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- The Earl Baldwin Show
- Wednesday, August 18th, 1988
- KFYI Radio
- Guests: Richard Hall, Jim Speiser
- Transcript begins approx. 7:15PM
- EB: ...this hour, we have the author of a book with us, it says
- "Top Secret" on the cover, and I don't know, I've read a lot of
- the secrets in here. "Uninvited Guests", its a "documented
- history of UFO sightings, alien encounters, and cover-ups." And
- the author is Richard Hall. Richard is with us here on The Talk
- Station via the telephone. Hello, Richard Hall!
- RH: Hi. How're you doing?
- EB: Pretty good. And we have in studio, Jim [Speezer], or is it
- Speiser? Speiser...who is a ufologist, and director of ParaNet,
- which is a computer Bulletin Board of explorers of the
- paranormal...a network, I guess, of all those people who are
- comparing data [such] as you have in your book. Your book is a
- compendium of all of the reports correlated here in different
- categories, from "Close Encounters of the Vehicular Kind" to
- bodies in the morgue, humanoids, and big secrets and other...uh,
- what gave you the idea for doing this, Richard Hall?
- RH: The idea for doing it was that the public at large has had very
- little in the way of current, honest sources of information on
- this subject for many years now, and their primary source of
- information, very regrettably, has been the tabloid newspapers.
- The conventional news media do not give adequate coverage of the
- subject, so I felt it was time to do an update, pulling together
- the most impressive information, and (whether impressive or not)
- the currently reliable information on the subject. So that's
- what I tried to do.
- EB: Now isn't this a case of, "where there's smoke there's fire,"
- the idea, with all this smoke there must be a flame somewhere?
- With all of the reports, and many of them seem to correlate,
- most people who sight spaceships seem to give the same general
- description. Most people who see lifeforms coming from
- spaceships, or assuming they come from some kind of
- extraterrestrial vehicle or transportation, put them in similar
- categories, and, are we saying, because these things have gone
- on for many, many years now, and seem to correlate from
- different sources, different countries, and come up with the
- same kinds of general observations, that there must be something
- to it?
- RH: Yes, indeed. I think that's exactly right. I think if we'd had
- all these reports over the years, and they were of 90,000
- different sightings, and no two were alike, you know, you could
- write it off as some kind of psychological phenomenon or
- whatever, but we do indeed have all these converging patterns,
- very STRONG patterns, in fact, of exactly, similar descriptions
- from people worlds apart, continents apart, all walks of life,
- and it tells a very important picture here of some real
- phenomenon going on that has not been adequately investigated.
- EB: What disturbs me is the fact that it has NOT been adequately
- investigated, and that there seems to be a pattern of covering
- up; that, if there is something to this, the government - the
- military in particular - doesn't seem to want anybody else to
- have the information.
- RH: Yes.
- EB: And why is that?
- RH: Well, one can only speculate. But the case I build in my book is
- that, sometime back several decades ago, the government and/or
- the...at least the military services found very strong evidence
- of what we will call extraterrestrial visitation, for lack of a
- better term - some kind of intrusion into our airspace by
- mysterious, unexplainable objects and apparently humanoid
- beings. And they really didn't know how to cope with this. It
- was not really treated as a scientific problem, it was treated
- as a national security problem. Who are these beings, what are
- these craft, where are they coming from? Are they about to
- attack us or what? But there was no evidence of any kind of
- invasion per se. So the military forces were stuck with a
- problem that they really couldn't cope with. Now there's much
- more to it than that, which I'll be glad to get into, but
- that's as short an answer as I can give to such a complex
- question.
- EB: Let me ask our guest, Jim Speiser...how did you get an interest,
- or develop an interest in UFOs, extraterrestrials, and the like?
- JS: I got an interest in it from way back, about 1966. I was a young
- boy and I read all of the pulp magazines, etc. Kinda lost
- interest up until college, when I learned of the "skeptical
- side" of things. From there on I proceeded from a skeptical
- point of view, as I pursued many other facets of the so-called
- "paranormal": ghosts, ESP, etc. [But] it soon came to my
- attention that the skeptical information I was getting on UFOs -
- that they didn't exist, that they couldn't possibly be here,
- that they've been explained in other ways - I slowly came to the
- realization that those explanations were not quite as
- scientifically based as the skeptics would have us believe. And
- so I said, "Wait a second. If our best debunkers and skeptics
- can't explain these cases, or have to resort to way-out
- left-field explanations that make the `alien' theory look
- ridiculous, maybe there really IS some fire behind the smoke."
