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- ===================================================================
- THE CRUCIBLE <<UFONET I>> * 416-237-1204 * 12/24/96 HST (1:250/440)
- ===================================================================
- Facts, Questions, Comments
- Robert Hastings
- March 1, 1989
- -----
- First, it has been established that "Falcon", one of the
- principle sources of the MJ-12 material, is Richard C. Doty,
- formerly attached to District 17 Air Force Office of Special
- Investigations (AFOSI) at Kirtland Air Force Base, Albuquerque,
- New Mexico. Sgt. Doty retired from the U.S. Air Force on
- October 1, 1988.
- How do I know that Doty is "Falcon"? During a recent telephone
- conversation, Linda Moulton Howe told me that when Sgt. Doty
- invited her to his office at Kirtland AFB in early April 1983,
- and showed her a purportedly authentic U.S. Government document
- on UFOs, he identified himself as code-name "Falcon" and stated
- that it was Bill Moore who had given him that name.
- Also, in early December 1988, a ranking member of the production
- team responsible for the "UFO Cover Up? -- Live" television
- documentary confirmed that Doty is "Falcon". This same individual
- also identified the second MJ-12 source who appeared on the
- program, "Condor", as Robert Collins who was, until recently, a
- Captain in the U.S. Air Force. Like Doty, he was stationed at
- KAFB when he left the service late last year.
- Both Doty and Collins deny any involvement in the MJ-12 affair.
- However, Linda Howe has issued a sworn affidavit, agreeing to
- testify under penalty of perjury, relating to the events during
- the course of her meeting with Richard "Falcon" Doty at KAFB in
- 1983 (Enclosures A and B). Thus far, Doty has *not* issued a
- sworn affidavit, or agreed to testify under penalty of perjury,
- to re-enforce his denial that the events of his meeting with
- Howe occured as she has described them.
- For the moment, I will not identify the "UFO Coverup? -- Live"
- source who identified Doty as "Falcon" and Collins as "Condor".
- I do, however, encourage others to independently attempt to
- secure confirmation of the statements that he has already made.
- At least two producers connected with the documentary know the
- facts.
- ---------
- Now that "Falcon" and "Condor" have been identified, it seems
- prudent to examine the past activities of Richard Doty and Bob
- Collins to see whether those activities tend to add to, or
- detract from, the credibility of the MJ-12 scenario that they
- have so vigorously promoted within the ufological community.
- That is, do their actions reflect a genuine attempt to release
- authentic above top secret information to the public or, on the
- other hand, suggest a disinformation campaign designed to
- confuse and mislead?
- Let's begin with Doty. Sgt. Richard Charles Doty first received
- widespread attention after he wrote the now well-known AFOSI
- Complaint Form relating to UFO sightings near Kirtland AFB in
- 1980 (Enclosure C). This document, typed and signed by Doty,
- takes on new significance in the light of an incident known as
- the "Weitzel Hoax". Briefly summarized, this odd tale unfolded
- as follows: In 1981, the Aerial Phenomena Research Organization
- received an anonymous letter from an individual who claimed to
- be a USAF airman assigned to the 1550th Aircrew Training and
- Testing Wing at Kirtland AFB (Enclosure D). The writer further
- claimed to have had a rather dramatic UFO sighting, together
- with a Craig Weitzel and others. The letter relates that Weitzel
- reported the sighting to a "Mr. Dody" (sic) at Kirtland AFB OSI.
- Researcher Benton Jamison located and contacted Weitzel in 1985
- (Enclosure E). Weitzel stated that he did indeed report a UFO
- sighting to Sgt. Richard Doty in 1980, but that the actual
- incident in no way resembled the CEIII experience described in
- the anonymous letter. Weitzel also denies that he was subsequently
- contacted by a mysterious individual who demanded that he turn
- over any photographs that he might have taken of the UFO, as the
- letter claims.
- So, it would appear that the writer of the anonymous letter,
- whomever he was, took a real event and greatly embellished it
- for some reason.
