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- ASTEROID.TXT - "The End Of A Chapter?" FSR (Vol.34, No.3, Sept., 1989)
- - by FSR Editor Gordon Creighton
- - To Subscribe: Annual Subscription, 4 Issues.
- United Kingdom: 12 Pounds Sterling
- United States: US $30 (Money Order)
- Other Countries: 15 Pounds Sterling
- AIRMAIL: USA add $10, Others 6 Pounds
- - Address: The Editor,
- FSR Publications Ltd,
- P.O. Box 12,
- Snodland, Kent
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- NOTE: Use of "_underlining_" marks such as these are meant to
- indicate italicized words within the article.
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- As all our information media continue to bombard us with
- depressing reports about the Ozone Layer; the "Greenhouse Effect";
- the melting Ice-Caps and the rising seas; the rapid loss of the Earth's
- great tropical rain-forests; the massive pollution of land and sea and
- atmosphere; the terrifying overpopulation of the Earth by Man, the Great
- Predator; and the accelerating destruction of numerous other species of
- life, it is evident that many - even among the great unthinking masses
- of humanity - are beginning to preceive that "SOMETHING IS HAPPENING".
- And, here and there among them, the more perceptive ones are even starting
- to see that the close of one of the _Great_Chapters_in_the_Book_of_Life_
- on_Earth_ may be at hand. Should this indeed be so, then it is nothing
- new! For these things have occurred repeatedly before. For what we are
- discussing is "Catastrophism", and we know that the old-fashioned Victorian
- idea of "Gradualism", once so dear to the hearts of such folk as the
- geologist Lyall, has now been totally discarded. Today we already know
- from the scientific evidence, of _at_least_77_reversals_of_the_Earth's_
- Poles_.
- Firstly, there is the problem of the actual _wandering_ of the
- physical Poles, and this is no doubt connected with the slow processes
- of Continental Drift and the movements of the Plates. Secondly, as
- stated already, there is the question of the _magnetic_ reversals. It
- seems that there have been twenty of these in the last 4,500,000 years,
- which gives us a rate of _about_one_reversal_ every 200,000 years, on an
- average. There have been found to be several sorts of time-interval
- between them. One of the intervals is of about 700,000 years, while
- another is of about only 10,000 years. The longest interval yet
- discovered by our scientists happens to be in fact our current interval,
- as it seems that the last big reversal was about 690,000 years ago,
- though the scientists Folgheraiter and Mercanton have also found a brief
- period of reversal about 3,000 years ago.
- Findings of scientists in the Geological Department of the
- University of Minnesota (published in the London _Sunday_Times_ of July
- 15, 1984) indicate that a new "flip" is indeed pending. They found
- that the Earth's magnetic field has halved in strength over the past
- 4,000 years. The actual reversal may, the scientists say, "take a few
- years, or a couple of thousand if History is any guide".
- Clearly, when it does happen, magnetic compasses will be useless
- for navigation during the change, and the protection which the Earth's
- magnetic field at present gives us against solar radiation could be
- altered, no doubt bringing major changes in climate (such as we are
- already experiencing).
- Clearly, also, all creatures that utilize the Earth's magnetism
- for their navigation - birds, fish, and honey bees for example - will
- be thrown into utter confusion and their survival will be in doubt. And
- what about ours? (Incidentally, we have heard of all sorts of theories
- about the cause of extinction of the dinosaurs - such as the explosion
- of a Supernova. But this magnetic field reversal might also have been
- the cause.)
- All Life Is Lived On A Razor's Edge
- All life is miraculous and perilous, anyway, and we live on the
- razor's edge. In an earlier article, "Will The Earth Be Struck Again
- Soon?" (in FSR 30/5, 1985), I gave an outline of the view of Dr. Allen
- Hynek and fellow-astrophysicists regarding a further danger with which
- our planet is faced - _and_has_always_been_faced_ - namely the possibility
- of another major _strike_ soon by an asteroid or a comet, from which it
- seemed pretty evident that a good many astronomers think we might 'cop'
- something quite nasty again before very long.
- Such a view has recently received much confirmation. In his
- article, _The_Dynamics_of_Armageddon_, published in the journal ASTRONOMY
- NOW, the Oxford University astrophysicist Dr. Victor Clube has pointed
- out that, since about 1970, the previous scientific thinking about the
- likelihood of great geophysical disasters on our planet have been revised
- most drastically. He says that it is now perceived that, even within the
- tiny span of recorded history, the impact or near passage of comets have
- had quite startling effects upon the Earth.
- Comet Encke, And Another Near-Miss By An Asteroid
- Subsequently, on October 24, 1988, in an article in the London
- _Daily_Telegraph_, Dr. Clube showed that, in particular, COMET ENCKE,
- which, with its million-mile swathe of debris _intercepts_Earth's_orbit_
- once_every_3.3_years_(!), represents a terrible danger to this planet,
- and he adduces cogent evidence to show that in both the 5th century A.D.,
- there were what he calls veritable "waves of attack" against the Earth
- by Encke. He also thinks, incidentally, that the famous "Tunguska
- Phenomenon" of 1908 was almost certainly a large chunk of ice about 40
- yards wide and weighing some 30,000 tons, which had got detached from
- Encke's Comet.
- But now (Daily Telegraph, April 21, 1989) we learn that our Earth
- has just narrowly escaped being struck by a fresh, _totally_unknown_,
- asteroid weighing some 400,000,000 tons, which passed within half-a-million
- miles of us in March of this year! Dr. Henry Holt, the Northern Arizona
- University astronomer who discovered this "beastie", using the Mount
- Palomar Optical Telescope, says that the thing had come in from the
- direction of the Sun, so that the Sun's glare had prevented anyone from
- detecting its approach sooner, and that, "If it had appeared only a few
- hours earlier, it would have nailed us".
- "Half-a-million miles from Earth" mean that, as it passed us, the
- size of the gap separating the asteroid from us was only twice the distance
- from the Earth to the Moon.
- In 1937 the asteroid HERMES (400 million tons) also came within
- half a million miles of us. If we are to go on having many such "close
- shaves", then assuredly it can only due to some Very High Guidance - in
- other words DIVINE PROVIDENCE. But - can we always count on it? IF WE
- As we contemplate these Immensities, we realize more acutely than
- ever that ALL OF LIFE IS LIVED UPON A RAZOR'S EDGE. What the purpose of
- our existence here is, not one of us knows, but we can be certain that
- _we_are_here_because_we_are_useful_to_Somebody_or_to_Something_. Let us
- ever be thoughtful and mindful, then, for should we cease to be useful,
- might not our time be running out?
- _What_do_all_the_signs_indicate?__Are_we_not_all_living_on_
- borrowed_time_now_?
- ================================= EOF =======================================
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