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- GUEST: Tracy Torme
- -----------------------------------------
- 5:09:53 PM MST Sunday, September 18, 1988
- (Dale) We burning MUFON cards tongight?
- (Steve G) Greetings, Marge!
- (Drax) Now, now, Dale.
- (Drax) <Mine is in the bottom of my bird cage> GA Marge
- (Bert) Hi Marge.
- (Mike) Gerry- read UFO Crash at Aztec
- (mjc) !Hi, all.
- (Gerry) I have it. Will start it immediately, Mike.
- (Dale) Hi Ms. Mufon, how are you.
- (Drax) By the way, "C" is hexadecimal for 12, so we have MJ-12 online tonite.
- User User ID Nod Rm Name / Forum Area
- ---- ------------ --- --- -----------------
- 31 76374,303 PNX 5 Steve G
- 49 76703,266 WBR 5 G-WIZ
- 61 71605,2013 SFM 5 Gerry
- 63 75376,1620 CVK 5 Dale
- 93 72135,424 PNX 5 Drax
- 95 71450,3504 ANN 5 Bert
- 98 71340,276 SOR 5 Mark
- 103 73405,1357 PNX 5 Jim
- 107 73720,362 FYN 5 Jim Parker
- 108 75340,2642 TSA 5 mjc
- 109 75116,201 FTW SIG
- 111 70511,17 CRZ 5 Mike
- 123 71545,1760 DEQ 5 Rick
- 128 74270,3360 BOI 5 DON
- (G-WIZ) ha!
- (Bert) Marge, have you really resigned from MUFON?ga
- (Drax) OK, our guest is here. Kevin: Type /HAN Tracy Torme
- (Guest) Sorry for the delay.
- (Drax) s'alright.
- (Drax) OK, formal conference rules now in effect....
- (G-WIZ) change the name to Tracy please.
- (Drax) Please type a question mark <?> or exclamation point <!>...
- (Drax) and please try to keep lines less than 72 characters...
- (Drax) makes it easier for us to read....
- (Drax) Tracy Torme is a Peabody-award winning filmwriter in...
- (Drax) Hollywood. He is currently working on several projects,...
- (Drax) including the upcoming October 14th documentary,...
- (Drax) "UFO COVER UP: What Does the Government Know"...
- (Drax) <at least that's the title I was told, Tracy>....
- (Drax) he has also just completed the script for the motion picture...
- (Drax) "Fire in the Sky" about the famous Travis Walton abduction....
- (Drax) among other things contemplated for the documentary,...
- (Drax) Tracy has done extensive research and interviews on the Gulf
- Breeze affair.
- (Drax) He wants it to be known that...
- (Drax) contractually he can't discuss the actual TV...
- (Drax) segments in detail, and may not be able to answer all your....
- (Drax) questions regarding the show, and apologizes for it, but...
- (Drax) I know he has some interesting things to say anyway. Tracy, any...
- (Drax) opening comments? GA
- (Tracy Torme) Just a moment...
- (Tracy Torme) Thanks, Jim. It's UFO Coverup? Live!, by the way.
- (Drax) <starting queue, hold for Tracy>
- (Drax) OK. When finished, please use "GA" by the way. GA
- (Tracy Torme) GA
- (Drax) OK, Don?
- (DON) Alright....
- (DON) Tracy, on Paranet Alpha, and here on CIS...
- (DON) Jim Speiser has placed several uploads concerning you...
- (DON) and has stated that you are approx. 99 percent..
- (DON) sure that GB is legit......
- (DON) He said you stated that you are holding...
- (DON) out one percent on the off chance of a hoax, however...
- (DON) you feel sure that it is on the up and up. ...........
- (DON) OK, why? ga
- (Tracy Torme) First let me say that I started out as a complete skeptic
- on the case...
- (Tracy Torme) I have come around, little by little to the conclusion
- that it _is_...
- (Tracy Torme) almost certainly real. I base this on a number of things,
- including...
- (Tracy Torme) my respect for Hopkins and Maccabee, the number of excellent
- first-hand ...
- (Tracy Torme) witnesses, the lie-detector and PSE results, and my personal
- feelings...
- (Tracy Torme) regarding the integrity of Ed and his family GA
- (Drax) OK, Bert, GA
- (Bert) ok...
- (Bert) Tracy, I know you just spent some time in GB just recently...
- (Bert) Can you tell us if there has been any activity at all...
- (Bert) since Ed's May sighting-abduction....
- (Bert) Also can you report anything about the regressions that are...
- (Bert) going on. Is it true that all the regressions are being video taped? ga
- (Tracy Torme) OK Bert -- Very little activity since 5/1/88...
