SpringPositionController - superclass: PositionController; super-superclass:MAXWrapper - 8:1 - classID: #(2036956458, -222780984)
SpringPositionController ...
<SpringPositionController>.effectHow Integer default: 1 -- radio button number; Abs_Rel
<SpringPositionController>.forceNode ArrayParameter default: #() -- node array; Force_Nodes; SubAnim
<SpringPositionController>.steps Integer default: 2 -- integer
<SpringPositionController>.x_effect Float default: 100.0 -- animatable; float
These settings let you control the percentage of the effect on the individual world axes. Default=100. Range=0 to 200.
<SpringPositionController>.y_effect Float default: 100.0 -- animatable; float
These settings let you control the percentage of the effect on the individual world axes. Default=100. Range=0 to 200.
<SpringPositionController>.z_effect Float default: 100.0 -- animatable; float
These settings let you control the percentage of the effect on the individual world axes. Default=100. Range=0 to 200.See Also
<SpringPositionController>.start Integer default: 0 -- integer; Start_Frame
<SpringPositionController>.position Point3 default: [0,0,0] -- animatable; point3
See also
SpringPoint3Controller interfaces:
SpringPoint3Controller - superclass: Point3Controller
SpringPositionController interfaces: