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- OUTLOOK.TXT - "The Outlook" FSR Editorial (Vol.34, No.3, Sept., 1989)
- - FSR Editor, Gordon Creighton
- - To Subscribe: Annual Subscription, 4 Issues.
- United Kingdom: 12 Pounds Sterling
- United States: $30 US (Money Order)
- Other Countries: 15 Pounds Sterling
- AIRMAIL: USA add $10, Others 6 Pounds
- - Address: The Editor,
- FSR Publications Ltd,
- P.O. Box 12,
- Snodland, Kent
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- NOTE: Use of "_underlining_" marks such as these are meant to
- indicate italicized words within the article.
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- By now it is certain that all of the people, everywhere, who
- take an interest in or are aware of the "UFO Problem", will have heard
- and read a greatdeal about such things as the "Majestic 12" documents;
- the astounding claims of John Lear and of Bill Cooper; the shattering
- books "Matrix" and "An Alien Harvest"; the talk and the rumours of
- underground alien bases on Earth at such places as Dulce and Groom
- Lake; the talk of an alleged governmental deal with Aliens that went
- disastrously wrong; of human abductions, of cattle mutilations, and
- alas - of other things much worse than that.
- Apart from a few brief references in recent issues, we at FSR
- have so far said little about these potentially grave new aspects of
- the UFO Problem. There are others who have already said far more than
- we have. We ourselves propose to say little more for the moment.
- But this does not mean that we are in any sense unaware of the
- prevailing situation. We have all the key books referred to - and more,
- and in fact the amount of accumulated material which we now have on all
- these matters is enormous and we doubt whether any other civilian
- investigators in Britain have anywhere near as much as we do. Indeed -
- and this may surprise some - we started receiving this type of material,
- from Canadian as well as U.S. sources, as far back as 1980. And although
- we still do not know how much of this disturbing material is true, it is
- notable that the main themes running through it for nearly a whole
- decade now have been remarkably consistent.
- A reader asked us recently why we have not said much more than we
- have on all these developments. And the reply we gave him was simply
- that _we_do_not_yet_know_how_much_of_it_all_is_true_and_how_much_false_.
- So we prefer to wait a while and see.
- Rumour has it that Mr. John Lear has said: "It's all over bar the
- screaming". He may or may not have said this. We at FSR don't know
- whether he said it. But, if the position really is as indicated in the
- voluminous material now in our hands, then we have to agree that it may
- indeed be "all over bar the screaming".
- But we think we have some responsibilities, and one of those
- responsibilities is not to contribute to "rocking the boat" needlessly.
- Unlike most others in this field, we do not seek financial gain,
- and we think that poor old _Homo_Sapiens_ (self-dubbed_ has already got
- more than enough to worry about. So we think we will let others "spill
- it all now", if they want to. If it turns out to be untrue or badly
- exaggerated, an awful lot of alarm and despondency will have been
- generated unnecessarily. And, if the picture is indeed as sombre as
- presented, then we feel sure that _Homo_Sap._ will find out quickly
- enough. We don't aspire to be the first bearers of all the bad news.
- As a last thought however, we will tell you this: some of the
- information brought to us privately out of China in April of this year -
- information emanating from Chinese Government levels - was as terrifying
- as anything that we have ever heard. So it may well be, after all, that
- John Lear and Bill Cooper and Paul Bennewitz, along with not a few others,
- are telling the truth.
- But, we repeat, we do not intend to be the first to write or speak
- too much about it all
- _For_one_thing_-_there_may_be_more_than_one_side_to_the_drama_
- now_being_played_out_here._
- ================================= EOF =======================================
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