- (Tracy Torme) There are some abduction elements involved with nearly a
- dozen witnesses...
- (Tracy Torme) but most of this is being explored now and the results aren't
- in yet. GA
- (Drax) OK, gang, please keep your questions brief, and...
- (Drax) Kevin, or Tracy, whoever is typing,...
- (Drax) please press ENTER at about 60-70 characters. Jim, GA
- (Jim) In Phil Klass's recent book he says that Dr. Howard...
- (Jim) Kandell was provided a urine specimen that Travis's...
- (Jim) brother Duane said was the first voided by Travis...
- (Jim) upon his return. ...
- (Jim) The analysis of the specimen showed no trace of...
- (Jim) acetone, which the Dr. found perplexing since...
- (Jim) Travis claimed he had lost 10 pounds during his...
- (Jim) 5-day absence. Lack of food for the period claimed...
- (Jim) should have resulted in acetone in his urine. ...
- (Jim) Can you comment on this contradiction in the...
- (Jim) physical evidence?...GA
- (Tracy Torme) My understanding is that there _were_ acetone traces...
- (Tracy Torme) in his blood but I'm not sure of all details on that aspect...
- (Tracy Torme) I don't think Kandell became involved until a little...
- (Tracy Torme) later in the sequence of events. GA
- (Jim) Duane said he had taken the s[ecimen almost immediately
- (Jim) after travis's return.. GA
- (Drax) Any response, Tracye?
- (Tracy Torme) Don't believe this to be the case. I'll find out for you. GA
- (Drax) OK.
- (Jim) OK thanks..
- (Drax) Tracy, I'm sure you know there are a lot of rumors and bad press...
- (Drax) going around the country about the GB case. There are also a...
- (Drax) couple of people speaking out on the case with less than...
- (Drax) verifiable facts. Do you have any comments on stories such as...
- (Drax) the one about the Devil photo, which was rumored to be a...
- (Drax) double exposure hoax by Ed? Or his "prison term"? GA
- (Tracy Torme) There was no devil photo. This is typical of the ...
- (Tracy Torme) misinformation going around. Photo in question was ...
- (Tracy Torme) taken at Halloween party and had nothing to do with double-...
- (Tracy Torme) exposure. Don't wish to comment on other question except...
- (Tracy Torme) to say that it too has been presented in misleading fashion. GA
- (Drax) OK, Steve, have at it. GA
- (Steve G) First, Tracy, a belated WELCOME to CI$ . . .
- (Steve G) Next, I was wondering, are you not in a similar position . . .
- (Steve G) as Whitley Strieber, bein a Science Fiction writer? . . .
- (Steve G) I do not mean to question your credentials, . . .
- (Steve G) just remind everyone (including me) that you are . . .
- (Steve G) Fairly famous in the Science Fiction area. GA
- (Drax) GA Tracy
- (Tracy Torme) Thanks for the welcome, Steve. I'm currently a writer/producer ...
- (Tracy Torme) soon to be director (hopefully). Sci-fi is something i...
- (Tracy Torme) enjoy and have recently been working in...
- (Tracy Torme) However, I don't consider myself a sci-fi writer per se. GA
- (Steve G) May I?
- (Drax) Please do.
- (Steve G) To clarify my question, then . . .
- (Steve G) Do you consider yourself more of a Science Fiction . . .
- (Steve G) Writer/Producer, or UFOlogist? Just want to be sure of the answer GA
- (Tracy Torme) Am somewhat uncomfortable with either term...
- (Tracy Torme) i consider myself a film-maker who's been ...
- (Tracy Torme) lucky enough to utilize some of my personal ...
- (Tracy Torme) passions in my work. Hope that answers your question. GA
- (Steve G) Thank you and goodnight! GA
- (Drax) It should be said that Tracy has been researching UFOs for longer...
- (Drax) than he has been writing sci-fi professionally (I think). Before...
- (Drax) this he was <dare I say it?> a comedy writer! <Grin> Dale? GA
- (Dale) Thanks Draxter.....
- (Dale) Speed typing lessons after the Co.....
- (Dale) As a side note, on Saturday night at the Cleveland NUFOC
- (Dale) Conference, Dr. Willy Smith of CUFOS, MUFON, and UFO UNICAT
- (Dale) fame was very critical of the GB case. He went over the videos,
- (Dale) photos, and was critical of Maccabbee and Andrus. It will
- (Dale) be interesting to see where this goes. I taped it aand will
- (Dale) get it on line. Lastly, have you spent time with Walton, and
- (Dale) what are your feelings on the case and the man?ga
- (Tracy Torme) I've been to Snowflake four times and have spent ...