- EB: Was there any one, or two or three, basic incidents that
- convinced you there was something out there? or up there?
- JS: Well, I remember the particular turning point in my mind was the
- Helicopter-UFO Incident over Mansfield, Ohio in 1973,
- and...that's a case where the best debunker in the world, Philip
- Klass, as far as I can see, really dropped the ball. He tried to
- explain this thing as a "bolide", or meteor, that lasted some one
- minute and twenty seconds, which...I've called dozens of
- meteorologists, astronomers, experts...[and] no one can tell me
- that a meteor could possibly last a minute and twenty seconds.
- EB: OK, and, Richard Hall, the author of "Uninvited Guests", was
- there one turning point, one "ah-HA!" factor for you that said,
- "there must be something to this?"
- RH: I'm not sure I can pin it down to one precise case, but I think
- one category of reports that impressed me highly was reports by
- professional pilots, military and civilian professional pilots,
- airline pilots, Air Force pilots... and I have over the years
- talked to many, many of them, face to face. Reports sometimes
- that they don't put on public record, because they fear
- ridicule. But their reports are being investigated by Dr.
- Richard Haines at NASA-Ames Research Center, and I think they're
- a very impressive category of reports.
- EB: Mm-hmm. And, uh, some of the movies, like "Close Encounters of
- the Third Kind," "ET," and like that, they've done a lot of
- research, which seems to be parallelled by a lot of the stories,
- this documented history that you present in your book "Uninvited
- Guests." Do you think that Steven Spielberg, for example, was
- borrowing from the same basic materials that you've used in your
- book, to background his films?
- RH: Yes. Steven Spielberg had some contact with the Center for UFO
- Studies, which was headed by Dr. J. Allen Hynek, and did indeed
- borrow from the UFO literature, but I think he expanded beyond
- that and took a few "artistic liberties," shall we say...went a
- little beyond the legitimate database, but indeed he was
- borrowing from it.
- EB: OK, because I notice that, "Close Encounters," I notice a lot of
- the lights and the sightings and the shapes of the humanoids
- seem to correlate with a lot of the actual sightings that are
- documented in your book.
- RH: Right.
- [Commercial Break]
- [Transcript picks up when Speiser is talking to Baldwin about Senator
- Goldwater incident. Tape started late...]
- JS: ...confirmed to ParaNet that he was not allowed access to
- records where UFO information was kept.
- EB: Why? Isn't he...
- JS: That is a good question....
- EB: ...a high muckety-muck, or was...
- RH: He didn't have a high enough security clearance.
- EB: ...a member of the Senate, head of the Armed Services Committee,
- whatever he was the head of, a top-secret clearance...
- JS: He was head of just about every possible Senate committee that
- would have oversight powers over anything that would have
- anything to do with foreign technology, alien technology,
- space...he was head of just about everything that would come
- under that venue.
- EB: Is there any member of [the] Senate, or of the President's
- Cabinet, who would be allowed...I mean, the head of the Armed
- Services on the President's Cabinet, the head of Defense, the
- Defense Secretary, rather, wouldn't that person be allowed...?
- JS: Well, any answer I give would only be speculation, we don't know
- who has the clearance... Dick might have a better aspect than I
- do on that...
- RH: Well, I'm in the same boat. We really don't know who has been
- told what, you know. All we know is that increasing
- documentation from the past suggests that there has been a
- tightly-held secret by a group called MJ-12...
- EB: MJ-12?
- RH: Yes, MJ-12, which was a group of very high, highly placed
- political leaders and scientists, back when they allegedly first
- got some kind of physical evidence. And this was just between
- the President (then Harry Truman) and this group of scientists.
- And it was very tightly-held. Other members of the
- Administration were not told, other military leaders were not
- told, other politicians were not told, so we just don't know.