- And why is this letter so significant as regards questions about
- Sgt. Richard Doty's credibility as a source for allegedly secret
- government documents? Simply because careful analysis of the
- anonymous letter reveals that it was almost certainly typed on
- the same typewriter used by Doty to complete the 1980 OSI
- Complaint Form.
- Enclosure F is a report by researcher Brad Sparks which address
- typeface irregularities and stylistic traits that are identical
- in both the anonymous airman's letter and Sgt. Doty's report.
- Actually, Spark's typeface analysis is incomplete. In addition
- to the irregular "u" that he identifies, it can be seen that the
- letters "gh", as in the word "sighting", are jammed together in
- identical fashion in both the letter and the report. Lower case
- "o" is also jammed against various letters that follow it in
- the "Weitzel" letter and Doty's Complaint Form.
- A professionally-conducted analysis of these flaws should be
- able to determine, with a reasonable degree of certainty, whether
- an "anonymous airman" used Doty's typewriter to compose his
- overdrawn tale. If this fact can be established then two obvious
- questions arise: 1) How and why did the unidentified airman
- from the 1550th Aircrew Training and Testing Wing gain access to
- Sgt. Doty's writer at OSI? 2) On the other hand, did Doty himself
- type the letter and, therefore, attempt to perpetrate a hoax for
- some unknown reason?
- Because it has been established that Richard Doty is "Falcon",
- the chief source for the MJ-12 material, it now seems imperative
- thoroughly investigate this incident to resolve these unanswered
- questions. The second question, in particular, is of obvious
- importance. Perhaps the Fund For UFO Research, which has recently
- solicited contributions to further investigate the MJ-12 affair,
- would consider funding an expert typographical analysis of both
- the anonymous letter and Doty's Complaint Form to determine
- whether or not there is a link between the two.
- Even more disturbing than the implications of the "Weitzel Hoax"
- is an incident that raises the strongest doubts about Richard
- Doty's credibility as a source of information and documents
- relating to the U.S. Government's involvement with UFOs. Infor-
- mation about this incident comes from Dr. Bruce Maccabee and
- links Doty to the so-called Ellsworth AFB hoax. According to
- Maccabee, Bill Moore has acknowledged that Richard Doty confessed
- to forging the document that describes the alleged events
- connected with the Ellsworth case (Enclosure G). Doty apparently
- claims that the UFO incident there actually occurred, just as
- described in the document, and that he only wanted to bring it
- to the public attention. He, therefore, proceeded to type the
- "document" himself, incorporating the "facts" that he claimed
- to know to be true, and then released the bogus report to
- various researchers. Enclosure H is an expose written by Bob
- Pratt, and published in the January 1984 issues of the *MUFON
- Journal*, describing his investigation of this hoax.
- If it can be established, beyond any doubt, that Richard Doty
- forged the Ellsworth AFB document, what would that say about
- his credibility as a chief source for the MJ-12 material, under
- the guise of "Falcon"?
- --------------
- In addition to the serious questions raised by the "Weitzel"
- letter and the Ellsworth AFB hoax, there also exist fundamental
- discrepancies between information provided by "Falcon" and the
- "facts" contained in the so-called Eisenhower briefing paper.
- The Briefing Document (Enclosure I) was purportedly written by
- alleged MJ-12 member Admiral Roscoe Hillenkoetter, in November
- 1952, for presentation to then President Elect Dwight D.
- Eisenhower. Among other things, it states that two UFOs had
- crashed, one in July 1947, near Roswell, New Mexico; the other
- in December 1950, on the Texas-Mexico border.
- Linda Howe states, however, that when Sgt. Doty invited her to
- his office at Kirtland AFB OSI, in April 1983, he provided her
- with information that contradicts this version of events. Howe
- states that Doty confirmed the existence of a secret government
- group called MJ-12 and then opened a desk drawer and produced
- a document entitled "Briefing Paper for the President for the
- President of the United States". (*Not* the Eisenhower document).
