attachment ...
<attachment>.keys : MAXKeyArray
<attachment>.node : Node
<attachment>.align : Boolean default: true
Fixes the orientation of the attached object to the face where it's assigned. When this is turned off, the orientation of the attached object is not affected by the orientation of the face on the target object.
<attachment>.manupdate : Boolean default: false
Enables the update button.
AttachCtrl.getKey <attachment> <index_integer>
Returns the indexed key as a MAXAKey value
AttachCtrl.addNewKey <attachment> <time>
Returns the indexed key as a MAXAKey value
AttachCtrl.update <attachment>
Causes the controller to update if the manual update property is turned on for the attachment controller.
Accessing a key for these controllers by indexing into the .keys property will return a MAXKey value. The only properties available for a key accessed in this manner are the .time and .selected properties. The AttachCtrl.getKey() method returns a key of class MAXAKey, which provides access to the attachment controller key specific properties. All the common key functions like deleteKey, selectKeys, movekeys, etc. can be used with Attachment controllers.
See also
Controller Common Properties, Operators, and Methods