Modem Configuration Screen (Windows 3.1 and 3.11 only)

To change any information about your modem, use the Modem Configuration screen, as shown in Figure 3. These fields define the modem settings. The combination of the Init string and Speed are important when your modem and our modem try to negotiate a connection.

Figure 3: Modem Configuration screen (Windows 3.1 and 3.11 only)

Modem - If your modem has changed from your original configuration, select your new modem (brand, type, and speed, if available) from the drop down list. If your modem is not on our list, choose Default Modem Settings.

Init String - The initialization string is automatically filled in.

Comm Port - This is the Comm port for your modem. Most modems are on Com2, and the mouse is on Com1. Refer to your computer's documentation to be sure.

Baud Rate - If you have a 14.4 kbps modem, select 19,200. If you have a 28.8 kbps modem, select 38,400.

Area Code - This information is added during Setup, but can be modified.

Access # - This information is added during Setup, but can be modified.

Dial Prefix - If you must dial a prefix before the access number, such as 9 for an outside line, select the dial prefix from the list box.

Use Area Code - Check this box if you must dial an area code to call the access number.

Helpful Tip

Click the Discover Comm Port button if you want the PipeLine+ software to find the Comm Port for you. If the software does not dial out after initializing, then you've most likely chosen the incorrect Comm Port.