This is the parent class for all the NURBS classes and so is not directly constructable.
Because this is a parent class, all the NURBS classes except NURBSSet have the following properties:
<nurbsobject>.name : string
The name of the NURBS object
<nurbsobject>.index : integer, read-only
Only valid after a NURBSSet is instantiated via NURBSNode() or if the NURBS object is part of a non-relational NURBSSet.
<nurbsobject>.nurbsID : integer, read-only
Only valid after a NURBSSet is instantiated via NURBSNode() or if the NURBS object is part of a relational NURBSSet extracted using getNURBSSet().
<nurbsobject>.selected : boolean
Indicates whether the sub-object in a relational NURBSSet is selected in the NURBS modifier panel in the 3ds max user interface. You can force the selection and deselection of objects by setting this property to true or false.
See also