- Assuming that's true in the first place, which we don't really
- know, although there's suggestive evidence of it...assuming
- that's true, then we don't know where it went from there...what
- has become of this evidence, who has been clued in and who
- hasn't. So its very much up in the air. But there's enough
- suggestive evidence and leads here that we only wish that we
- could get some high-powered investigative reporters involved, to
- really dig into this, because, you know, we could certainly
- provide some very substantial leads to them that they could have
- a ball with.
- EB: Well now, in your appendix, Appendix B here, you have a briefing
- document of Operation Majestic-12 that was "prepared for [then-]
- President Dwight David Eisenhower," back in November of 1952,
- and it says "Copy 001 of 001," which means this was the only
- copy ever made? "Top Secret" is crossed out and "Eyes-Only"
- crossed out on my copy, in the book. Can't you get in trouble
- for even copying this, or publishing this?
- RH: No, no.
- EB: Why? says "Top Secret"!
- RH: Civilians are not subject to this kind of thing. If I were a
- member of the military and published this, then I might get in
- trouble, but they have no hold over me...
- EB: Well, the Rosenbergs weren't members of the military and they
- took some Top Secret information out of the country...
- RH: Well, I'm not publishing any atomic secrets, see, I'm publishing
- something whose validity is denied...
- EB: Oh, I see, they deny that this is an actual document...
- RH: ..and also I'm not the original publisher of this. This was
- released by Bill Moore and Stanton Friedman and Jaime Shandera.
- EB: How did they get it?
- RH: They...Shandera received it in the mail anonymously on film. It
- was an undeveloped roll of film, and he had it developed, and
- this was what was on the film. They have spent several years
- since then (this was several years ago), they've spent several
- years doing a lot of clever documentary research, and
- biographical research to find out who are the principals named
- in here - they name the twelve, the Majestic Twelve, in here -
- they did a lot of research to find out who these people were,
- where they were at the time of the alleged incidents, you know,
- the whole thing. And everything they've been able to find out is
- at least CONSISTENT with this report. Doesn't prove it...
- EB: Well, now wait, according to this there were nine, whatever,
- nine spaceships or craft or whatever else flying over New
- Mexico, right? Or the Cascade...I'm sorry, uh, Cascade Mountains
- in the state of Washington, but then, later on, there was a
- [begins more-or-less quoting from document] crash in a remote
- region of New Mexico, about 75 miles northwest of Roswell Army
- Air Base (now Walker Field), and aerial reconnaisance discovered
- four small human-like beings that had apparently ejected from
- the craft, somewhat before it exploded, and fallen to the earth
- about two miles east of the wreckage site, and all four were
- dead and badly decomposed due to the action [of] predators and
- exposure to the elements due to the approximately one week time
- period which had elapsed before their discovery. Now they
- removed the bodies, and so forth, and put a cover story out
- about a weather balloon. But the question I have is, that there
- were nine of these craft visible just before, or a month before,
- in the Cascade Mountains, and a month later, one of these,
- obviously, from the same formation, or a similar one, crashes,
- why wouldn't the other eight have stuck around or why wouldn't
- they be able to get there if they have the advanced technology
- and pick these other creatures up, or find out where they had
- crashed, if they had this advanced technology? Why couldn't they
- find it before we did?
- RH: We don't know, but, the point is that these things allegedly
- crashed and allegedly were retrieved. And you can only speculate
- about what else went on. Actually, if the story...if you take it
- at face value, the beings were dead when they hit the ground and
- the craft exploded in the air. So they may have been "written
- off..."
- EB: Oh, and they thought there wasn't enough to even go after...
- [Commercial Break]
- [Tape again started late...]
- EB: ..if they know that much about us, why don't they speak our
- language? Because some of the sightings, uh, the people say they
- make "unintelligible sounds." Why wouldn't they have taken a
- Berlitz course or something, in English?
- RH: [chuckles] That's a good question. I don't know. I say in my
- book, in various places, that we may underestimate the
- difficulties in cultural differences between us and supposed
- alien beings, or beings [from] elsewhere, as I call them...
- EB: But if you can build a spaceship, you must have some computer
- technology. We have computers that will translate most foreign
- languages. They can translate Chinese to Russian to English in a
- matter of seconds.
