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- PARANET SPECIAL RELEASEby Jim SpeiserParaNet Alpha 08/02 -- Barry Goldwater. Senator Barry Goldwater. Former Presidential hopeful, former A
- ir Force General, hard-line conservative, hard-nosed patriot, a man with a reputation for honesty and high moral character. Barry Goldwater.
- The very name strikes terror into the hearts of Communist sympathizers the world over.In 1966, Senator Barry Goldwater, R-AZ, took a trip t
- o Dayton, Ohio, to look inside a building. The building, immortalized in fiction as "Hangar 18", is actually not a hangar, but an old conver
- ted supply depot on the grounds of Wright Patterson Air Force Base. It is currently used by the National Security Agency. There, it is rumor
- ed, are stored the remains of crashed "flying saucers" from the forties and fifties, and possibly some alien corpses.OK, so its science fict
- ion. But what IS in the building? Well, no one knows for sure, see, because its off-limits to everyone but a handful of NSA and Air Force pe
- rsonnel. Probably some secret government weapon is being developed inside. So it stands to reason that Barry Goldwater should be allowed in;
- after all, he is a member of, or chairman of, every Senate panel that oversees such things: Intelligence, Armed Forces, Tactical Warfare, P
- reparedness, Aviation, Science, Technology, Space, the list goes on.Barry Goldwater, Senator Rambo, was denied entrance to the building.I mu
- st admit, I am not 100% convinced of the existence of the so-called "Cosmic Watergate", and the skeptics make some very good points. But I'd
- like to ask those skeptics one simple question: What could possibly be so top-secret that Senator Barry Goldwater, R-AZ, is not allowed to
- see it?A recent addendum to this story: a local magazine reporter, in an attempt to follow up, received a denial from Goldwater's administra
- tive aide that the incident ever occurred. It did occur, we assure you. The file GOLDWATER.UFO is a series of letters signed by the Senator
- in answer to requests for more information on the matter. You can reach this file by typing R GOLDWATER.UFO at the main Library prompt. We'd
- like to think the aide was just trying to protect his boss, who was in the hospital at the time. But this is only one example of the many s
- trange turnarounds that have occurred in this field lately.Please read the file. And please, if you can, explain it to me.