- (Tracy Torme) alot of time with almost all concerned...
- (Tracy Torme) i have a great affinity for Travis and ...
- (Tracy Torme) needless to say I support his contentions...
- (Tracy Torme) Think this case was terribly botched by ...
- (Tracy Torme) Ufologists. I believe W. Smith is to GB what
- (John LEar) Great, whats going on
- (Tracy Torme) Spaulding was to Walton case...
- (Drax) OK, remember, formal rules in effect....
- (Drax) thanks Tracy, next is Rick, then Marge. GA Rick.
- (Rick) Tracy, even more facinating than the actual phenomena is this...
- (Rick) government coverup. Under what conditions do you think the ...
- (Rick) might rethink their position on this and ...
- (Rick) start releasing some of the amassed data they have...
- (Rick) in their possession. GA
- (Drax) GA Tracy
- (Tracy Torme) Unfortunately Rick, I wouldn't hold your breath. GA
- (Rick) OK thanks and I won't!ga
- (Drax) Marge, GA
- (mjc) Tracy, Jim S. says that a great deal of info in support of GB is not ...
- (mjc) being made public. Why not- in light of all the disagreement by
- (mjc) UFOlogists? Also, is Don Ware appearing on the 14th documentary?
- (Tracy Torme) Yes Marge, I believe he is. Much info withheld due...
- (Tracy Torme) to privacy constraints as well as fear of ridicule. GA
- (Drax) OK, Bert, GA
- (Bert) ok...
- (mjc) What is the role of former astronaut Brian O Leary in the GB casse?
- (Bert) Tracy, I understand that NBC has moved up their air time of their....
- (mjc) He was on the Late Show Fri night with GB photos. ga
- (Bert) Unsolved Mysteries show to Oct. 5 from a December date.....
- (Bert) Do you think the reason for this is to get the jump on ....
- (Bert) your documentary? Also, I understand you are one of 3 producers...
- (Bert) doing the Oct 14 show. Was there much argument between the 3 of you....
- (John LEar) I dont want to interupt . Is this ok?
- (Bert) regarding how to pitch the tone? ga
- (Drax) Answer Berts first, then Marges.
- (Tracy Torme) Think I got two questions at once...
- (Tracy Torme) Marge -- Think O'Leary is interesting guy but don't know...
- (Tracy Torme) anything about GB involvement...
- (Tracy Torme) Bert -- Yes, I do think that's why they jumped...
- (Tracy Torme) ahead several months. Also "pitch the tone"? GA
- (Drax) Yeah, "pitch the tone"?
- (Bert) any particular slant?ga
- (Tracy Torme) We disagree most of the time. <grin> GA
- (Drax) OK, Gerry, GA
- (Gerry) ok...
- (Gerry) Tracy, there are now 3 films (I belive) in the making
- (Gerry) and 2 tv documentaries coming up in October. Are we finally
- (Gerry) entering a period of greater media coverage of UFOs, and if
- (Gerry) we are, don't you think enough of this would elicit some sort
- (Gerry) of change of our government's official position of silence? ga
- (Drax) <showoff> GA Tracy
- (Tracy Torme) You type almost as fast as me!...
- (Tracy Torme) Hope we'll see more quality UFO stuff but I ...
- (Tracy Torme) think the public's interest comes and goes...
- (Tracy Torme) Think "the conspiritors" realize this GA
- (Drax) OK...
- (Drax) Next is John Lear. GA John
- (John LEar) Thnks and Hi Trcy. Is the important role of the cattle mutilations
- going
- (John LEar) to be addressed having people like Lou Girodo and Tex graves tell
- their
- (Drax) John got knocked offline
- (MIB) we got him!!
- (Drax) standby...
- (Drax) he says..."tell their case....also about Grudge 13, I just met...
- (Drax) with Bill English and he is willing to come forward at this time."...
- (Drax) Any comment, Tracy?
- (Tracy Torme) Got worried there for a moment...
- (Tracy Torme) Thought John had been eaten by the aliens ...
- (Tracy Torme) and lizard men that live in a secret underground...
- (Tracy Torme) base beneath his house...
- (Aliens) John gives us gas!!!
- (MIB) Watch it Tracy, YOUR NEXT
- (Tracy Torme) We _will_ be mutilating cattle live on the air...
- (Tracy Torme) and serving them as steaks for the tv critics GA
- (Mike) speaking of bases...
- (Mike) do you have an opinion...
- (Mike) on the reality of the ...