- RH: Yes, but if they come from a totally different biosphere than
- anything we're familiar with, you know, and there could be
- tremendous roadblocks. They might not even be able to recognize,
- out of all the myriad forms of life on Earth, which is the
- supposedly intelligent life. They may be down there trying to
- talk to porpoises. Who knows?
- EB: Well, we have some intelligent life now on Line #1. From
- Phoenix, here's Charles, at 258-KFYI. You're on with the author
- of "Uninvited Guests," Richard Hall, and Jim Speiser, the
- ufologist and director of ParaNet. Charles, you're on KFYI,
- hello there.
- Caller: Hello. Uh, gentlemen, I frankly, I think this is all hogwash.
- RH: Good.
- EB: Hogwash!
- Caller: Right. And here, let me give you my proof. Now, I don't know
- about the rest of it, but this one part where these craft
- landed, and all that, and our government is either hiding it,
- hiding them, or destroying them, or something, to keep us from
- finding out. Now, just think of this for a moment: We are not
- the only nation on Earth. I mean, there are hundreds of nations
- where others could have landed, and it is assumed that...I don't
- believe that for whatever planet they come they'd pick just the
- United States and these little confines. Therefore, all the
- nations of Earth - Russia, China, India, Australia, Canada,
- England, Germany - all of them must have ALL gotten together in
- one great conspiracy to keep this information from all the
- peoples of the Earth. Is that humanly possible?
- EB: Or extraterrestrially possible...
- Caller: It is?
- EB: Is it EXTRATERRESTRIALLY possible, not HUMANLY possible.
- Caller: Well, no, WE are the humans who are hiding this, you see. Or our
- government.
- EB: Well, that's a good question, except that, in this book, I might
- point out, that there are sightings in places like Finland,
- France, Italy, and New Guinea, and Brazil.
- Caller: But how about absolute proof, that is, like you say, wreckage,
- bodies, even though decomposed...apparently, since these bodies
- were damaged by predators, they are apparently edible.
- RH: Well, that's very interesting, you show some signs of having
- read the literature, because we didn't mention the predator
- damage before...
- EB: I had mentioned that just a moment ago...
- RH: Oh, did you mention predator damage? OK, but let me just say
- that, you talk about the international scope of this thing,
- that's absolutely correct. We've learned that even mainland
- China, communist China, has had a long history of UFO sightings
- in modern times, which is only now beginning to come out since
- the country has opened up a little bit to the West. We have an
- official ongoing investigation in France, and so forth. I don't
- think it requires any international conspiracy to account for
- why governments haven't told us things. The governments are
- confronted with some very strange, baffling information and so
- are we. What we're getting tonight in this discussion is some of
- the most extreme, very dubious sort of information. In my book,
- I have a solid underpinning of why we take this subject
- seriously at all. This question of whether or not there are
- crashed UFOs and physical evidence is definitely up in the air.
- I don't insist that that's true. All I do is report the
- information that is available, and suggest that we really need
- to study this seriously. But I don't think it necessarily
- follows that there has to be some big international conspiracy,
- I don't follow that logic.
- Caller: Well, somehow it must have sneaked out from SOME country, that
- they have evidence which I assume that they would have also, not
- just we.
- EB: Oh, well there have been crashed UFO reports from other
- countries. There have been abduction reports from other
- countries.
- Caller: And they are also keeping this a deep, dark secret from their
- people?
- RH: No, its NOT being kept a deep, dark secret, because we're aware
- of it. But its just not believed, you see....
- Caller: Well, if they would show me, I'd believe it.
- RH: ...like you, people say "hogwash."
- Caller: Yeah, but if they would show me, I would believe it!
- RH: Well, read my book. I'll show you.
- EB: We had a shooting down of an airplane by one of our Naval
- vessels with hundreds of casualties, and people called our
- station and said they don't believe it, that it was set up and
- that there were fake bodies and corpses that were set up from
- Iran...
- JS: That's the trouble, a lot of people...you've heard the
- expression, "I'll believe it when I see it." A lot of people
- will see it when they believe it. They preface it by that..."I
- have to believe it first, and no matter what you show me, I'm
- not going to believe it until I believe it."