- Howe states that she was allowed to look through the alleged
- "Briefing Paper" but told not to take notes. She states that a
- part of the document was a catalog of crashed UFO cases,
- including one near Aztec, New Mexico in 1948 (or '49).
- Now, if the *Eisenhower* briefing paper is genuine and was
- indeed presented to Ike in November 1952, why was no mention
- of the Aztec crash contained in it? Is it plausible that the
- soon-to-be president would be let in on a secret of paramount
- importance --that of alien visitation-- but not be given this
- important information? Why would he be told about two UFO
- crashes but not about a third? Why would the Aztec crash, if
- it did occur, be any less significant than the other two
- cases mentioned in the briefing paper?
- In short, if the briefing paper that Sgt. Doty showed to
- Linda Howe was genuine, what does that say about the accuracy
- (and authenticity) of the Eisenhower document? If, on the
- other hand the former was bogus and was meant to mislead
- Howe for some reason, what does that say about Richard "Falcon"
- Doty's reliability as a source for MJ-12 material as a whole?
- At the risk of being redundant, may I again point out that
- Linda Howe has sworn out an affidavit indicating a willingness
- to testify under penalty of perjury, as to the truthfulness of
- her statement relating to her meeting with "Falcon" at Kirtland
- OSI.
- About Robert "Bob" Collins, I know very little. I have
- established at the time of his departure from the U.S. Air
- Force, he was assigned to the Plasma Physics group at Sandia
- National Laboratory located at Kirtland AFB. Linda Howe
- states that in November 1987, Collins was "frantically" trying
- to get her to meet with him in Albuquerque. At that meeting,
- also attended by John Lear, Collins showed the two some MJ-12
- documents, primarily relating to a live alien allegedly held
- captive by the U.S. Government. According to Howe, Collins
- stated that he had worked "behind the scenes" with Bill Moore
- for years.
- ---------------
- So, how does Mr. Moore fit into the MJ-12 jigsaw puzzle? On
- the face of it, he appears to be just a UFO researcher who has
- been approached by questionable government sources. I have
- information, however, that raises doubts about his public image
- as merely a "civilian" researcher. Indeed, it appears as if he
- may be working (or have worked) for one of the U.S. intelligence
- agencies. I base this statement on the following information:
- In December 1985, I read an article by Barry Greenwood about an
- allegedly ultra-secret government group called "MJ-12". The
- article was based on information provided by researcher Lee
- Graham. In March 1986, I met with Mr. Graham at his home, in
- the hope that he would elaborate on the information contained
- in Greenwood's article. I found Graham to be open, honest, and
- sincere. While I do not agree with many of his conclusions
- regarding MJ-12, I know that he is definitely not the "kook" or
- "space cadet" that some have branded him. On the contrary, his
- statements to me that evening were logical and down-to-earth.
- I simply disagree with some of his premises.
- As we talked, Lee provided me with copies of some of the
- "documents" that have come to be associated with the MJ-12
- affair, including the "Project Snowbird" paper and the
- "Project Aquarius" TWX. When I asked who had given him the
- documents, he would only say that the person worked for the
- government, as an intelligence operative or information
- conduit.
- Over the next fifteen months I called Graham several times,
- to ask whether there had been any developments regarding the
- MJ-12 material. Perhaps the most noteworthy event during that
- period was the visit to Graham by two agents from the Defense
- Investigative Services (DIS). The agents were apparently sent
- to find out why Graham, who holds a "Q" security clearance,
- was in possession of alleged secret government documents that
- had not been properly declassified.
- In early June, 1987, I called Lee again. This was shortly
- before Bill Moore's press conference in Burbank, during which
- he intended to unveil the "Eisenhower briefing paper" and other
- MJ-12 material. During this call, without any prompting from
- me, Graham revealed that the person who had given him the
- documents was in fact Bill Moore. I was puzzled. Graham had
- previously said, on several occasions, that he had gotten the
- documents from an individual who worked for the U.S. Government,
- presumably in an intelligence capacity. As far as I knew, Bill
- Moore did not work for the government in *any* capacity.
