.currentTrackView : Interface : Read
.lastUsedTrackViewName : string : Read
<Interface>getTrackView <fpvalue>name or index
This method will get a trackview based on it's index or name.
<Interface by value array>getAllOpenTrackViews()
Returns an array of trackviews.
Returns the number of trackviews.
<boolean>open <fpvalue>name or index
Open a trackview based on it's index or name.
<boolean>close <fpvalue>name or index
Close a trackview based on it's index or name.
<void>delete <fpvalue>name or index
Delete a trackview based on it's index or name.
<string>getTrackViewName <index>index
Returns the name of the trackview window based on the index.
<boolean>zoomSelected <TSTR>name
Zooms to the selected object's track
<boolean>zoomOn <TSTR>name <maxObject>object <index>subNum
Returns True if successful and false otherwise.
setFilter has variable number of arguments. Returns True if successful and false otherwise.
Returns true if successful and false otherwise. clearFilter has variable number of arguments
<fpvalue by value>pickTrackDlg()
pickTrackDlg has variable number of arguments. This method brings up the Track View Pick dialog and returns a TrackViewPick value when the user selects a track and clicks "Ok", or undefined if the user clicks "Cancel". If the optional argument #multiple is passed, multiple tracks can be picked in the dialog and an array of TrackViewPick values is returned instead of single value.
<boolean>isOpen <fpvalue>name or index
Returns a boolean value indicating if the specified trackview is open.
Opens the current trackview if it has been closed.
<boolean>isCurrent <fpvalue>name or index
Returns a boolean value indicating if the trackview is the last one used or not.
<boolean>setCurrent <fpvalue>name or index
Sets the specified trackview to be the current one. Returns true if successful.
See also