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- ¶2-----------------
- ¶1It is well recognised that a number of
- virus killer programs can set vectors
- , or they can be residual, (that is to
- say, the program survives a "warm
- reset" Ctrl-A(miga)-A(miga)),in your
- RAM. One example is the virus killer
- program "System Z". A little number
- of utility programs , demos and intros
- and so on can give the same problems
- and ought therefore be completely
- avoided. The problem with these
- programs is that they can trick the
- virus killer into believing that there
- is a new virus in the machine. In
- individual cases, I have experienced a
- virus killer mistakenly taking a disk
- as being infected by a virus (with the
- name of the virus), despite the fact
- that it was an innocent bootloader,
- which was in the boot. This can
- happen sometimes, and can be explained
- by the fact that the virus killer's
- recognition code is on rather few bits
- for every individual virus. This code
- can then, in a few situations ,
- coincide with an innocent program.
- Disk failure can also cause suspicion
- as to whether the diskette is infected
- with a virus . One common fault is
- that you get the message: "Error
- validating disk", "Please insert
- volume Lazarus", or a read/write error
- message. These messages are disk
- failure not viruses, but in many
- caseses you will get these disk errors
- , after your disks have been infected
- by a virus. Another irritating thing
- is that certain disks can ask you to
- remove the write protect in a systems
- message during the startup-sequence.
- One must be particularly alert here.
- Normally the reason is that a type of
- virus can be in the memory which is
- programmed to lure you into a trap,
- but it can in some cases be pretty
- harmless. If you have the slightest
- doubt, you should try to infect
- another disk, to ascertain whether it
- really was a virus.
- ¶2-------------------------
- ¶1The simplest virus types are the
- bootblock viruses, because they are
- easy to remove by overwriting them
- with "install". Individual disks use
- a special "loader system" and will be
- destroyed if they are overwritten. It
- is very likely that the disk was
- already destroyed when the virus
- infected it, so that you will never be
- able to destroy a disk which is
- infected beforehand. On the other
- hand one must advise against
- indiscriminate use of "Install" on
- unknown bootblocks, one can easily
- destroy a disk; if in any doubt,
- always copy the disk first. If you
- have kickstart 1.3 in your Amiga you
- can find the disks infected with virus
- starting up with a guru or like, and
- the card crashing not long afterwards.
- This can be because the disk is
- infected with a virus which can only
- work on Kickstart 1.2. In such a case
- a lot of diskettes can be saved, which
- you would otherwise have hought were
- faulty, by "Install"ing them. There
- is a special type of "virus" named
- "Bombs" which is characterised by the
- fact that they cannot infect other
- media such as diskettes, harddisks or
- the like. They can cause serious
- damage by acting as destructive
- programmes which, for example, can
- re-format a whole harddisk. These
- viruses ("hacks") can appear in the
- boot (like normal bootviruses), or as
- an individual file (like a normal file
- virus) together with a link, that is
- to say, a file which has hooked itself
- to another programme (ie. the two
- files' size in bytes has increased,
- which we know from regular link
- viruses). If you have got a new
- unknown type of one of these viruses,
- which your virus killer doesn't know,
- it is impossible for even the newest
- and best virus killers to find them.
- The best virus killers today have
- analysis functions, which check up on
- all "occupied" vectors and check the
- Amiga's memory for residual programs,
- which can survive a "warm reset".
- This doesn't much help against the
- bomb * viruses mentioned above, so the
- only way you can prevent them is if
- your virus killer knows the type.
- There is therefore good ground for
- being watchful, especially if you have
- a harddisk. One of the newest bomb *
- viruses "Challenger Bomb" is to be
- found at FRED FISH 622, be careful *
- please, but it is relative harmless
- ¶2-----------------
- ¶1Rumours of the clock virus has several
- times caused even experienced Amiga
- users to tremble with fear. Just
- think, if a virus got into the clock
- in our Amigas, and could just hide
- there, undiscovered, for
- months..dreadful! No, you can all
- relax. It's only a rumour, it's a
- physical impossibility, there are only
- few bytes free in the clock, but
- definitely not enough for even the
- minutest program. On the contrary,
- the rumours about various types of
- viruses making your clock run amok are
- true. I have heard from several
- sources that there are supposed to be
- two types of virus or "hacks"(?), in
- Germany and the USA at least. One of
- them is supposed to make the clock run
- backwards, the other makes it go 10 to
- 20 times faster. I'm very interested
- in these viruses and of course, in
- other NEW viruses, and to say thank
- you for one, I will send you a disk I
- make which is called "The New
- Superkillers", where the newest and
- best Public Domain virus killers can
- be found , together with an amount of
- valuable documentation from virus
- killer programmers which I cooperate
- on. We can only make good virus
- killers, if we get help from you!
- ¶2------------------
- ¶1I have been contacted by several
- people who have had various problems
- in removing the link and file virus
- from both diskettes and harddisks. A
- recurrent problem is probably the
- "BGS-9" file virus, which causes
- several problems, maybe because it is
- not one of the most difficult to
- remove, but more likely because it is
- one of the most widespread. A
- contributory cause to the stubborn
- problems with the BGS-9 virus is cause
- by bad coding of the virus killers KDV
- III and VirusX. These virus killers
- don't look for the viruses themselves,
- but for an empty file in the Devs
- Directory. To put things a little in
- place, I will go through how one
- removes these and similar viruses:
- ¶31¶2. Look in the disk's
- startup-sequence and find the
- name of the first command, note
- the name down on a piece of paper.
