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- William M. Steinman is an independent UFO researcher
- and investigator, and co-author of "UFO Crash At Aztec"
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- "I honestly believe that there are strong
- religious implications in this entire phenomena"
- - William M. Steinman (in a letter dated 01/19/89)
- This is based on:
- (1) My own strong convictions.
- (2) A statement made by Dr. Edward Teller in Dallas, Texas in 1986.
- When confronted by a friend of his on the origin of saucers, He
- said, "I can't tell you that; but keep your eyes and ears on the
- Mid-East situation."
- (3) Jerold D. Miller, civilian scientist at the Airforce Office of
- Technology, Kirtland AFB (his name appeared at the bottom of the
- Aquarius Telex). He is a very religious man, and stated that "The
- Book of Revelation" in the Bible, contains the Answer to the UFO
- Problem.
- (4) George Nicholes, old blind man, son of a scientist who worked at
- Wright-Patterson in the late 40's stated that the Anti-Christ and
- Book of Revelation held the key to the mystery.
- "...I can go on and on with different persons such as John Lear,
- Linda Howe, Tommy R. Blann, John Reynolds, and etc. who expressed
- the religious ties to the phenomena."
- - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - -
- "...My own statement concerning the UFO situation."
- - William M. Steinman 01/19/89
- Ultimate Solutions To The UFO Phenomena
- ---------------------------------------
- The UFO or Flying Saucer Phenomena is a very complex problem
- which can be simplified by summing it up as follows:
- (1) The Flying Saucers originate from an "eternal dimension", not
- subject to space and time, as we know it.
- (2) The Flying Saucers "materialize" out of this "eternal dimension"
- into our space time frame, and have been doing so since time
- immemorial.
- (3) There is a direct relationship between "The Great Secret" of the
- Occult teachings, "The Mystery of Iniquity" of the Bible, and the
- Flying Saucer Phenomena.
- (4) The "Dark Forces" of the Occult, summed up as Satan (Lucifer) in
- the Bible, is the underlying source behind the Flying Saucer
- Phenomena.
- (5) The "Dark Forces" are motivating and influencing the so called
- "conspiracy Groups", who really control every world Government,
- through their various Intelligence Agencies.
- (6) There does exist in the United States, an alliance between the
- "materialization" of these "Dark Forces" posing as "Alien Beings"
- and a high level Intelligence group, presumably "MJ-12", who in
- turn operates through the N.S.A., C.I.A., F.B.I., D.I.A., etc.
- (7) There do exist Above-Top-Secret "saucer bases" in remote portions
- of the United States (and around the world), in which this unholy
- and immoral alliance are developing a very advanced Technology,
- based on Unified Field Physics, Genetic Engineering, and biogenic
- breeding in preparation for the ultimate "materialization" of the
- "Dark Forces" when the "Mystery of Iniquity" is finally culminated
- in "Anti-Christ" or "Ahriman" ("Incarnation of Satan").
- (8) This entire subject matter remains the most highly classified and
- most closely guarded secret of all time, under the cloak of
- "National Security".
- (9) Faith in God is what protects us against this. Paranoia is what
- allows the "materialization" or Psycho-Physical manifestation of
- the M.I.B. (or other diabolical forms) to "visit" you, If you
- know too much.
- signed: W.M. Steinman 12/18/86