Topic: version 4 MAXScript New Features/Bones
There is a function published interface to create bone links.
BoneSys.createBone <startPosition> <endPosition> <zAxis>
The location of the new bone as point3
The direction (X axis) of the bone and the bone length as point3
The direction of the Z axis for the new bone node as point3
This returns the new bone node that was created.
Note: If the Z axis is not perpendicular to the X axis, the Z axis will be made perpendicular. To create a bone chain, call createBone repeatedly with the startPosition set to the value of the previous endPosition. Note that newly created bones are not linked to any parent. So to create a bone chain, the script would also need to link each newly created bone segment to the previous.
See also
Node Common Properties, Operators, and Methods
Access to the New Node Bone Properties and Methods Bones_System