Attachment Controller Keys


For Attachment controller keys, the following properties are accessible:

<key>.time        : Time (time value or number [interpreted as frames]) Read-only.

<key>.selected    : Boolean

Specifies whether the key is selected. Read/write access.

The AttachCtrl.getKey() method returns keys of class MAXAKey. These keys have the following properties:

<MAXAKey>.face        : Integer (0-based)

<MAXAKey>.coord       : Point2 (barycentric coordinates)

<MAXAKey>.time        : Time

<MAXAKey>.selected    : Boolean

<MAXAKey>.tension     : Float

<MAXAKey>.continuity  : Float

<MAXAKey>.bias        : Float

<MAXAKey>.easeTo      : Float

<MAXAKey>.easeFrom    : Float

See also