- I asked Graham to explain this discrepancy. He unhesitatingly
- replied that when Moore first approached him with the documents
- he (Moore) showed him some kind of government ID card, with Bill
- Moore's picture on it but an alias typed beneath it. According
- to Graham, Moore indicated that he was working for the U.S.
- Government for the purpose of releasing sensitive UFO-related
- documents to the public.
- I began to take notes. So incredulous was I about all of this
- that I asked Lee to repeat his statements, which he did. I then
- asked him which agency Moore claimed to work for. He responded
- that Bill Moore's ID badge was identical to the badge shown him
- by the two DIS agents. When I was skeptically retorted, "You
- mean to tell me that Moore's badge looked like the DIS badges?",
- he replied, "No, it was identical to them."
- Graham went on to state that Moore claimed that he (Moore) had
- been "flagged" in U.S. intelligence agencies' computer files so
- that other operatives would not stumble over and inadvertently
- expose his operations. Lee went on to say that he had once been
- introduced to Moore's "superior" whom Moore would only identify
- as "Richard".
- At the conclusion of this rather baffling phone conversation
- with Graham, I specifically asked him whether there was anything
- that we had discussed that I should not repeat. He answered,
- "No", and indicated that he would send me materials relating to
- his investigation by the DIS, Bill Moore's first approach to
- him, and other, related matters. A week later, I received the
- items that Graham had promised and found that references to
- Moore, by name, had been censored by Lee. By this time,
- however, I had already spoken to Barry Greenwood, Peter Gersten,
- Bob Todd, and others about the details of Moore's approach to
- Graham. Apparently word got back to Moore about these
- conversations because I later heard that he had vehemently
- denied that he was a government operative and claimed that he
- was only playing a "joke" on a gullible Lee Graham. The
- "government ID", according to Moore, was a laminated MUFON card.
- Enclosure J is a letter, dated May 8, 1986, that Graham sent
- to the DIS in which he discusses Moore's first approach to him.
- Graham mentions that when he was interviewed by the two DIS
- agents, he told them about Moore and his ID card. Graham then
- goes on to ask why Moore had not been interrogated about his
- possession of allegedly secret government documents, copies of
- which he had given to Graham. (One might also ask why Moore had
- not been questioned about his impersonating a government agent,
- if in fact his ID card was bogus as he now claims.)
- Enclosure K is a second letter from Graham to the DIS, dated
- October 19, 1986, exactly seven months after Lee was interviewed
- by the two DIS agents. In it, Graham again mentions that Moore
- has not been interrogated by the DIS over this lengthy period.
- He concludes that it is because Moore does indeed work for the
- U.S. Government, just as he had been told by Moore himself.
- Graham has a point. If Moore was only "joking" when he showed
- Lee the bogus ID card (an ID that looked so authentic that
- Graham calls it "identical") to a DIS badge) one would think
- that Moore would have been questioned by the DIS about this
- potentially serious matter. If Moore was impersonating a
- government intelligence operative as he disseminated "documents",
- then surely an intelligence agency would be interested in
- pursuing the matter. And yet, according to Lee Graham, seven
- months after he had told the DIS about Moore and his badge, no
- one had apparently approached Moore about this incident. Why?
- One might reasonably postulate that this apparent lack of
- follow-up by the DIS suggests that Moore does (or did) work for
- the U.S. Government, just as he claimed to Lee Graham. If this
- turns out to be true, however, given the highly questionable
- track record of one of Moore's chief sources, "Falcon", one
- must ask whether information, or disinformation, that he has
- been disseminating in this regard, one might also ask why did
- Moore not immediately dis-associate himself from Richard Doty
- once he had discoveredthat he had forged the Ellsworth AFB
- document? Instead, Moore later presented Richard "Falcon"
- Doty on national television as a reliable intelligence source
- of information about UFOs. Why?
- Another serious issue involving Bill Moore that needs to be
- reviewed concerns the so-called "Project Aquarius" document
- (Enclosure L). This paper contains the first reference to
- "MJ-12" to be widely circulated within the ufological community.
