Configuring the Windows 95 Dialer

PipeLine+ for Windows 95 uses Dial-Up Networking (DUN) to connect to MindSpring. Since the PipeLine+ installation configures DUN for you, you can skip this section if you are going to use the Access Panel to connect. If you choose not to use the Access Panel, you can use Dial-Up Networking to establish your connection. If you are a Windows 3.1 user and have just migrated to Windows 95, you can configure DUN to connect, and use all of the applications that shipped with your Windows 3.1 software.

Note: If you are on a local area network (LAN) and install DUN, you may create a conflict which interrupts your computer's connection to your LAN. Please ask your network administrator for assistance before installing Dial-Up Networking (DUN).

Before you install DUN, you will need your Windows 95 disks or CD-ROM.

Adding the Dial-Up Networking Component

Follow these steps to add the Dial-Up Networking component to your Windows 95 configuration:

Step Action
1 From your desktop, double click My Computer. You should see icons for the drives on your system, Control Panel, and, if it's installed, Dial-Up Networking.
  • If Dial-Up Networking is installed, skip to Setting Up Windows 95 for TCP/IP, on page 55.
    • If Dial-Up Networking is not installed, go to Step 2.
2 Double-click Control Panel.
3 Double-click Add/Remove Programs.
4 Click the Windows Setup tab.
5 Double-click the Communications component.
6 Select the Dial-Up Networking component so that it is checked at the left.
7 Click OK.
8 Click OK again. Windows 95 begins copying files from your Windows 95 disks. Insert the proper disk or your CD-ROM when prompted to do so.
9 After Windows 95 copies the DUN files, a window appears stating that you need to enter a computer and workgroup name. Click OK.

The Network Identification dialog box appears.

10 Type your first name in the Computer Name field and your last name in the Workgroup Name field, and click Close.

More files are copied from your Windows 95 installation media. A message appears stating that you must restart your computer when Add/Remove Programs is complete.

11 Click OK. When Add/Remove Programs finishes copying files, the Control Panel appears.
12 To restart you computer, do the following:
  • Click the Start button.
  • Click Shutdown.
  • Select Restart the computer
  • Click Yes.
13 When your computer restarts, the system prompts you to enter your username and password for Windows Networking. Do the following:
  • Type your MindSpring username in the Username field.
  • Leave the Password field blank.
  • Click OK.

A window appears prompting you to verify your password.

14 Leave everything blank and click OK.

Note: The next time you restart Window 95, the system will not prompt you to enter a username and password. You will also notice a new icon on your desktop named Network Neighborhood. This icon is just part of the networking component in Windows 95.

You have now successfully installed the Dial-Up Networking component of Windows 95. When you are ready to continue, go to the next section, Setting Up Windows 95 for TCP/IP.

Setting Up Windows 95 for TCP/IP

Follow these steps to install TCP/IP networking for Windows 95:

Step Action
1 From your desktop, double-click My Computer.
2 Double-click Control Panel.
3 Double-click Network.
  • If Microsoft's TCP/IP Protocol is not installed, go to Step 4.
  • If the TCP/IP Protocol is already installed, go to Setting Up Dial-Up Networking on page 56.
4 Follow these instructions to add TCP/IP:
  • Click Add, and then double-click Protocol. The Select Network adapters screen appears.
  • Scroll down the list of Manufacturers and select Microsoft.
  • Select TCP/IP.
  • Click OK.
5 You have configured Windows 95 for TCP/IP networking.
  • Click OK.
  • Click OK again.

More files are copied from your Windows 95 disks or CD-ROM.

6 When the system prompts you to restart your computer, click Yes.

When you are ready to continue, go to the next section, Setting Up Dial-Up Networking.

Setting Up Dial-Up Networking

Follow these steps to set up dial-up networking:

Step Action
1 From your desktop, double-click My Computer.
2 Double-click the Dial-Up Networking folder.
3 Double-click Make New Connection.
4 Enter a name for the connection (e.g. MindSpring).
5 Select your modem from the drop-down list.
6 Click Next.
7 Enter your local MindSpring access telephone number.

Note: If you need to dial the area code, but not a "1" to connect to MindSpring, type the entire 10-digit number in the Telephone Number field. DO NOT put the area code in the Area Code field. Also, if you need to disable call waiting, type *70, in front of the telephone number.

For example, if you are within the local calling distance of Atlanta, but must dial the area code (404) and you also have call waiting, you would type the following in the Telephone Number field:


8 Click Next, and then Finish.

Next, you need to check your global TCP/IP settings.

Note: If you are on a local area network, please ask your network administrator for assistance before making these changes. You should not modify the TCP/IP setting for your Network Adapter.

Follow these steps to check your global TCP/IP settings:

Step Action
1 Go back to My Computer and double-click Control Panel.
2 Double-click Dial-Up Networking.
3 Double-click TCP/IP (or TCP/IP -> Dial-Up Adapter).
4 Click the DNS Configuration tab, and select Disable DNS.
5 Click the IP Address tab, and then Obtain IP Address Automatically.
6 Click the Gateway tab. If you have a gateway already installed, select the Gateway Address and then click Remove.
7 Click OK.
8 Click OK again. If you are prompted to restart your computer, click Yes.

When you are ready to continue, go to the next section, Configuring the MindSpring Dial-Up Networking Connection.

Configuring the MindSpring Dial-Up Networking Connection

Follow these steps to set up your newly created DUN icon to connect to MindSpring:

Step Action
1 From the desktop, do the following:
  • Double-click My Computer.
  • Double-click Dial-Up Networking.
    • Right-click the MindSpring icon you created earlier and select Properties.
2 Click the Server Type button. Make sure the Type of Server reads PPP: Windows 95, Windows NT 3.5, Internet.
3 In the Advanced options section, select Enable software compression. Deselect the others, if checked.
4 In the Allowed network protocols section, only TCP/IP should be selected.

Note: Selecting other protocols may reduce the speed of your connection or make a connection impossible. If you are on a local area network (LAN), please consult your network administrator.

5 Press the TCP/IP Settings... button.
6 Do the following:
  • Select Server Assigned IP.
    • Select Specify name server addresses. Enter, in this order, the name server addresses:

Primary DNS:
Secondary DNS:
Primary WINS:
Secondary WINS:

  • Select Use IP header compression.
  • Select Use default gateway on remote network.
  • Select OK.
7 Click OK.
8 Select OK again.
9 Do the following to create a shortcut on the desktop to connect to MindSpring:

Select your new MindSpring connection icon.

  • Click and drag the icon to the desktop.
  • When prompted, choose Create Shortcut.


Your Dial-Up Networking connection is configured. Go to the next section, Logging In to MindSpring, to login.

Logging In to MindSpring

Follow these steps to login:

Step Action
1 To login to MindSpring, double-click the Shortcut to MindSpring icon on the desktop. A window appears prompting you to enter your username and password.
2 Type your username in the Username field, and your password in the Password field.
3 Click Connect.

You will hear the modem dial and the Connecting to MindSpring window appears with a timer counting up from zero, showing how long you've been connected.

You can now run any Internet software you choose, including the client software included from MindSpring. Just minimize the Connected to MindSpring window, and launch your Internet applications manually.

Note: When using Dial-Up Networking, you can use all the software provided by MindSpring except for the Access Panel. Running the Access Panel while using DUN will create a conflict and it will not work.

MindSpring can offer support only for those programs that came with PipeLine+. If you have problems getting an Internet application to work with DUN that is not part of PipeLine+, please contact the manufacturer of that program for assistance.