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- The following article is reprinted from California UFO Magazine, Vol. 2
- Issue 3.
- -------------------------
- by Jim Speiser
- Let's get one thing straight: I don't believe in channeling, crystal
- power, pyramid power, Space Brothers, or Semjase. I don't have an Akashic
- Record (or cassette, for that matter). I put no stock in Shirley MacLaine.
- As a so-called secular humanist, I don't even believe in God. My belief in
- the possibility that UFOs represent an extraordinary potential leap in our
- knowledge is based on a plethora of highly compelling evidence, and on the
- lack of cohesive logical arguments to the contrary.
- This belief basis places me squarely in the empirical "nuts-and-
- bolts" camp of Ufology. I am, of course, aware that there are others whose
- belief is more spiritually oriented, who seem to have mystically achieved
- certainty of various aspects of the phenomenon, where I have achieved mere-
- ly excited interest.
- Since the very early days of contactees and credible professionals
- tackling the UFO issue, it seems these two camps have been at odds with
- one another, but never more so than now, in an era that sports both Bill
- Moore and Billy Meier. Those of us in the empirical camp have in the past
- regarded "spiritual" Ufology as something of a nuisance, and have strug-
- gled to separate ourselves from it in the eyes of the public, the media,
- and the academic community. Our attempts at gaining recognition within the
- scientific establishment have been thwarted by our inability to fully a-
- chieve this perceptual schism. It's been rather like trying to get a date
- while your little brother who picks his nose is hanging around.
- Recently, however, it appears that some of our attempts at dicho-
- tomizing have taken on a more vitriolic tone, as characterized by cor-
- respondence that has appeared in CALIFORNIA UFO. One writer representing a
- major organization claimed that the magazine would never sell as long as
- it included "unfounded 'contactee' garbage." An ad appearing in the back
- of the same issue was printed without the group's name, for fear of "guilt
- by association."
- It seems to me that such entities as this magazine and the National
- UFO Conference are appropriate forums for many different points of view,
- and have stated so from the outset. Whether we like it or not, contactees,
- channelers, etc. are part and parcel of the larger sociological phenomenon
- we lump under "UFOs." Certainly, there are elements of fraud and huckster-
- ism in both camps, and it is our responsibility to make every attempt to
- weed these out and point them out as such. But there are many on the
- "spiritual side" who are sincere, honest individuals merely guided in
- their search for the truth by _internal_, rather than _external_, evidence
- -- and regardless of whether their professions of faith are products of
- self-delusion or wishful thinking, they are entitled to fair treatment in
- any publication that assays to cover the gamut of thinking and theorizing
- in the areas of UFOs and extraterrestrials.
- This attempt at total burial of our spiritual side puts me in mind
- of one of the more reprehensible activities in modern society, known as
- "fag-bashing," wherein a certain element of Cro-Magnon knuckledraggers
- feels compelled to beat the daylights out of homosexuals, in order to
- reinforce (mainly to themselves) their own masculinity.
- I should think scientific Ufology would have matured to the point
- where we can be comfortable enough with our own ufological "machismo" that
- we can at least tolerate the existence of those whose epistemology is more
- mystically derived than our own. While still decrying their credulity, we
- can at least acknowledge their rights to freedom of speech. Continuing to
- bash them, in order to reinforce (mainly to ourselves) our own legitimacy,
- is to engage in the same sort of witch-hunting we accuse our skeptical
- detractors of committing.
- Further, much as we left-brainers are loath to admit, there is a
- strong possibility that some of the answers to the UFO question lie in the
- metaphysical realm. The problem arises when such theorizing is represented
- to the public as legitimate, evidence-based Ufology. It then becomes more
- be plenty of room in
- that sucker for all of us.
- --------------------------
- To subscribe to California UFO, write them at:
- 1800 S. Robertson Blvd.
- Los Angeles, CA 90035
- C