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- >> Press Release from the Aetherius Society. ParaNet is unable to confirm
- the veracity of information presented in brackets [].
- Los Angeles, January 7th, 1987
- As controversy rages over the recent Alaskan UFO sighting, The Aetherius
- Society, whose headquarters is based in Hollywood, CA, has launched a
- national campaign calling for the truth on this most vital, contemporary
- issue: the UFO phenomenon.
- Despite a complete turnabout by the Federal Aviation Administration (FAA),
- who originally confirmed radar tracking of the UFO sighting over Alaska on
- November 17th, 1986, but yesteraday claimed it was an error, the following
- reported facts remain:
- * A veteran Japanese pilot and experienced crew witnessed three UFOs for over
- 400 miles between Iceland and Alaska, lasting 32 minutes.
- * So definite was this sighting, that the pilot took evasive action from the
- objects, dropping 4000 feet, under FAA guidance.
- * The objects were described as moving with amazing speed and astonishingly
- abrupt stops.
- * [The pilot turned off all lights on the aircraft], which rules out the
- possibility of light reflection causing these sightings.
- * The aircraft moved in a 360 degree circle, which rules out the possibility
- of the objects being mere weather phenomena.
- * The objects were tracked on radar by the aircraft.
- * [The objects were sighted from the ground by independent witnesses accord-
- ing to reports received by CBS network.]
- * FAA investigators concluded the crew were "normal, professional, rational,
- (and had) no drug or alcohol involvement."
- * The pilot's conclusion was that he saw _something of extra-terrestrial
- origin._
- Originally, US Government agencies confirmed radar tracking of these objects.
- Why have they now withdrawn this confirmation weeks after the event, stating
- that it was a computer fault?
- What is the likelihood of a radar readout produced by a computer fault
- tallying exactly with all the genuine factors specified above?
- In short, is there a Government cover-up?
- The Aetherius Society demands to know the truth.
- The Aetherius Society, led by its Founder/President Sir George King, has
- campaigned internationally since 1955 for world governments to release the
- truth about UFOs.
- 1987 sees the launch of a massive nationwide campaign in the United States to
- galvanize public interest in this phenomenon and to answer the many questions
- which have been left unanswered by government, military, scientific and
- educational establishments alike. The Aetherius Society, a registered
- non-profit organization, has decided to fulfill this public educational need.
- During a special Symposium to be held on February 7th at the fashionable
- Hotel Hollywood, Sunset Boulevard, Hollywood, attendees will be presented
- with:
- * The history and evidence of the UFO phenomenon.
- * Examples of photographic evidence of UFOs.
- * A panel of international experts who will answer questions from the floor.
- * Cases where Flying Saucer sightings were forecast in public by Sir George
- King and later confirmed -- in some cases, by hundreds of witnesses.
- * Details of scientific information regarding the dangers of radioactivity,
- received by Sir George King from extraterrestrial sources _and proved correct
- over 25 years later_ - even in specific locations, such as the well-known
- case in Winscale (Sellafield), England, which received exten- sive world
- publicity last year.
- * The facts concerning a major Russian nuclear accident which were received
- by Sir George King _18 years before the world knew of its occurrence_ - a
- fact which has been verified by England's orthodox academic journal, "The New
- Scientist", who admit they were "scooped by a UFO."
- * _Details of action taken by The Aetherius Society before the Chernobyl
- catastrophe in April 1986_.
- This and other vitally important material regarding UFOs will be delivered by
- internationally established lecturers and broadcasters on the subject.
- For further information, photographs and press material, please contact Dr.
- Raymond Nielsen, Dr. Richard Lawrence or Dr. Alan Moseley at:
- The Aetherius Society Campaign Headquarters (213) 465-9652 or 467-4325