- ¶32¶2. Look for this name in C/Dir...if
- the BGS-9 virus has taken over
- this name (BGS-9 on 2608 Bytes)
- the file will have been deleted.
- ¶33¶1. Go into Devs and find the
- nameless file, give it the name
- from point one, and move it back
- to its original position in the
- C Directory.
- ¶2NB. Please attention always to remove
- the emty file in the devs directory
- otherwise VirusX and KDVIII will give
- a requester saying: "infected by a
- virus like BGS-9, but not the viruses
- itself".
- ¶2---------------------------
- ¶1The Saddam Hussein is the most
- spreaden viruses today, and is named
- in * more than 70 % of the feed-back
- rapports from all over the world:
- E.g. 6 * well-known BBS hard disks
- have been corrupted in the "States"!
- *
- Please be very careful , if you are
- working with the new "Saddam Hussein"
- file/link virus . Note that there is
- a boot virus with the same name, don't
- be confused.
- Here you have some facts about this
- virus:
- ¶31¶2. The virus is a "multi-headed"
- file- and link virus. Always infected
- in L/Dir,if there is not an L/Dir on
- the disk,it will make one by itself.
- ¶32¶1. The Saddam file virus part is
- always to find in L/disk-validator ,
- with the same file length (1848) and
- of course....the same name a
- diabolical thing oh...boy..!
- ¶33¶2. The Saddam link virus part is a
- VERY , VERY...... easy spreading
- virus, it will link to all files ,
- e.g. to all executed , written or
- copied files , but it does not change
- the file length,it only writes "IRAK"
- in the start of the files. Please
- remark, that all theses infected files
- will cause Read /Write" errors! The
- original "Saddam" infects hard disks
- too. I have several reliable reports
- from Australia (1), and USA (5), (the
- last five reports from USA were all
- concerning BBS damages, where more
- than 500 program files were damaged.
- ¶34¶1. It is impossible to delete the
- virus or the link infected files with
- a file editor like "Diskmaster", or
- from CLI.
- ¶35¶2. Attention the Saddam Hussein don't
- infects ANY disk, IF copyed from an
- other disk, and IF your disk is error
- free!
- ¶1Please note, that BootX is the
- ULTIMATE "Saddam" killer , but
- ONLY...... use "Check files" to
- FIND.......the "Saddam" virus, you
- must then use the * "Repair disk" menu
- to salv the Irak infected files.
- BootX will find the * "Saddam" virus
- and make it passive and repair the
- infected files very * near 100 %, but
- can't remove the virus itself, you
- have to re-install * the original
- Disk-vaildator.
- If you have virus infected disks, I
- recommmend to try to use several dif-
- * ferent killers, in some cases the
- killer may just break-down by meeting
- * the virus, if you try to repair your
- disks, or don't find the virus you *
- have got. A good advise: ALWAYS use
- a backup of your disk, when you have *
- to repair your virus problems, and
- especially...with the "Saddam" virus
- or * other link or file viruses!
- Many people have contacted me saying ,
- that they have found a "SPECIAL" virus
- an "Australian Parasite" virus , which
- cannot be killed with VirusX 4.01,
- (the LAST official release...) I
- understand this problem quite well,
- because by a stroke of luck VirusX, is
- accidental able to find the "Saddam
- Hussein" Disk-validator virus . The
- problem here is, that the Australian
- Parasite virus, is a virus you will
- find in the boot block, and the nasty
- "Saddam" virus is to be found in the
- L/Dir.
- After repair, always....... use a
- program like Quarterback Tools to
- check the disk to see if the disk
- structure is all right.
- ¶2------------------
- ¶1Many harddisk owners know that they
- should be particularly careful with
- all "non-boot viruses" and don't think
- twice about boot viruses. Watch out!
- A lot of boot viruses can also get
- into a autoboot harddisk. PLEASE
- ATENTION,......that a boot virus
- infection on your harddisdisk is the
- MOST SERIOUS thing, that can happen
- your harddisk! I know, unfortunately,
- several experienced Amiga owners, who
- have spent weeks to bring their
- infected harddisks back to life. The
- boot virus write itselves onto sector
- 0 and 1 of cylinder 0 on your autoboot
- harddisk, and you will get a system
- message which says: "Not a Dos disk
- in unit 0". If the accident has
- happened, try to revive your harddisk
- by starting up your harddisk
- installations disk, then format your
- cylinder 0, and prep your harddisk
- again.
- If it is a file virus which has jammed
- your harddisk , remember that most of
- these are in the first command in the
- startup-sequence , note the name in
- the startup-sequence, delete the file
- which has that name in your C/Dir and
- reestablish the original c command
- from , for example, your workbench
- disk.
- Xeno virus, and similar link viruses,
- can create other problems because they
- can attack several of the files.
- Because these files still have their
- original names, it can be hard to find
- them, if you don't have the exact
- viruskiller which knows this virus. A
- piece of good advice here - make a
- list of the harddisk and note the
- date, look for the most recent, and
- delete all these files.
- Remember to regularly take a backup of
- both your hard disk and your disks
- which have important data; but
- remember also if you do it too often
- you can risk also getting virus on
- your backup.
- Remember Murphy's law: "If something
- can go wrong, it will go wrong".
- ¶2---------------------
- ¶1I think the only way to stop virus
- spreading is to catch the man, who had
- made the virus and tell others about
- the consequences. Many young one
- think, that virus making is like
- making graffiti or like. The fact is
- that the laws punish VERY HARD for
- data terrorism, in Denmark up to 4
- years jail, and e.g. in Gemany you
- can get up to 6 years jail.