- (Mike) UFO Base in N.Mex...
- (Mike) as reported by Bennewitz?
- (Tracy Torme) I've been to Dulce and met with P.B....
- (Tracy Torme) in his New Mexico office. Strange man, strange ...
- (Tracy Torme) place. Think something is definitely going on
- (Tracy Torme) in northern New Mexico, but think elaborate stories
- (Tracy Torme) of underground bases are probably untrue and certainly ...
- (Tracy Torme) fall neatly into the hands of the forces of disinformation
- (Drax) OK, Don of ParaNet Rho, your up. GA
- (DON) OK...
- (DON) Tracy, you eariler mentioned that the public interest
- (DON) comes and goes. Dont you think this may be
- (DON) because of the irresponsible manner in which the "Media"
- (DON) treats the subject? Any "soft" story such as a
- (DON) town in Wisc. building a UFO landing pad is covered...
- (DON) and things such as overflights of military bases are ignored....
- (DON) the public per say never get the real story. I propose that it
- (DON) is as much a fault of media as the elements in the govt that
- (DON) suppress the story. and follow up. ga
- (Drax) GA Tracy.
- (Tracy Torme) Don -- agree with you 100%. Right on the nose...
- (Tracy Torme) a refreshing point of view. GA
- (Drax) Follow Don GA
- (DON) Couple of weeks ago, myself and another MUFON investigator
- (DON) Dale Wedge proposed attempting to get both pro and con
- (DON) elements together in an attempt for a "trial" to try
- (DON) the evidence in a court setting. If people such as Klass
- (DON) and ciscop would be willing to enter such a setting
- (DON) with people such as Imbrogno , Speiser, Lear, Mcabee
- (DON) would you be willing to produce such an attempt if it would occure? ga
- (Tracy Torme) Good idea. But beware. Showtime's...
- (Tracy Torme) "trial" of JFK assassination "proved" L.H. Oswald...
- (Tracy Torme) acted alone. Ha Ha.GA
- (Drax) no, Tracy, it proved he pulled the trigger....
- (Drax) a separate poll of the jurors afterwards...
- (Drax) proved that he DIDN'T pull it alone. ...
- (Drax) John Lear is next. GA
- (John LEar) Thanks. What about the Grudge/13 papers. I just spent 2 days with
- (John LEar) Bill English and contrary to what several others have said, those
- (John LEar) papers and Bills synopsis of them was accurate. He is willing to
- (John LEar) come forward at this time and stat his case and debate ANYBODY.
- (John LEar) GA
- (Tracy Torme) If English is willing to come to us with...
- (Tracy Torme) substantial evidence, there is still time to change the show...
- (Tracy Torme) GA
- (Drax) Follow up, John?
- (Drax) OK...
- (Drax) John got knocked off again...
- (Drax) "what kind of substantial proof would you like" he asks.
- (Tracy Torme) Hungry lizards...GA
- (Drax) Hahah
- (Drax) OK,...
- (Drax) Jim is next, then Marge, then WEdge
- (Drax) GA Jim
- (Tracy Torme) Something a little beyond "I saw it,and you'd...
- (Tracy Torme) better believe me. Some evidence would be nice. GA
- (Jim) Just a observation on something said earlier
- (Jim) There is a certain irony in the percieved
- (Jim) need to withold info on GB and other cases...
- (Jim) while condeming the Gvt for doing same. GA
- (Drax) Response, Tracy?
- (Tracy Torme) I think that's a flawed analogy...
- (Tracy Torme) The gov. isn't withholding because of sensitivity...
- (Tracy Torme) toward people's privacy. GA
- (Jim) That is not the only reason given for withholding..
- (Jim) on the part of UFologist.
- (Drax) Can you elaborate, Jim?
- (Jim) Often there are claims..
- (Jim) that they don't want to give out too much..
- (Jim) because they want to use the info...
- (Jim) to verify later cases....
- (Jim) Unfortunately, there may never be similar later...
- (Jim) cases so the fact that the info...
- (Jim) is never verified later simply never comes out.ga
- (DON) Not to mention writing other books!
- (Drax) Tracy?
- (Tracy Torme) Agree that GB is a freakish case that may never ...
- (Tracy Torme) be repeated. GA
- (Drax) OK, Marge?
- (mjc) and did not receive much enthusiasm. I hope the Oc.t 14th program...
- (mjc) makes the UFO subject credible, because UFOlogists certainly haven't
- (mjc) been doing a very good job of that lately. Got to leave you. Have a
- (mjc) hungry alien to feed. Thanks, Tracy! ga
- (Drax) We lost your first line Marge,....
