Input 64
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next >
Commodore BASIC
157 lines
100 rem*****kopfrechentrainer*********
110 rem
120 rem fuer commodore 64/128
130 rem
140 rem h.stender,haendelstr.8,3160 lehrte
150 rem
160 rem rechenuebungsprogramm fuer
170 rem
180 rem grundrechenarten
190 rem
200 print"[147]"
210 poke53280,6:poke53281,6:n=20
220 for j=1 to 39:print"[191]";:next:print
230 fori=1 to 20
240 print"[191]";
250 printspc(37)"[191]"
260 nexti
270 for i=1 to 39:print"[191]";:nexti
280 print"":print:print
290 print"[191] rechenuebungsprogramm fuer schueler"
300 print"[191] -----------------------------------"
310 print
320 print"[191] es werden";n;"aufgaben mit allen"
330 print"[191] vier grundrechenarten gestellt."
340 print"[191] du tippst die antwort in die tas-"
350 print"[191] tatur und dann die <return>-taste.":print
360 print"[191] die antworten werden mit richtig"
370 print"[191] oder falsch bewertet und gezaehlt."
380 print"[191] so kannst du selbst die fortschritte"
390 print"[191] sehen.":print:print
400 print"[191] und uebrigens....viel spass!!!":print:print
410 print"[191] 1987 heinrich stender"
420 x=10
430 gosub1200
440 print"[147]":f=0:r=0:c$=" = "
450 rem-------------------------------
460 rem auswahlmodul
470 rem-------------------------------
480 d0=val(left$(ti$,2))*3600+val(mid$(ti$,3,2))*60+val(right$(ti$,2))
490 for i=1 to val(right$(ti$,2))
500 z=rnd(1)
510 next i
520 for i=1 to n
530 y=int(4*rnd(1)+1)
540 onygosub910,980,1050,1130
550 y=int(4*rnd(1)+1)
560 onygosub1270,1370,1470,1570
570 ifc=dthenr=r+1:print:print:print"richtig":goto800
580 print"[147]falsch":f=f+1
590 print:print"";a;a$;b;c$;c
600 goto 800
610 next i
620 rem-------------------------------
630 rem bewertungsmodul
640 rem-------------------------------
650 d1=val(left$(ti$,2))*3600+val(mid$(ti$,3,2))*60+val(right$(ti$,2))
660 d2=d1-d0-n*5
670 print"[147]"
680 print"anzahl richtig falsch"
690 print"-------+---------+--------"
700 printtab(3);n;
710 printtab(12);r;
720 printtab(21);f
730 print:print
740 w = int(1000*r/n)/10
750 print"das sind ";w;"% richtige antworten"
760 print:print"in";d2;"sekunden"
770 print:print
780 end
790 rem-------------------------------
800 rem anzeigemodul
810 rem-------------------------------
820 print""
830 print"anzahl richtig falsch"
840 print"-------+---------+--------"
850 printtab(3);i;
860 printtab(12);r;
870 printtab(21);f
880 x=5:gosub 1200
890 goto 610
900 rem-------------------------------
910 rem multiplikation
920 rem-------------------------------
930 a=int(9*rnd(1)+3)
940 b=int(18*rnd(1)+2)
950 c=a*b:a$=" * "
960 return
970 rem-------------------------------
980 rem addition
990 rem-------------------------------
1000 a=int(800*rnd(1)+9)
1010 b=int(200*rnd(1)+1)
1020 c=a+b:a$=" + "
1030 return
1040 rem-------------------------------
1050 rem subtraktion
1060 rem-------------------------------
1070 a=int(999*rnd(1)+9)
1080 b=int(220*rnd(1)+1)
1090 c=a-b:ifc<0then1070
1100 a$=" - "
1110 return
1120 rem-------------------------------
1130 rem division
1140 rem-------------------------------
1150 a=int(19*rnd(1)+1)
1160 b=int(7*rnd(1)+3)
1170 c=a/b:if(int(c)<>c)or(c=1)then 1150
1180 a$=" : ":return
1190 rem-------------------------------
1200 rem zeitmodul
1210 rem-------------------------------
1220 x1=val(left$(ti$,2))*3600+val(mid$(ti$,3,2))*60+val(right$(ti$,2))
1230 x2=val(left$(ti$,2))*3600+val(mid$(ti$,3,2))*60+val(right$(ti$,2))
1240 if(x2-x1)<x then 1230
1250 return
1260 rem-------------------------------
1270 rem . + b = c
1280 rem-------------------------------
1290 print"[147]"a$;b;" = ";c
1300 print"";
1310 open1,0
1320 input#1,b$
1330 close1
1340 if val(b$)=a then d=c
1350 return
1360 rem -----------------------------
1370 rem a + . = c
1380 rem -----------------------------
1390 print"[147]";a;a$;" = ";c
1400 print"";
1410 open1,0
1420 input#1,b$
1430 close1
1440 if val(b$)=b then d=c
1450 return
1460 rem -----------------------------
1470 rem a + b = .
1480 rem -----------------------------
1490 print"[147]";a;a$;b;" = ";
1500 print"";
1510 open1,0
1520 input#1,b$
1530 close1
1540 if val(b$)=c then d=c
1550 return
1560 rem ------------------------------
1570 rem c = . + b
1580 rem ------------------------------
1590 print"[147]";c;" = ";a$;b
1600 print"";
1610 open1,0
1620 input#1,b$
1630 close1
1640 if val(b$)=a then d=c
1650 return