (cshells2@poi.net)
Have a nice day. Danny Wang (danny@mail.dual.com.tw)
On the Anniversary of our President Lincoln's Birthday, let me
express the hope that the Freedom of the Internet can be kept
as sacred as the Freedom Lincoln gained for the Southern Slaves
in a particularly DARK time in our country. Let us pray that History
Marvin N. Durland (marvd@slip.net)
very good ! ¬L│╖¼ⁿ Hsueh Mai Lin (wlcusr8@tpts1.seed.net.tw)
GRACIAS. Fernando & Fernando (fgomez@copx.cop.gva.es)
It seems to be in a big Expo place. Makoto Hasegawa (HASEGAWA@NetLaputa.or.jp)
The world is surely getting smaller! Peter G. Vicenty (102665.3336@compuserve.com)
Great site, see you 17 March Chris Higgins (chiggins@direct.ca)
I am 15 1/2 yrs old am glad to be a part of this Expo..Would like some e-mail so please contact..Peace to all Mark Moore (cgabob@usa.net)
It is a good place!
I'm very happy to go here!
I'm hope more people can come here!
Tom Sgenloon (ufloon65@ms4.hinet.net)
This is THE site of the year, it must be !! Carlos Campos (carlos.campos@mail.liberty.co.za)
WHAT A WONDERFUL NET! ERIC CHOU (uffs0002@ms4.hinet.net)
IT'S GREAT IDEA :INTERNET WORLD SHOW '96 !! I LOVE IT !!! STEVE CHEN (hopson@tc.globalnet.com.tw)
I enjoyed visiting site. Will return to get more information. William C. Dewberry, Jr (dewberry@gulf.net)
It's really a fantastic Fair.
Wish to see you next year..... ¬L▒R░╢ Johnnarven.Kensivia (I Forget it !! )
I really like this site, I can't wait to see the rest! Greg Wittel (psykik@midtown.net)
Great start to the Internet. I'm curious though on the web page with past world's fairs, no mention is given to more recent fairs, particularly outside the US such as Expo'67 or Expo'86 held in Canada?
John Leander Po (jlpo@odyssee.net)
Good looking Page. Will comment more when I finish
looking. Smokey Mountain Bee Company, Inc. (smokeybees@ilinkgn.net)
Looks Good R. Jones (rjones@unix.adept.net)
Dam good site!! Jim Taverna (tinybbls@interramp.com)
Hook Lu (Hook@globalnet.com.tw)
Very,very interesting! Ronald D. Oliver (rd_oliver@msn.com)
hellow world!!!
duksoo park (kim560625) |
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Congrats! Very nice work. The net will bring us all closer
together. James R. Bolling (jbolling@avana.net)
Greetings from the Midwest! Beth Molish (bmolish@iquest.net)
It's a good look at the present, and a hint of the future to come. George W. Migala (gwm@migala.com)
Just so much to seeèand it╣s just the beginning Peter Kowler (RELWOK@aol.com)
It is very joyful to visit and read the Taiwan Pavillion. Thanks for a job that is excellently done. Nien Tsu Tang
Site looks good, heep it up. jon whitaker (malcom@glasscity.net)
Looks great so far!!!! I'll be back again!
Marc Morrison (Marc@mail-newrock.coretech.com)
I'm HERE!!!!!!!! It's GREAT !!!!!!!!
YaHoooooo YaHooooooooooooo
Long Live Internet !!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! Vincent Zheng-zao Su (vincent@yaya.ntu.edu.tw)
Isn't The WWW great?! I am traveling around the world through my finger tips!!!
Bye the way, while you are at it, why don't you check out Guam's website...
Nanlin Chiang (nchiang@ns.gov.gu)
Viva Internet! Jongmin Kim (hookykim@chollian.dacom.co.kr)
I am new to the Internet and I would like to see and experience all that it has to offer me William T. Bronson (Mandan@Nauticom.net)
I was trying to get in to see the chess match, I could not get in to see. so here i am checking out your expo 96 page. I know i am not that smart, so where and when the expo going to be held. thank you very much for your page, Harry Sears Jr. Harry E Sears Jr (gamesmst@ix.netcom.com)
Nice idea ! Nice grafix ! Much fun ! Go on ! Carsten Ziepke (lapinkult@aol.com)
Looks great! Alexander Hamel (wahamel@pi.net)
A Canadian couple who winter in Florida. See you back in the Ottawa Valley in May. all the best of success in your exposition. Sgd. Linda and Lorne Stone Lorne M. Stone (lstone@hal.intranet.on.ca)
This is so neat! I never found so many exciting things in the internet before! Keep up the good work! Andrea Gutman (ssloan@PO-Box.McGill.Ca)
A Canadian couple who winter in Florida. See you back in the Ottawa Valley in May. all the best of success in your exposition. Sgd. Linda and Lorne Stone Lorne M. Stone (lstone@hal.intranet.on.ca)
Ignorance is the downfall of civilizations, work to
eliminate it. Joe Belzer (searcher@iquest.net)
Gracias por el esfuerzo que han realizado para concretar
este evento, que es una clara demostracion de la
universalidad de internet.
Javier Luna (javierlu@jet.es)
none Kelly Beacom (CallNElvis@Aol.Com)
Don't Stop The Music!!! Paco Garcia (pgarcia@ibm.net)
I do hope Expo 96 stay online for good
This is one of the best thing online todate. Edward Sklar (Sklar@use.usit.net)
We think a World's Fair on the Internet is a wonderful idea! We can't wait to start cruising it. 'Bye now, here we go! Mike Szwarc & Cindy Meredith (micyn@cvtv.net)
I hope this fair will continue and never finish Jorge Asin (jasin@tst.hnet.es)
Thnaks for the great effort you have made. Dietmar Stefitz (djs@bemarnet.es)
We are on the dawn of a new era. This Web site is like the World's fairs of old, where they were the way to see the future. Good luck. Harry Patterson (fripmis@hargray.com)
This Is a good trying for ererybody on the Internet!! I hope
will join this every year.
Congratulation to you and all.
Benjamin K. Chia (ppt11118@tpts1.seed.net.tw)
Hope this terrific initiative help the world to understand the many advantages advanced telecom will give to manhood
Congratulations. Juan Domenech (jdomenech@servcoiae.recol.es)
Greetings from Catalonia!!!! Jordi Mu±oz (jmunoz@hnet.es)
This is the first time I find a web side describing Taiwan. Chin-Jen Huang (huangcj@ucla.edu)
Happy New Year to all my good friends in the REPUBLIC of CHINA
& good luck to the organisers of Internet Expo 96.
Wish I was in Taipei now, avoiding the snow & blizzards here.
John Ward (AnsaBack@Enterprise.net)
cool site! Alan (alien@ny.frontiercomm.net) |
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I hope this stayes on the web. Cool site. John Johnston (hippy2@cris.com)
The Internet has to be the greatest invention since the zipper.
The biggest Encyclopedia....
Freedom, a window to the world, the leap into the future of
communicating! Lothar W. Goesch (lothar@sedona.net)
Greetings to all around the world. Each day this type of shared technology and worldwide communications brings us closer together. I am sincerely glad to have been wintess to this event. History in the making.......pray for peace. John N. Richardson (JR_in_Ky@msn.com)
It's really exciting to see the Taiwan home page on the expo96. Daniel Tai (daniel_tai@3mail.3com.com)
Looks like another great website!! David W. Levingston (mlevingston@sunbelt.net) |