- (Drax) what did not receive much enthusiasm?
- (mjc) !The idea of a trial of the UFO subject, which was brought up...
- (mjc) to the MUFON P.I.P.E. Committee during the Wash. D.C. symposium. ga
- (Drax) No, it did go over like a lead balloon, but I still think...
- (Drax) its viable. Next is Dale. GA
- (Drax) Bye Marge, thanks!
- (mjc) off
- (Wedge) Just a follow on the Trial. Tracy mentioned Showtime, but I did
- (Wedge) not see what he said. The question is: If Don and I were
- (Wedge) too contact both sides, come up with cases, people to debate,
- (Wedge) and lawwyers from each side, would someone be interested in
- (Wedge) producing such an endeavor that you know of?ga
- (Drax) GA Tracy
- (Tracy Torme) Could be. I think it's an idea of...
- (Tracy Torme) merit, but a hard one to sell. Can't ...
- (Tracy Torme) make a judgement without knowing more. GA
- (Drax) Could it be sold to Showtime? Any idea of how succesful...
- (Drax) the Oswald trial was? I know I couldn't tear myself...
- (Drax) away from it. GA
- (Tracy Torme) Not too successful. Cut down several hours...
- (Tracy Torme) for American release. Euro version much more...
- (Tracy Torme) complete. GA
- (Drax) My gosh, six hours is "cut down"? Oh well...we can...
- (Drax) talk about the trial later...
- (Drax) I'd like to get into another aspect of the documentary...
- (Drax) First, can you tell us what the general segments will cover? GA
- (Tracy Torme) I'd rather answer specific questions...
- (Tracy Torme) To make a list would be inappropriate considering...
- (Tracy Torme) non-disclosure pact. GA
- (Drax) OK, just tell me if we get too specific then...
- (Drax) Can you tell us anything about how much MJ-12 material...
- (Drax) or other "deep blue" stuff will be covered? GA
- (Tracy Torme) As much as we can get our hands on...
- (Tracy Torme) providng we can do some verification work...
- (Tracy Torme) on the sources involved. GA
- (Drax) OK. Bert, GA.
- (Bert) ok...
- (Bert) Could you elaborate a little on your...
- (Bert) comment about Dulce (Bennewitz) and that "something definitly is going ...
- (Tracy Torme) Sure. I think New Mexico is a place of ...
- (Tracy Torme) great importence in the UFO mystery...
- (Tracy Torme) Dulce is obviously a place where some...
- (Tracy Torme) unusual sightings and possibly even some ...
- (Tracy Torme) mutilations have taken place...
- (Tracy Torme) On a personal level, I know that I
- (Tracy Torme) instinctively felt that Dulce...
- (Tracy Torme) is an area of high-strangeness...
- (Tracy Torme) As to why, that's anybody's guess...
- (Tracy Torme) And I do mean "guess". GA
- (Drax) OK,
- (Drax) Don is next.
- (DON) Tracy, do you have an address where
- (DON) we could send the proposal? ga
- (Tracy Torme) 5555 Melrose Blvd. L.A. ..
- (Tracy Torme) not sure of zip (mental block)...
- (Tracy Torme) but it's Paramount Studios and my office #...
- (Tracy Torme) is 402 in the hart bldg. GA
- (Drax) Dale next. GA
- (Wedge) Tracy, just wanted to mention that I've seen your dad 3 times
- (Wedge) in concert. I was under 30 and find him to be one of the best
- (Wedge) entertainers I've seen. Second, will there be any Anti-UFO
- (Wedge) people on the show, such as Klass, Shaeffer, Oberg, etc?ga
- (Tracy Torme) Thanks, Wedge. I'm under thirty too,(just...
- (Tracy Torme) barely). Unfortunately there will be anti-ufo...
- (Drax) (Oh, did we go metric?)
- (Tracy Torme) clones on the show. Understand -- I'm not against
- (Tracy Torme) honest skepticism, I just haven't found much ...
- (Tracy Torme) of it. GA
- (Drax) Gerry, your up. GA
- (Gerry) ok...
- (Gerry) I take it there is a military installation at Dulce which mere
- (Gerry) civilians may not enter. When you say you've been to Dulce, do
- (Gerry) you mean that you gained entry to the installation? ga
- (Tracy Torme) What installation? As far as I know...
- (Tracy Torme) that's a rumor, and rumors are hard to enter. GA
- (Drax) OK, Mike is next, then we have to wrap. Mike?
- (Mike) ok...
- (Mike) time /channel on the ...
- (Mike) west coast for the 10/14 doc...
- (Mike) and do you "believe" in crashed saucers?
