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- C U F O R N
- ~~~~~~~~~~~
- Crescat scientia vita excolatur
- (Where knowledge increases, life is enobled)
- Directors:
- ~~~~~~~~~~ -Joseph Muskat
- -Larry Fenwick
- -Harry Tokarz
- The Canadian UFO Research Network (CUFORN) is a nonprofit
- organization incorporated in Ontario in December, 1977, with its
- headquarters in Willodale, which is part of Toronto. Co-directors
- Joe Muskat, Larry Fenwick and Harry Tokarz have amongst them more
- than 70 years of UFO research.
- CUFORN has newspaper clipping service access, photo,
- magazine and report files, the use of polygraph and psychological
- stress evaluation devices and other equipment for use in its
- investigations. We try to provide technical and scientific
- consultants for every phase of research and investigation. We have
- a list of recommended books and magazines available at a cost of
- only $1.00 . A one-year membership is yours for only $19.00 (Can.),
- and is payable to CUFORN, Inc. by a cheque or money order.
- Our Hot-Line telephone number is ** 416-787-1935 **. Calls
- are taken at any time except between 11pm and 7am., EST. CUFORN's
- mailing address is listed below.
- We train and appoint field investigators, and have
- available a series of comphrehensive Sighting Report Forms for use
- by our members. Meetings are held only when something of major
- significance is reported. We have affiliations with other groups
- in Canada and around the world.
- CUFORN's aims are: to receive reports, check to see if any
- mundane causes explain the reported sighting; send out field
- investigators on close encounter, landing and abduction reports;
- have soil and plant analysis done; interview observers; draw
- conclusions, if possible, in final reports on cases; send these to
- other UFO groups; and adhere to our code of ethics, while
- maintaining a healthy skepticism and adherence to the scientific
- method.
- All reputable UFO groups and independent researchers are
- invited to join CUFORN or arrange affiliation. Members get the
- latest news on investigations and other news in the form of the
- CUFORN Bulletin every two months.
- Write or phone us to get a membership form. When we approve
- your application and receive your membership fee, we will send you
- a membership card and put you on the Bulletin mailing list.
- Sighting report forms will be sent to those who ask for them. All
- completed forms must be sent to CUFORN headquarters immediately
- after completion of an investigation.
- Membership qualifications are as follows: A minimum of five
- years of intensive UFO research including the reading of at least
- five books on the subject, OR ONE of the following: A university
- or college degree; experience or training in any one of these:
- insurance investigator, media reporter, astronomy, aeronautics,
- computer technology, electronics, photography, art, law
- enforcement, or public relations.
- U.S. and foreign membership fee is $21.00 per year in
- Canadian funds.
- Canadian U.F.O. Research Network
- P.O. Box 15, Station "A"
- Willodale, Ontario, Canada
- M2N 5S7
- Ph.# 416-787-1935
- CUFORN Staff:
- ~~~~~~~~~~~~~
- President: Joseph Muskat
- Corresponding Secretary: Lawrence J. Fenwick, B.A. (Journalism)
- Treasurer: Harry Tokarz
- Consultants:
- ~~~~~~~~~~~~
- Physics: David Harrison, Ph.D.
- George Hathaway, Ph.D., P. Eng.
- Eric R. Smith, B.Sc.
- Stanton T. Friedman, B.Sc. M.Sc.
- Astronomy: Rick Ivanoff
- Terrence Dickinson, B.Sc. M.Sc.
- Bruce D. Powell
- Aeronautics: Bruce D. Powell
- Claude Freeman
- Eric R. Smith, B.Sc.
- Linguistics: P.M.H. Maximilian Edwards, Ph.D.
- Computer Technology: Victor Lourenco
- Willy Smith, B.Sc.
- Regressive Hypnosis: David Gotlib, M.D.