- On the face of it, the Project Aquarius document is a teletype
- message, sent by AFOSI Headquarters to Kirtland AFB OSI, dealing
- with analyses of UFO photographs and films taken by Dr. Paul
- Bennewitz. However, AFOSI HQ denies that it sent the message
- and calls it a forgery. It now appears that, in this case,
- AFOSI is telling the truth.
- In a letter to attorney Peter Gersten, dated April 4, 1983,
- D. Hall states that Bill Moore privately admitted that it was
- *he* who did a "cut and paste job" and then "retyped" the
- document (Enclosure M). If this is true, why would Moore do
- such a thing? If a genuine message was sent to Kirtland AFB
- OSI, dealing with Bennewitz' photos, MJ-12, and the rest, why
- didn't Moore disseminate it in its original form? Wouldn't
- the "retyped" version of if, if discovered to be such, raise
- doubts about the credibility of the information contained in
- it?
- If Moore did "retype" the document, can he now produce the
- original to substantiate the accuracy of the information
- contained in "his" version? If so, it will be interesting to
- see whether the "original" document will be confirmed as
- authentic by AFOSI Headquarters.
- I should point out that I possess additional information about
- the Project Aquarius document that I intend to withold until
- Moore has produced (or failed to produce) the "original".
- --------------------------------------
- Just as I was concluding this missive, I received a copy of
- Bill Moore's open letter to those who would question his
- activities. In response to his criticisms and pleas, I would
- like to make the following points:
- First, Moore states that he is not a "forger", a "hoaxer", a
- "fabricator", or a "counterfeiter". Whether he is any of
- those things, I will leave to others to decide. I would ask,
- however, if he could suggest an appropriate word to describe
- his actions when he did a cut/paste/retype job on the Aquarius
- document? If Moore believed that he was "the only one on the
- right track", as Doty flattered him, then that's his problem.
- If, however, he has engaged in the altering of government
- documents before releasing them to an unsuspecting public,
- then that becomes a problem for all of us. The credibility
- of *any* document, even when released via the Freedom of
- Information Act, will come into question in the minds of many
- once it has been learned that a "leading ufologist" has
- tampered with this or that document. And yet, Moore has the
- absolute nerve to rail against those who would question his
- "methods".
- Second, Moore feigns self-righteous indignation when he denies
- that he is "some sort of government agent". But clearly, he
- has only himself to blame for this "rumor". *If* the ID badge
- that he showed Lee Graham was fake, and *if* he was lying when
- he claimed to be an intelligence operative, does he now have
- any right to bemoan the fact that his escapade has finally
- come to light? I, for one, do not believe for an instant
- Moore's laminated MUFON card story. That explanation smacks
- of the ridiculous "red herring" about there being *two* Dotys
- that Moore offered up when the "Falcon"/Doty connection was
- first suggested publicly by Barry Greenwood in 1987. While
- I am sure that there are *plenty* of Richard Dotys in this
- world, only *one* is the MJ-12 source "Falcon".
- Third, Moore calls efforts by researchers to learn the identity
- of his MJ-12 sources "inappropriate" and states that for
- "obvious reasons" his response to these inquiries will be
- "no comment". This posture, of course, also conveniently
- shields from scrutiny the fact that his "primary" source for
- the MJ-12 material, Richard Doty, has apparently acknowledged
- forging the Ellsworth AFB document -- a fact that Moore himself
- knew *at least* as early as March, 1988. In view of this
- revelation, the attempt by Moore to project the appearance
- that he is merely protecting a confidential government
- source rings hollow. Indeed, it seems likely that his desire
- to avoid embarrassment and well-deserved recriminations is
- a chief motive for his "no comment" stance.
- -------
- So, what does the MJ-12 affair add up to? I agree with Bill
- Moore it would be premature at this time to draw conclusions.