- (Tracy Torme) West coast?Ga
- (Drax) Its not "network," Mike.
- (Mike) Bay area.ga
- (Mike) Then where?
- (Tracy Torme) Time is 8p.m. Don't know station...
- (Tracy Torme) I do believe in the Roswell crash...
- (Tracy Torme) and possibly in Laredo crash...
- (Tracy Torme) Crash stories . GA
- (Wedge) San Agustin?
- (Drax) Tracy, would it be possible for LBS to send ParaNet a list...
- (Drax) of stations carrying the program, sometime before it airs? GA
- (Tracy Torme) Don't even think Bill Moore believes
- (Tracy Torme) San Augisten location anymore...
- (Tracy Torme) Believes it to have occured in two ...
- (Tracy Torme) different places on same vast ranchland...
- (Tracy Torme) Drax -- I'll see what I can do. GA
- (Drax) Pershitate it, Tracy.....
- (Drax) Thank you for joining us tonight, its been enlightening...
- (Drax) oh, two quickies, you have a release out this week, don't you? and...
- (Drax) when is "Fire in the Sky" due out? GA
- (Tracy Torme) Thanks for having me GA
- (Tracy Torme) Yes. i wrote original screenplay called ...
- (Tracy Torme) "Witching Hour". It opens this Friday entitled...
- (Tracy Torme) "spellbinder". Story has been changed so much I barely...
- (Tracy Torme) recognize it, yet most charetors are still mine. Hope it won't
- be...
- (Tracy Torme) too bad. "Fire in the Sky" is just going...
- (Tracy Torme) into pre-production and should be out within a year...
- (Tracy Torme) Also, do I have time to comment on Rumor mill? GA
- (Drax) Absetively, posolutely. GA
- (Tracy Torme) There are people in UFO circles who
- (Tracy Torme) have been spreading rediculous rumors about
- (Tracy Torme) upcoming show. Should you hear such stories...
- (Tracy Torme) floating around, _please_ take with grain of
- (Tracy Torme) salt. Most have absolutely no basis in fact...
- (Tracy Torme) Getting people to take this vitally importent...
- (Tracy Torme) subject seriously is hard enough. Let's not...
- (Tracy Torme) allow the inmates to start running the asylum...
- (Tracy Torme) Thanks everyone, Tracy. GA
- (Wedge) Thanks Tracy
- (Drax) Thanks again, Tracy....
- (Jim) Many thinaks
- (Mike) Yea Tracy
- (Drax) And our thanks also to Kevin Bacchus for...
- (Drax) supplying the CIS access...
- (Drax) Kevin: GET THAT BOY A MODEM!!!
- (Drax) Take care, and goodnight.
- (Wedge) Way to go Kevin!
- (Bert) Thanks Tracy, Night.
- (Tracy Torme) Bye, all.
- (Drax) This has been a production of The Issues Forum
- (Drax) Your moderator was Jim Speiser
- (Drax) A Georgia Griffith Presentation
- (Drax) MJ-12 has paid for the promotional announcement.
- (Drax) This is Don Pardo. Goodnight.
- (Wedge) Playing the MIB was Don Ecker!
- (Wedge) Playing Aliens was Dale B. WWWedge
- (Wedge) Playing Phil Klass was a Horse's , well you know.
- (Wedge) Hey, does anyone know about Willey Smith?
- (Drax) Wish John Lear had stayed online. Funny that every time...
- (Drax) he started typing, he got knocked off. I suspect, tho, it...
- (Drax) had nought to do with MIBs.
- (Drax) unless MIBS stands for Modem In Bad Shape
- (Bert) Still funny tho isn't it?
- (DON) for all that are interested
- (DON) got a nice debate going in Paranet RHO...
- (DON) call area code 208-338-9187, tell em Don Sent Ya
- (Drax) plug plug
- (Drax) About the trial...
- (Drax) Lemme send you guys the proposal I did two years ago...
- (Drax) see if you get any ideas from that...
- (Drax) don't be discouraged by the PIPE committee results. That was...
- (Drax) a very bad presentation on my part. GA
- (DON) Well, may;be we will
- (DON) sacrifice a virgin. (if we find one)
- (Bert) What about Willy Smith, Dale?
- (Wedge) Have you been asked to be on the program Drax?
- (Drax) No, I don't have anything to contribute on the front lines,...
- (Drax) I get everything second hand. If there was a debate, I might be...
- (Drax) asked, but thats about it. GA
- (Wedge) About Willy....
- (Wedge) he did a number on Gulf Breezes. I was wondering if...
