Using the PipeLine+ Access Panel

Congratulations! The PipeLine+ software is installed, and you are ready to connect to MindSpring. Before you connect, take just a few minutes to familiarize yourself with the PipeLine+ Access Panel.

From the MindSpring Program Group box, double-click the MindSpring icon to open the PipeLine+ Access Panel.

Figure 1: PipeLine+ Access Panel for Windows

The following table will acquaint you with the buttons, icons, and information areas on the Access Panel:

Buttons, Icons, and Information Areas
Connect Connects and disconnects from MindSpring.
Daily Announcement Displays a daily message to you from MindSpring when you connect.
Help Accesses the MindSpring-specific help files.
Configure Allows you to re-configure certain preferences in your PipeLine+ software.
Acc't Info Opens your web browser, and brings you directly to the MindSpring Account Info web page. You can determine your bandwidth and disk space usage from here.
Display Usage Statistics Opens your web browser, and brings you directly to the MindSpring Account Usage page.
Status information on the bottom line Displays:
  • Envelope in left corner indicates that you have new mail
  • Disconnect/connect status
  • Username
  • IP address returned dynamically
  • Time and date
  • A clickable (question mark) for viewing version information about the PipeLine+ software
The Tool Panel  
Executes Microsoft Internet Explorer for browsing the World Wide Web.
Executes the Eudora Light e-mail program.
Executes the Free Agent newsreader for accessing Usenet and newsgroups.
Executes mIRC for accessing Internet Relay Chat.
Executes WS_FTP for downloading or uploading files.
Opens a search engine for the WWW.
Executes a Web Guide for navigating the WWW.
Executes the MindSpring Community content via the WWW.
Displays the list of MindSpring's dial-in cities.
Executes the MindSpring Help Desk via the WWW.

Connecting to the Internet

Now, you are ready to connect to MindSpring. From the PipeLine+ Access Panel, simply click the Connect button, and the following events occur:

  • Your modem dials MindSpring.
  • The software connects your computer to MindSpring.
  • The Connect button text changes, to Disconnect and a "Connected" message appears.
  • MindSpring's daily announcements appear on the panel and, if you have new mail, a notification appears.
  • You can now click on any of the client applications to connect to the Internet.

    Note: Do not double-click the buttons on the PipeLine+ Access Panel. Double clicking these buttons is like double clicking the power button on a TV



    The PipeLine+ Configuration Screens

    The PipeLine+ Configuration screens are used to maintain software configuration settings, such as:

  • User information
  • Modem configuration (Windows 3.1 or 3.11 only)
  • Mail options
  • Tool panel
  • Miscellaneous settings
  • When you click the Configure button on the PipeLine+ Access Panel, the PipeLine+ Configuration tabbed screens appear. The screens are described in the following sections.

    The User Configuration Screen
    Modem Configuration
    Mail Options Screen
    Tool Panel Screen
    Miscellaneous Settings Screen