- It would not, however, be premature to carefully consider the
- following facts:
- 1) A handful of "documents" have mysteriously surfaced
- relating to an allegedly ultra-secret UFO policy group,
- code-name "MJ-12". No government agency will confirm the
- papers' authenticity and the National Archives has noted
- several discrepancies about one of them, the so-called
- "Cutler memo" (Enclosures N and O).
- 2) Another of the documents, the "Project Aquarius" message,
- has been discovered to be fake, in the sense that it has been
- altered by Bill Moore before being released to the public.
- As I write, there is no publicly available evidence that the
- original document Moore "retyped" was itself authentic.
- 3) The primary source for orally-transmitted MJ-12 material,
- code-name "Falcon", has been determined to be Richard C. Doty.
- According to Dr. Bruce Maccabee, Bill Moore has acknowledged
- that Doty confessed to forging the Ellsworth AFB document.
- Further, Doty's typewriter at Kirtland AFB OSI has been
- implicated in the "Weitzel" hoax, and he has provided infor-
- mation to Linda Howe that contradicts the "facts" contained
- in the Eisenhower briefing paper.
- 4) The primary researcher involved in the MJ-12 affair, Bill
- Moore, has, by his own account, faked a government ID card and
- passed himself off as an intelligence operative to at least
- one individual for a period of over two years. Whether Moore
- showed Lee Graham a laminated MUFON card, as he now claims,
- or a genuine government badge, of some type remains open to
- question.
- At the beginning of this letter, I asked whether the actions
- of those involved with the MJ-12 affair tended to suggest a
- genuine release of authentic UFO-related information to the
- public or, on the other hand, a disinformation campaign ( or
- for that matter, a simple hoax). I hope that those who are
- truly committed to finding the answer to this question will
- now renew their efforts. Hard questions must be put to Moore.
- Evasive answers and self-serving pronouncements from him
- should no longer be tolerated. I trust that those who have
- acted in good faith, including Jamie Shandera and Stanton
- Friedman, will be among his toughest questioners.
- I may reached at:
- 6200 Eubank Boulevard NE
- Apt. 833
- Albuquerque, NM 87111
- (505) 291-9335
- signed: R. Hastings
- cc:
- Walt Andrus
- Robert Bletchman
- Larry Bryant
- Paul Cerny
- Marge Christensen
- Jerry Clark
- T. Scott Crain
- Tom Deuley
- Ann Druffel
- Larry Fawcett
- Raymond Fowler
- Stanton Friedman
- Peter Gersten
- Timothy Good
- Lee Graham
- Barry Greenwood
- Loren Gross
- Richard Haines
- Richard Hall
- Budd Hopkins
- Linda Howe
- David Jacobs
- Ben Jamison
- John Lear
- Bruce Maccabee
- Bill Moore
- Jim Moseley
- Ted Phillips
- Robert Pratt
- Jenny Randles
- Mark Rodeghier
- Jamie Shandera
- Brad Sparks
- Dennis Stacy
- William Steinman
- Whitley Strieber
- Len Stringfield
- Michael Swords
- Bob Todd
- Ron Westrum
- Fred Whiting
- Jo Ann Williamson
- Todd Zechel
- 3/18/89
- Robert Hastings
- TO: The addressees of my recent letter on the MJ-12 Affair
- RE: A clarification
- In my recent open letter I mistakenly referred to Lee
- Graham's security clearance as type "Q". Mr. Graham
- has asked that I send out a clarification on this point.
- I regret the error.
- Mr. Graham has also expressed the opinion that I "mis-
- represented some of the things" that he communicated to me.
- I have reviewed the portion of my letter that deals with
- Mr. Graham's statements to me, and I consider my account
- of them to be fair and accurate. While I am certain that
- neither he nor I could re-construct, word for word, our
- conversations after this lapse of time, I nevertheless
- stand by my portrayal of our talks.
- As I have already indicated, I consider Mr. Graham to be
- an honest and sincere individual. I accept the fact that
- his recollection of our communications may differ from
- mine on some points.
- signed: Robert Hastings