- (Wedge) he had SOLID connections with either CUFOS or MUFON.ga
- (Drax) Dale, Moseley told me not to tell anyone that Willy...
- (Drax) was going to do a hatchet job on Gulf Breeze, precisely because..
- (Drax) he IS in MUFON. Didn't want to suffer the same fate as Boyd. GA
- (Wedge) I was just wondering where Smith's allegiance was....
- (Wedge) if with CUFO'S, this could be significant...
- (Wedge) if with MUFON, I can see another crucifixion coming....
- (Drax) His allegiance is to the truth, I think. Fiercely independent.
- (Wedge) I'll get the tape and make up the transcript of it....
- (Wedge) it was wild.ga
- (Drax) Did he do a convincing job data-wise, or was it just...
- (Drax) "this looks hokey"?
- (Wedge) I could not attend due to the little duffer, but Rick taped
- (Wedge) it and told me that he went into great detail on the video, the
- (Wedge) pictures and how Macabbee did a bad job on that,
- (Wedge) and the amotives behind Andrus being eeiither duped by a hhoax,
- (Wedge) or blind because he wants to write a book to be likee the
- (Wedge) big guys. I see many ramifications from this one.ga
- (Drax) Yes, indeedy. The dust is still being kicked up, and ...
- (Drax) will be for a long time. What's amazing is this...
- (Drax) usually, you either have a Meier-type thing, with lots of negatives ...
- (Drax) and explanations for the positive, or a Hudson Valley -type thing,...
- (Drax) with lots of positives and few explanations. This one has...
- (Drax) long lists of items in both columns. Its damned peculiar. GA
- (Wedge) By the way....
- (Wedge) Smith wants to put Lake Erie in his UNICAT system. He thinks it
- (Wedge) is a very good case. There will be an Ohio symposium in October
- (Wedge) of this year. We are getting our people together. Also,
- (Wedge) had an Abductee report from Stan Goredon. That was given to
- (Wedge) the State guy in charge. Things seem to be picking up again.ga
- (Drax) You guys chat, I gotta go 10-100.
- (Wedge) PISS
- (DON) I was just notified yesterday...
- (DON) by a person at the Fair, of a friend, women, professional driver,
- (DON) that had a sighting here in Id, that looks like poss.....
- (DON) abduction. about 1 hour and half missing..
- (DON) to get more info tomorrow, when she will have "victim"..
- (DON) call. Will set up appoitment, and talk to her. ga
- (Wedge) You know....
- (Wedge) Jim had a good point on the withholding of info by the
- (Wedge) investigators. It would be nice for the "RICHH GUYS" such as
- (Wedge) Hopkins, Striebler, etc., to have ssome sort of an answering
- (Wedge) seervice so that people investigating missing time
- (Wedge) reports could find out if they are on the right track because
- (Wedge) because of what they know. Too much money.
- (Drax) Oh, by the way, may I present Jim Delton, ParaNet Alpha's resident
- skeptic.
- (Wedge) Let Jim talk
- (Wedge) Jim D., that is
- (Jim) I would like to know
- (Jim) all of the stuff that isn't known about GB..
- (Jim) Why lmust Mr. Ed's..
- (Jim) criminal backgrd, if he has one, be shrouded in mystery?
- (Jim) I also..
- (Jim) Wonder about the quality of the research done by either...
- (Jim) Tracy or by Klass because if there is a question raised by the..
- (Jim) urinalysis they BOTH should be aware of it if they are going to ..
- (Jim) profess to be experts on the case. I do not claim to be an..
- (Jim) expert, only to have read the book by Klass, but it is..
- (Jim) one of the few items of physcial evidence in the whole case.
- (Drax) I must admit, I was rather surprised by Tracy's answers...
- (Drax) to all your questions, Jim.
- (Drax) GA Dale
- (Wedge) The time that you will see Ed, in all of his glory...........
- (Wedge) will be on a book tour. I still loove to sit back and see the
- (Wedge) Hopkiins tapes when he says only a hand full of people who have
- (Wedge) been abducted have come forward...I have seen enough
- (Wedge) to count on both hands, toes, and any other thing protruding...
- (Wedge) come on Hopkins, you made your money, give us the info we need
- (Wedge) to see if our cases are as ggood or as bad as the onees youhave
- (Wedge) inveestigated.ga
- (Gerry) Can someone straighten me out on Dulce? ...
- (Drax) Well, to be fair, Hopkins is speaking comparatively, based on how...
- (Drax) many people he BELIEVES have actually been abducted....
- (Jim) Lear says millions
- (Drax) On Ed's criminal background, there is a reason for shrouding that...
