This class defines a dependent U Loft surface. A U Loft surface interpolates a surface across multiple curve sub-objects. The curves become U-axis contours of the surface.
NURBSUloftSurface [<property>:<val>]...
Any of the object's properties may be set via optional keyword arguments on the constructor.
<nurbsuloftsurface>.numCurves : integer
The number of curves used by the U Loft.
getCurve <nurbsuloftsurface> <index>
Gets the NURBSSet index of the indexed U Loft curve; curve indexes are 1-based.
setCurve <nurbsuloftsurface> <index> <curve>
Sets the indexed U Loft curve to the curve specified by the NURBSSet index.
getCurveID <nurbsuloftsurface> <index>
Gets the NURBSId of the indexed U Loft curve in the loft; curve indexes are 1-based.
setCurveByID <nurbsuloftsurface> <index> <curveID>
Sets the indexed U Loft curve to the curve specified by the NURBSId.
appendCurve <nurbsuloftsurface> <curve> [flip:<boolean>] [startPoint:<float>] \
[tension:<float>] [useTangent:<boolean>] [flipTangent:<boolean>]
Adds a curve to the end of the list of U Loft curves by specifying the NURBSSet index. If flip:true is specified, the interpretation of the start and end of the curve to be reversed. startPoint: specifies the start point on the curve. This value is only applicable if the curve is closed. tension: specifies the tension of the curve. If useTangent:true is specified and the curve is a curve on surface, causes the U Loft to use the tangency of the surface. This can help blend a loft smoothly onto a surface. If flipTangent:true is specified, the tangent is flipped for the curve.
appendCurveByID <nurbsuloftsurface> <curveID> [flip:<boolean>] [startPoint:<float>] \
[tension:<float>] [useTangent:<boolean>] [flipTangent:<boolean>]
Adds a curve to the end of the list of U Loft curves by specifying the NURBSId.
getFlip <nurbsuloftsurface> <index>
setFlip <nurbsuloftsurface> <index> <boolean>
Get or set the flip state of the indexed U Loft curve; true causes the interpretation of the start and end of the curve to be reversed, used to control twisting in the loft.
See also