Topic: version 4 MAXScript New Features/ Trackviews
trackviews.isOpen <fpvalue>name or index
Returns a boolean value indicating if the specified trackview is open.
trackviews.isCurrent <fpvalue>name or index
Returns a boolean value indicating if the trackview is the last one used or not.
trackviews.setCurrent <fpvalue>name or index
Sets the specified trackview to be the current one. Returns true if successful.
Read only property that returns the interface for the currently used trackview. Returns undefined if the trackview is closed.
Read only property that returns the name of the current trackview.
Opens the current trackview if it has been closed.
trackviews.delete <fpvalue>name or index
Deletes the specified trackview.
trackviews.close <fpvalue>name or index
You can now close a trackview based on it's index or name. <fpvalue>name or index
You can now open a trackview based on it's index or name.
trackviews.getTrackView <fpvalue>name or index
This method will get a trackview based on it's index or name.
showInterface (trackviews.getTrackView 1)
The above script returns an array of trackviews.
Returns the number of trackviews.
trackviews.getTrackViewName <index>index
Returns the name of the trackview window based on the index.
<void>setName <string>name
Sets the name of the trackview window
Gets the number of tracks currently displayed in trackview
Gets the number of selected tracks
Tests to see if all selected tracks are of the same type
Invokes the assign controller dialog if canAssignController()
<boolean>assignController <maxObject>controller
Assigns the controller to the selected tracks if canAssignController() is true and the controller is the appropriate type
<void>showControllerTypes <boolean>state
Sets the ShowControllerType property
Expands all tracks
Zooms to the selected object's track
<void>zoomOnTrack <maxObject>parent <index>subNum
Zooms to the track defined by the parent and the subNum
<maxObject>getTrack <index>index
Returns the object belonging to the indexed track
<maxObject>getParent <index>index
Gets the parent of the object belonging to the index track. If the object is a position controller, the parent is the Transform controller
<maxObject>getSelected <index>index
Gets the objects belonging to the selected, indexed track
<maxObject>getParentOfSelected <index>index
Gets the indexed selected tracks parent object
<index>getSelectedSubNum <index>index
Gets the subNum of the selected track
<index>getIndex <maxObject>object
Gets the index for the animatable object
<boolean>selectTrackByIndex <index>index <boolean>clearSelection
Selects tracks by index
<boolean>selectTrack <maxObject>object <boolean>clearSelection
Selects tracks by object
A trackview interface can be obtained for one of the currently open trackviews using one of the following methods.
trackviews.getTrackViewByName <name as string>
trackviews.getTrackViewByIndex <index as int>
Once you have an instance of the trackview interface you can call the following new methods on it.
Gets the current edit mode as an symbolic enum.
setEditMode <type as symbolic enum>
Sets the current edit mode
Property to do the same as the above two methods
Valid symbolic enum values are:
See also