- (Drax) in mystery, and that is that it is NOT significant, if what I hear
- about it...
- (Jim) well...
- (Drax) is true. Don't forget, the guy is still opting for anonymity, and if...
- (Drax) it should come out who he is by accident, he may lose his business. GA
- (Jim) IF it...
- (Jim) is not significant, what;s the big deal and you don't have to say who he ..
- (Jim) is to say what the crime was unless it is such a strange..
- (Jim) crime that telling would identify.
- (Drax) No, I wont say who he is, but someone else might, and he chooses NOT...
- (Mike) Gerry, read page 578 in UFO CRash
- (Drax) to have that made public. Besides, one thing I've been...
- (Drax) skeptical about is "where are all the other witnesses?" Well, it seems...
- (Drax) there are many after all, and so one mysterious rap decades ago...
- (Drax) is, to me, insignificant. GA
- (Bert) Jim....
- (DON) Speaking as a policeman
- (DON) if you have a child molester living in the area
- (DON) and if children are molested...
- (DON) he is questioned. So, if EDwas arrested for fraud, or bunko...
- (DON) it would only be proper procedure to know if this
- (DON) could be the case.
- (Drax) No. Nothing like that. It was mere teenage mischief.
- (Wedge) Criminal Mischief - First Degree Misdemeanor
- (Jim) IF...
- (Jim) so then what is the big deal? But don't violate any confidences
- (Drax) Alas, I already have. And it gained you nothing.
- (Jim) Well..
- (Jim) It woesn't affect my opinon either though
- (DON) Hey Drax....
- (DON) lets play "I've got a SECRET".
- (Wedge) Wait.....
- (Wedge) Everybody......
- (Wedge) What percentagee would you puton GB being real! Vote now.
- (Wedge) 20%
- (Drax) 50%
- (Bert) 99%
- (DON) 0%
- (Drax) Cops always vote in a block. <grin>
- (Gerry) 86.4%
- (Gerry) No, 7%
- (Wedge) Jim D?
- (Jim) someone who knows his mind..
- (Jim) I was the 34.6789%
- (Gerry) 86.4% is the most significant number
- (Gerry) 7 is the most secret
- (Drax) Don, I don't like the secrets game either....
- (Drax) but sometimes its gotta be played...
- (Wedge) OK....
- (Wedge) Can we quick poll?
- (Drax) AS LONG AS the negatives eventually DO come out, along with the
- positives. GA
- (Wedge) OK...
- (Wedge) 3 quick ones...
- (Wedge) Abductions....
- (Drax) 70%
- (DON) 85%
- (Mike) 80%
- (Gerry) 100%
- (Mark) 70%
- (Wedge) Whitley Striebler....
- (DON) what about you Dale?
- (Bert) Yeah Dale
- (Wedge) How sincere is Whitley from 0 - 100 %
- (Wedge) I'm about 65
- (Drax) 70%
- (Gerry) 50%
- (Mike) 90%
- (Drax) Oh, sincere? 100%
- (DON) 30%
- (Wedge) 100
- (Jim) sincere is 80% did it happen in actual fact 3%
- (Bert) 80%
- (Wedge) But, actually how much of it happened as written 0 - 100
- (Wedge) 10%
- (Gerry) 40%
- (DON) .00000000005800002144%
- (Drax) What percentage of it happened as written: maybe 40%
- (Mike) in his mind -100%
- (DON) What about you Dale?????????
- (Drax) He said 10%
- (Wedge) I said 10 %
- (Wedge) Has CSICOP talked about GB?
- (Drax) No. Klass called me last week...
- (Drax) he hasn't had time to really delve into it...
- (Drax) he came up with one photo...
- (Drax) where the camera was in motion, but the object wasn't blurred...
- (Drax) I don't know which one he's talking about...
- (Drax) but Maccabee says Ed was tracking the object when he snapped it. GA
- (Drax) Also, I don't think they are behind it. I asked a few questions. GA
- (Wedge) Can you....
- (Wedge) with a piece of glass,
- (Wedge) project an object in the air and photo it?
- (Drax) Yes, but that's been ruled out in many of the photos. GA
- (DON) Nite all
- (Wedge) Nite Don
- (Jim) Gnite
- (Bert) Night Don
- (Drax) Nite, Don.
- (Wedge) I gotta run too....
- (Wedge) the kid needs breast feeding...
- (Wedge) and the wife is tired....
- (Gerry) dale!
- (Drax) Dale, you perv!
- (Wedge) talk about flying saucers, BOY!!!
- (Drax) I'm outtahere, too. Nite all!