- [Commercial Break]
- EB: Six minutes before 8:00, we had a fellow named Joe waiting on
- Line #2, but obviously a UFO has spirited him away. So if
- anybody else is allowed to call us, if they're not in the hands
- of either the Air Force or the extraterrestrials, then you are
- free to dial 258-KFYI or toll-free 1-800-242-TALK. And our
- guests for these last few minutes of this first hour: we have
- Richard Hall, the author of "Uninvited Guests," which is
- probably the best collection in logical sequence of all the
- sightings, all the reports, and lots and lots of theories on
- whether or not the government is covering up something, or
- whether or not we have aliens among us. And Jim Speiser in our
- studio, ufologist and director of ParaNet. Now that's a computer
- Bulletin Board, Jim?
- JS: Yeah, its a network, actually, of computer Bulletin Board
- Systems, designed to collect and disseminate information on
- what's happening right now in the paranormal, especially UFOs
- and other anomaly fields such as Bigfoot, Loch Ness Monster,
- Cattle Mutilation, things like that. There's a communications
- gap in these fields...
- EB: So sharing information, and trying to see if there's a pattern
- here...
- JS: Exactly.
- EB: ...might help. Richard Hall, I understand our government, or
- SOMEONE, investigated you, when they found out you were putting
- this book together, this gathering of all the intelligence data
- on possible life from other atmospheres, other planets, other
- solar systems. Is that true?
- RH: I was investigated back a few years ago, a number of years ago
- by the Central Intelligence Agency, and its kind of an elaborate
- story, but the bottom line is that I found out, through some
- other acquaintances and some Freedom of Information Act requests
- that they had conducted a security clearance on me, without my
- knowledge or consent and...
- EB: Why? Were you applying...
- RH: I don't know, but I've been told that they were apparently
- trying to set me up as a so-called "window," a source on the
- subject, but whatever happened to the effort, I don't know,
- because they never did that, at least I was not aware of it...
- EB: In other words, they were trying to see if they could trust you,
- and maybe put you on the Majestic Twelve list...
- RH: Well, perhaps, but apparently I flunked their security
- clearance...
- EB: Well, I would too, if you put out a book that has a Top Secret
- document in it. I'm not sure they want those kinds of people...
- RH: Yeah, well, that was much later that I did that...
- EB: Well, they could tell. They knew you were capable of doing this
- type of thing.
- JS: I think that's the bottom line, Earl. If there's nothing to the
- subject, why all this government interest? Why are there these
- documents - and I mean documents that we HAVE confirmed - Why did
- the government tell us that they had no further information on
- UFOs, when all of a sudden, under the Freedom of Information
- Act, more documents started pouring in that showed that they DID
- have interest when they were telling us they didn't?
- EB: Well, officially they closed out this "Blue Book" the Air Force
- used to keep? Right?
- JS: That's right, in 1969.
- EB: Does that mean that, for the last, well 19 years, they really
- haven't gathered any information about flying saucers, that
- they've ignored all their own pilots, uh, visual...
- JS: We have confirmed information to the contrary. Although if you
- write to the Air Force, they'll STILL tell you, "We closed out
- Project Blue Book in 1969, and that was it, that was the end of
- our interest."
- EB: So nobody in the Air Force is keeping track, right Julie?
- Julie's on our Phoenix line here, with a minute to go in our
- show.
- Caller: Hi.
- EB: Hi there.
- Caller: I just wanted to ask your guests if they had any dealings with
- Richard Hoagland, who wrote "The Monuments of Mars." I just
- finished reading that book, and it was supposed to be pictures
- of...
- EB: We had Richard on last month.
- Caller: Right! That's where I heard of the book.
- EB: Ah, OK.
- JS: I haven't dealt with Hoagland directly, but that's a very
- interesting thing that he's got there with the face, and more
- interesting is the actual "buildings" or whatever,
- "structures"...
- EB: That's computer-aided, though! That means that you can twist
- your computer and have your computer make any pictures it wants.
- JS: I invite any computer analyst to see if those things were
- twisted or if they were merely enhanced. If they were, I would
- be willing to listen to them. However, I haven't heard that
- charge made, because nobody's bothered to follow up on the
- analysis.
- EB: I'm not sure I could prove a computer either twists or enhances
- my mind...
- [End transcript]
- [End program]