addAndWeld SplineShape : Shape
addKnot SplineShape : Shape
addNewSpline SplineShape : Shape
addNURBSSet Modifying Existing NURBS Objects, NURBS Node Properties and Methods, Parameter Ranges for Curves and Surfaces
bindKnot SplineShape : Shape
breakCurve NURBS Node Properties and Methods
breakSurface Modifying Existing NURBS Objects, NURBS Node Properties and Methods
collapseStack Editable_Mesh : GeometryClass and TriMesh : Value, Modifier Common Properties, Operators, and Methods, Node Common Properties, Operators, and Methods, Patch : GeometryClass
convertTo Editable_Mesh : GeometryClass and TriMesh : Value, Node Common Properties, Operators, and Methods, NURBS Node Properties and Methods, Patch : GeometryClass, Patches
convertToNURBSCurve Collections, Node Common Properties, Operators, and Methods, NURBS Node Properties and Methods
convertToNURBSSurface Node Common Properties, Operators, and Methods, NURBS Node Properties and Methods
convertToSplineShape Modifier Common Properties, Operators, and Methods, Node Common Properties, Operators, and Methods, NURBS Node Properties and Methods, Scripting Vertex and Control Point Animation, Section : Shape, SplineShape : Shape
curveLength Shape Common Properties, Operators, and Methods
deleteKnot SplineShape : Shape
deleteModifier Modifier Common Properties, Operators, and Methods, Node Common Properties, Operators, and Methods
deleteSpline SplineShape : Shape, Modifier and SpacewarpModifier Types
flagForeground Node Common Properties, Operators, and Methods, Scripted Atmospheric Plug-ins - in example, Slider, Spinner
getEdgeSelection Edit_Mesh : Modifier, Editable_Mesh : GeometryClass and TriMesh : Value, Mesh_Select : Modifier, polyop const StructDef
getFaceSelection Edit_Mesh : Modifier, Editable_Mesh : GeometryClass and TriMesh : Value, Mesh_Select : Modifier, polyop const StructDef
getInVec SplineShape : Shape
getKnotPoint SplineShape : Shape
getKnotType SplineShape : Shape
getOutVec SplineShape : Shape
getSegmentType SplineShape : Shape
getUserProp Node Common Properties, Operators, and Methods, Node User-Defined Properties and Methods
getUserPropBuffer Node Common Properties, Operators, and Methods, Node User-Defined Properties and Methods
getVertSelection Edit_Mesh : Modifier, Editable_Mesh : GeometryClass and TriMesh : Value, Mesh_Select : Modifier, polyop const StructDef
instanceReplace Node Common Properties, Operators, and Methods
intersectRay mouseTrack() Function, Node Common Properties, Operators, and Methods
intersects Node Common Properties, Operators, and Methods, Scripted Manipulator
isClosed NURBSCurve : NURBSObject, SplineShape : Shape
isDeleted Node Common Properties, Operators, and Methods - in example with def, PathName Values - in example with def
joinCurves NURBS Node Properties and Methods
joinSurfaces NURBS Node Properties and Methods
lengthInterp Shape Common Properties, Operators, and Methods
lengthTangent Shape Common Properties, Operators, and Methods
lengthToPathParam Shape Common Properties, Operators, and Methods
makeIndependent NURBS Node Properties and Methods
materialID Bitmap Values, MaterialModifier : Modifier, SplineShape : Shape
nearestPathParam Shape Common Properties, Operators, and Methods
numKnots NURBSCVCurve : NURBSCurve, Creating New NURBS Objects û in example, Shape Common Properties, Operators, and Methods, SplineShape : Shape
numSegments SplineShape : Shape
numSplines SplineShape : Shape
particleAge Particle System Common Properties, Operators, and Methods
particleCount Particle System Common Properties, Operators, and Methods
particlePos Particle System Common Properties, Operators, and Methods
particleSize Particle System Common Properties, Operators, and Methods
particleVelocity Particle System Common Properties, Operators, and Methods
pathInterp Particle System Common Properties, Operators, and Methods
pathTangent Particle System Common Properties, Operators, and Methods
pathToLengthParam Shape Common Properties, Operators, and Methods
printstack Node Common Properties, Operators, and Methods
referenceReplace Node Common Properties, Operators, and Methods
refineSegment SplineShape : Shape
resetShape SplineShape : Shape
selectmore Node Common Properties, Operators, and Methods, ObjectSet Values - In Example With Def
setEdgeSelection polyop const StructDef, Editable_Mesh : GeometryClass and TriMesh : Value - In Example
setFaceSelection polyop const StructDef, Editable_Mesh : GeometryClass and TriMesh : Value - In Example
setFirstKnot SplineShape : Shape
setFirstSpline SplineShape : Shape
setInVec SplineShape : Shape
setKnotPoint SplineShape : Shape
setKnotType SplineShape : Shape
setOutVec SplineShape : Shape
setRenderApproximation NURBS Node Properties and Methods, NURBSSurfaceApproximation : Value
setSegmentType SplineShape : Shape
setSurfaceDisplay NURBS Node Properties and Methods, NURBSSurfaceApproximation : Value
setUserProp Node Common Properties, Operators, and Methods, Node User-Defined Properties and Methods - In Example With Def
setUserPropBuffer Node Common Properties, Operators, and Methods, Node User-Defined Properties and Methods - In Example With Def
setVertSelection Editable_Mesh : GeometryClass and TriMesh : Value - In Example With Def, polyop const StructDef
setViewApproximation NURBS Node Properties and Methods, NURBSSurfaceApproximation : Value
snapShot Editable_Mesh : GeometryClass and TriMesh : Value, Node Common Properties, Operators, and Methods
unbindKnot SplineShape : Shape
unfreeze 3ds max Commands, 3ds max Commands in MAXScript, Node Common Properties, Operators, and Methods, Unwrap_UVW interfaces:, UVWUnwrap interfaces:, Visual MAXScript
unhideSegments SplineShape : Shape
updateBindList SplineShape : Shape
updateShape SplineShape : Shape
See also