The Track View Pick dialog displays the hierarchy for the 3ds max scene in a manner similar to what is seen in Track View. The user can select one or more items from this dialog. The following method displays the Track View Pick dialog:
trackView.pickTrackDlg [#multiple]
This method brings up the Track View Pick dialog and returns a TrackViewPick value when the user selects a track and clicks "Ok", or undefined if the user clicks "Cancel". If the optional argument #multiple is passed, multiple tracks can be picked in the dialog and an array of TrackViewPick values is returned instead of single value.
Instances of the TrackViewPick class store the result of a selection from the Track View Pick dialog. A TrackViewPick value has the following properties:
<trackViewPick>.name : string
The name of the picked item as shown in the Track View Pick dialog.
<trackViewPick>.anim : subAnim
The subAnim for the item the user picked.
<trackViewPick>.client : MAXWrapper
The owner of the subAnim for the item the user picked. If the owner is a subclass of MAXWrapper, the MAXWrapper value for the owner is returned, otherwise a value of undefined is returned.
<trackViewPick>.subNum : integer
The subAnim index for anim in client.
Here is an example:
-- Create a sphere and apply a bend modifier and execute
-- pick objects->Sphere01->Modified object->Bend->Angle
tvp.anim -- returns SubAnim:Angle
tvp.client -- returns Bend:Bend
tvp.subNum -- returns 3 -- returns "Angle"
tvp.client[tvp.subNum] -- returns SubAnim:Angle